April 19, 2023 Horoscopes Are 'Amazing' For 3 Zodiac Signs

The moment arrives when you least expect it.

zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on april 19, 2023 Chikovnaya and Rido via Canva Pro/Buddy-Nath from Pixabay via Canva

Three zodiac signs have the best horoscopes on April 19, 2023. Aries, Cancer and Libra, thanks to the Aries New Moon solar eclipse dawns. Now is a time between worlds where everything changes.

Wednesday is a time full of possibilities if you are brave enough to say yes and allow yourself to seize the unexpected and trust what comes next. Here's what's in store for these three zodiac signs.



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Three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on April 19, 2023:

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)

It’s here; the moment you’ve been waiting for and the opportunity of a lifetime. Of course, it’s scary. But it’s scary because you know how much rides there are on this. You understand the gravity of your decision and the weight of your choice.

You have in front of you two lives, two options and even two versions of yourself. You can keep walking the same path, yet you know you’re already pulling away as you leave behind what no longer fits. Or you can take the new one that reveals itself to you. The path that is the unknown appears to be full of challenges. But you can’t see all the blessings waiting for you there yet.


You can’t see through fears how much light or space there is to be. Instead, you see two options and two choices. Yet, what you will discover is there is actually a third. This option is the one that reveals itself after those fears have dropped away. You’ve faced the parts of yourself that believed you deserved less.

Your path changes when you take an unknown route, and you say you’re willing to risk it all, not knowing what will happen or what you will face. Because while right now, you may be choosing between your head and your heart, your soul is waiting for the moment to know you trust it and that you are ready for all that is to come.

Today, as the New Moon Solar Eclipse begins to open, initiating you into a space of wonder and trust, you will come to understand there’s a reason why everything has happened in the way it did. You’ll see why you had to be brought to this moment here to finally see.

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2. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22)

Quiet your mind so your heart can speak. Nothing is wrong with how you feel or the extent of your emotions. There is nothing wrong with wanting more for yourself or even life. There is nothing wrong with giving yourself permission to seek fulfillment in all the unexplored places in life. Focus on what feels like it’s leaving. Focus on what feels challenging or hard to keep up. This is the decay that takes up valuable space within your life.

Nothing should feel like it needs to be on life support to thrive or even exist. Nothing should require you to give up your dreams or desires to make them a reality, and nothing will ever be meant for you but abandoning yourself in the process.

Lean into your truth; that tiny voice tells you you can get through anything. That voice whispers that this time you won’t give up your dreams for another, no matter how you might love them and let yourself be called by the pursuit of more.


As the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries begins to peak, you will receive the downloads you’ve been waiting for. You will see the endings that have already whispered goodbye, and the new beginnings await you. Now is the moment you’ve been waiting for.

This is the star in the sky you’ve wished for many months because you become unstoppable when you combine your intuition with your passion for manifesting. You can fight with softness, vulnerability and the willingness to embrace each moment as an opportunity to learn. The truth never needs to be roared but committed to. Take this as a willingness to progress, to choose your self and trust that no matter how things might seem, there is a whole other life awaiting you on the other side.

RELATED: 8 Myth-Busting Facts About The Cancer Zodiac Sign

3. Libra

(September 23 - October 22)


You deserve to embrace this new chapter in your life completely. Do not let the pain, loss or even heartbreak from the past keep you closed off so that you miss what is happening right before you. You’ve been working through a space of allowing yourself to trust your steps ahead while healing your wounds. Each moment hasn’t been easy, but they are valuable because you are teaching yourself what you deserve. You are allowing yourself to trust you are worthy of more than you have ever received.

The best challenge you can have in a relationship is learning a lesson through love. This isn’t the sort of love you’ve experienced before. It’s not centered around lack, chaos or even trauma but instead is centered solely on love. This is the kind of lesson that is going to help you learn to receive.

This lesson will help you see you were never hard to love; you were never supposed to fight for what you deserve. You were only learning, doing your best with what you had, but now you are determined to do better.


While you have been trying to move ahead and build the relationship and even the life you’ve always desired, there have been some challenging moments. But they’re not coming from your relationship. Instead, they come from believing you’re still healing about love and yourself. These wounds are the voices of others. The words of how you ask for too much or think you’re always right.

The words ring out that no one will ever be able to love you in the ways you need, or worse — no one will ever stay. These words were taught to you by those who didn’t know how to love, and you’ve adapted to them to keep yourself safe. But as the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse filters in, you’ll see you no longer need them. You no longer need your wounds to keep you safe but can now trust in love to do it.

RELATED: Libra Compatibility: Most And Least Compatible Signs

Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.
