The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Weekly Horoscopes For December 4 - 10, 2022

Lots of learning left to do.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Weekly Horoscopes For December 4 - 10, 2022 ShotPrime via Canva

It would be incorrect to call the entire week of December 4 - 10, 2022 'rough' because so much of what might make it hard for us comes from the hardcore lessons of value.

This is a week where learning curves are mastered, but we all know that mastery comes with pain and acceptance. This week has us balancing our own issues; we will look closely at who we are, and many of us will feel the burn that comes with the so-called 'trial by fire.'


Mercury in Capricorn makes sure that we are honest with ourselves during this journey.



We are no longer content to believe the lies we've told ourselves over the years, and during the week of December 4 - 10, we will not only warm to this transits energetic flow, but we will also cross paths with a Full Moon in Gemini as well, which will present us with a choice; our decision is crucial and with sun opposition Mars coming at us on the same day, we may have difficulty making that decision.


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Moon square Jupiter towards the end of the week should be helpful; however, this will be when we go over our decision. Did we make the right move? Will we get what we want now?

What may seem obvious and apparent may suddenly turn doubtful, or confusing. That's how Moon sextile Uranus ends the week for us.

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So, it's not a horrible week; it's the kind of week where, if we keep our hearts and minds open, we will learn exactly what it is that we need to know.

The 3 zodiac signs with rough weekly horoscopes for December 4 - 10, 2022

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)


What makes this an interesting week for you, Leo, is that you've been asking for a change and now, it's here. While the situation may seem difficult or even scary, it's what you wanted, and on some level, you're ready to handle it.

You are about to get a jump start in a new direction, and that may feel like pressure on you, but it's the kind of stress that you need.

You know yourself very well, Leo, and you know that in order for you to make a big move with your life, you sometimes need the inspiration of a flame being lit beneath you.

This flame looks like a dare: Can you change your life and spare yourself from further upsets?

You know all too well how stagnant you've become and how intensely you need positive change. You'll get that chance this week, Leo, and while it might not be as painful as childbirth, it will definitely hurt. Raw emotions, however, will not get in the way of your progress.


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2. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

You will be walking the thin line between confidence and self-doubt all through the week, Virgo. The Full Moon in Gemini is what sets you off, and it might not be pretty; you may end up going with self-doubt, despite what you really believe when it comes to yourself. You know you're smart and capable, but this week has you celebrating all the voices in your head, meaning, all the naysayers that have said the wrong things to you, over the years.

December always has us reflecting on our lives, while wondering what we will become in the year to come, and during this week, you'll spend a little too much time honoring all those who have hurt you. You will have to answer the harshest question of them all, this week, and that question is, "Why do you choose to identify with pain?" Yes, it's a choice, Virgo, and yes, that is why it's hard to accept.


RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Struggles With Self-Esteem

3. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)

This week opens the door to old memories and those nagging thoughts of know the ones, Capricorn. The thoughts that have plagued you for your entire life will be back again — just in time for the holidays, too.


What this week brings you is dread; you know you're going to have to confront family members and old friends, and honestly, you aren't up for it. You feel like, if you had your druthers, you'd keep to yourself. While you're still in Sagittarius season, you feel your zodiac sign's season coming up soon, and that makes you feel older.

Many old issues will come up this week, Capricorn, and you will either suck it up, or you will fall apart. Knowing you, you'll suck it up and make lemonade out of lemons. You may feel down, but nobody is able to keep it going like you. Hang in there, Cap, you've got this.

RELATED: How The Zodiac Signs Deal With Sadness, According To Astrology

Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
