The April 14, 2023 Horoscopes For 3 Zodiac Signs Are 'The Best'

TGIF, zodiac signs! Sliding into the weekend with a great start.

zodiac signs best horoscopes april 14, 2023 Chikovnaya, Victoria Gnatiuk, And RomoloTavani From Getty Images All Via Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs will have the best horoscopes on Friday, April 14, 2023, and something good is coming thanks to the North Node trine Saturn. If you're a Pisces, Taurus or Scorpio, today is your lucky day. Everything you've been patiently waiting for and has worked so hard to have is coming your way, thanks to a fated meeting of the North Node with Saturn.

So, if you're a Pisces, Taurus or Scorpio — or someone who loves one, you're one step closer to where you need to be. Giving yourself time to work through your options is the only thing left to do. You don't need all the answers; you will want to do your best. Remember, miracles do not work by speed but by the trust that they will occur in their own time.  




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Here's what's in store for the three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Friday and why the North Node, Saturn and fate play a part in making April 14, 2023, a great day.


Three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Friday, April 14, 2023: 

1. Pisces  

(February 19 - March 20) 

Today Saturn in Pisces converges with the fated North Node in Taurus. While Saturn rules diving timing, the North Node directs you toward your fate, helping you understand that destiny always exists; it is just a matter of accepting it. This helps you put the words and the backing to those dreams and desires burning a hole in your heart. It is the ability to practice patience for the outcome yet participate fully in each process step. And for you, it will lead you where you have always wanted to be; living the life of your dreams.  

To create a wonderful life this Friday, you will want to begin with a dream. Believing in your dream is one thing; creating it is another. You often doubt yourself and wonder if you can make yours a reality. 

What makes Friday extra special is that Saturn is helping you to see that dreams only become reality when you get serious about doing the work. You are experiencing a greater commitment to your dreams. Your dreams for life, for love, for your purpose and even likely for the self that you know you are growing into.


You are taking things more seriously today. You're ready and asking for greater commitment from the universe and those placed divinely on your path as part of your purpose. You are not sleeping on your hopes for the future but beginning to understand that a dream will only carry you so far; you must pick it up and carry it the rest of the way. In this space, you have become extremely focused on what will withstand the test of time and what is not. You are looking to go all in with life; the universe is preparing to go all in with you.

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2. Taurus  

(April 20 - May 20) 

Today may bring up more questions than answers, but this is a wonderful experience, Taurus. You learn how to use patience to your advantage. The truth is you tend to be stubborn, but that is because only you know what is right for you. Only you know what is fated for you. You can tell when your path has slightly detoured, so honor your feelings. Give yourself permission to take ownership of your work and no one else's.


To step into that great big, amazing life that is meant for you, you need to be able to take chances that separate you from what you have always known. This challenges you to honor how you can find stability and security within yourself and not have things be the same or even in the opinions of those closest to you.

For you, patience can often be a way of life, even if you dig in your heels when you should release it all. But being patient has gotten you this far. Be patient with the unanswered questions, patient with what feels unknown or too big to figure out and most of all, patient with yourself as you tumble through this divine transformation that the universe has in store for you. It is all-important, and it all matters.

But recognizing where you still might have been hanging on when you are being guided to let go is crucial. Understanding how validation from others can still guide your choices is important to embrace your divine truth. This life is yours, and you have gone through a lot in the past few years, but it has all been for the better, even if it was hard to see the hope through the despair. You are not in the phase of your life of seeing the why. Of understanding why everything had to happen as it did and being able to take it and turn it into the gold of a well-lived life.  

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3. Scorpio  

(October 23 - November 21) 

Nothing is lost, only transformed into something different. This is your specialty, but it can also be challenging when it comes to love because you see things from a more intense perspective than most. You crave this wave of intensity like the night craves the Moon, and you will unconsciously seek it out. Even if you feel hurt or challenged by unmet needs or being treated less than your worth, you can find yourself riding one emotional wave after another, not knowing how to get off and release that feeling that love always must keep you on the edge of your seat.

But this is where growth comes in. This is where you start to see that love should not leave you crumpled on the floor begging for more but be there beside you, helping to pick you up on your worst days. That amazing love can be stable, consistent, safe, and simply present.


The universe has listened as you have incorporated these lessons into your heart and life. It has been working to bring you to a place of divine love. Of being able to have the love and passion, you seek along with the security and commitment you have grown into knowing you were worthy to receive. Today as the North Node in Taurus brings your fate into sharper view, Saturn in Pisces helps materialize the commitment you seek along with all the joy you are worthy of receiving from a stable, healthy love.

This new love or idea of what love should be can be foreign. It can feel different, almost like you get to know yourself again or maybe even for the first time. But it is also the path that is meant for you. One that ends and transforms into something that truly can last a lifetime.  

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website
