The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Stop Holding On To The Past During Pluto Retrograde Starting April 30, 2022

When it's time to let go, you'll know.

zodiac signs stop holding on to the past pluto retrograde april 30, 2022 Gabriel Benois on Unsplash

Because we're about to get a super duper booster shot of change, it will definitely come as no surprise when we, ourselves, let go of something that holds us back.

And of all the things we have in common, there is usually that one thing that prevents us from growing, changing and evolving into the best version of ourselves, and that is the past.

The past is no joke; we all have one and it's in the past that we forge so much of the armor we wear today. The past, although rife with backstory and original meaning, is still the past, which means it doesn't exist; it's an illusion.


And this illusion is one we turn to again and again. For many of us, the past is what we use as our excuse for not growing up.

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On this date, we have the beginnings of the Pluto retrograde, along with Mercury in Gemini and Moon square Saturn. It will be hard to escape this day without some kind of emotional upheaval that concerns our past.


Will this be the day when we recognize that it's up to us alone to change and grow, or will we pass the buck on to someone else, knowing that it won't work and that we'll be able to slink back into the tarpit of our safety zone, aka The Past.

Nothing happens until it's ready to happen, and that's exactly how it goes for letting go of the past. A person can spend an entire lifetime hearing the pleas and advices of friends and loved ones, all telling them that this kind of attachment to the past is unhealthy and unrealistic.

And yet, we who cling know that we can only let go when the time is right, and on this day, it's looking a lot like the time is right.

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The three zodiac signs who stop holding on to the past during Pluto retrograde on Saturday, April 30, 2022

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

You've been hearing it for years. "You have to let go of the past already!" You know it, but it's not something that you can do that easily, as you've basically built your entire world to suit the ideals of the past.

You have also used the past as your main excuse, and it would feel incredible insecure for you to take on the world without being able to use the past as the reason why you fail, if you fail.

And you are not sure if you can do anything BUT fail, if you don't have someone or something from the past to blame your inability on.


The thing is, people have caught on to you, and now they are expecting more from you. You know this is the final frontier for you; you have to let go.

You can hear it from another person no longer, and that is because you know they are right. There's just so much, "I blame my family" you can live on before you wake up an old person filled with regret. Time to let go, Gemini. Today.

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2. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21)

The time has come and you recognize it clearly: it's time to let go of the past and start living in the present. You've always joked about people who talk about the present as if it were a 'gift'; you think that kind of thing is so corny, and you've never had a problem with holding on to your past.


What's been noticed, however, is that you're starting to come across as stunted; stuck in a rut.

And being that you're a strong and imposing Scorpio, no one thinks to interrupt your style...but still, it shows. You are not reaching your full potential.

You are using the past to blame people so that you don't have to take responsibility for your actions today. "They did it."

Well, enough of that and people start to walk away from you, as they really want you to take responsibility for your own actions, rather than automatically blame someone else. This gets to you, and inspires change.

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3. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21)

Living in the past never really worked for you, and you've never been too enthralled with the idea of blaming every problem you have today on some illusory idea of the past. You've seen this addiction to the past happen to friends of yours, and you find it sickening and troubling at the same time.

You know that you've done similar acts and during the Pluto retrograde, you'll be more inspired than ever to simply live in the NOW moment, where life is taking place.


You will be filling your vision and your mind with the beauty of life as it is, right now, and as soon as you see that it's OK, and that the past holds no real value for you anymore, you'll be content to live your life in the present.

On April 30, for no particular reason, all this will 'click' for you, and you will let go of the past. Bye bye!

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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.