The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Sunday, February 19, 2023

It is up to you to choose your destiny.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Sunday, February 19, 2023 Victoria Akvarel via Pexels

Today is the space between worlds — a time in between as the universe pauses to take a breath before everything begins to change.

Late in the evening hours the stars begin to shift in preparation for the new chapter that is being created, not only in your life but in the world.

Yesterday, Pisces Season began. This is a time of deeper reflection, meaning, spirituality, hope and unconditional love.


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Pisces has a way of being able to extract meaning from even the most challenging of situations allowing you to feel like there really was a purpose for how everything happened.

But at a certain point, it becomes less to do with how things happened and more to do with what you want to create from this moment on.

It is about finding the space of peace and acceptance with what was so that you feel freer to embrace the future; however it is destined to look.

Today begins that shift as it feels that time slows down in preparation for the New Moon in Pisces and Venus to make its move into Aries.


The Moon moves into Pisces before midnight and then the New Moon is exact in the early morning hours.

There is only forty-nine minutes between the New Moon in Pisces and Venus’s move into Aries, as it is broken down it is reduced to the angel number four which represents divine guidance in all that is occurring.

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Not that you needed a sign that you were on the right path, but if you have then this is it.

The Pisces New Moon will linger in the evening hours tonight which means today you may feel quieter or like performing an internal rebellion over what has felt restrictive within your life.

It is a wild card energy that could have you spending the day in bed or feeling anxious as you know that collectively you are moving towards a massive moment within your life.

Venus in Aries is part of this transformation because in a few days the stellium in Aries will occur heralding a brand-new beginning that you are feeling the temptation of now. Pisces is the end and Aries is the beginning.


Pay attention to your life and where these themes are arising, whether within yourself, your life path or even in your relationships.

Because in all this life will not magically turn in the direction of your dreams one day, but instead is a process that step by step you are going to need to choose.

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This is what the Pisces Aries gateway teaches you; that the space between your dreams and the choices you make is what defines the reality you end up living in.

It is putting the power of your destiny within your hands so that you can feel the importance of this moment.

The theme of both endings and beginnings is one that will continue to play out through March, so it is not one to rush though, but as today filters in through the haze of your thoughts, it is important to pause, to breathe and create the space to reflect.


The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Sunday, February 19, 2023:

1. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

The Pisces New Moon is one that is going to mark a profound moment within your life. While the Moon transits through Aquarius today before finally taking a swim in the peaceful waters of Pisces, it is a chance for you to think about those desires and feelings that you often do not always acknowledge.

This could be those feelings you have about what is possible or deserved. As much as you are that hopeful romantic, you also tend to be afraid to think the best out of fear of being let down. With the Aries energy increasing, the universe is reminding you that you cannot receive what you want if you do not first visualize that it is possible.

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2. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21)

This is the start of a remarkably interesting few weeks — or even years for you. The Pisces Aries energy storm that is coming in is one that affects the deepest parts of your chart and life. Pisces energy rules your home and family, while Aries governs marriage, commitment and even children.

Together this new beginning and even ending is something that you have been walking towards since last year. Of course, changes in a meaningful part of your life are hurtful and challenging, but it does not mean that they also do not come with a blessing.

Today you start to see more of the purpose of what you have been going through which also allows you to be in the space to more fully receive the blessings that are coming in. In a few weeks Saturn will move into Pisces activating these same themes and will make permanent whatever is currently going on in your life, so make sure that it is what you genuinely want.


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3. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)

You are heading towards an incredibly dynamic week as the Stellium within your sign finally peaks. A stellium in astrology means that there are five or more planets within one zodiac sign.


Currently, Jupiter, Venus, Juno, Vesta, and Chiron are all in your zodiac sign and this week the Moon joins in creating a powerful wave of energy within your life. With so many planets within your zodiac sign it represents a time when you need to start reflecting more deeply on your truth and what you genuinely want and need from life and those around you.

There is no point in creating a life that does not feel like it aligns with your visions.

This could come across as your personal declaration of freedom as with this specific planetary energy you are not going to want to compromise or avoid the truth any longer. It is a chance for you to begin to be honest with yourself about who and what you love so that you can unapologetically follow it.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.