Yearly Aquarius Love Horoscope

Best Love Day: Thursday, January 25
Practice Caution On: Saturday, January 27

January starts with a Full Moon in Leo, ruler of your romantic relationships. This Full Moon echoes back to the New Moon in Leo, which occurred in August of 2023, so be mindful of romantic themes that seem to be coming full circle for you, especially those about fully receiving. No relationship will ever be perfect, but if you can continue to work together and never lose sight of what brought you together in the first place, then you can also continue to feel cherished and fulfilled.

Uranus, the planet of unexpected events and shocking changes, stations direct in Taurus, and will continue its work to transform themes surrounding your home and family. This isn't destructive energy, but the very one needed to progress your relationship to a new level. Expect conversations about the future to resume, including moving in full-time together or just an increase in the sharing of space and your lives.

Best Love Day: Saturday, February 24
Practice Caution On: Tuesday, February 13

With Aquarius Season in full swing, most of the energy is in your zodiac sign. This brings a great deal of luck to you personally but may make you more focused on yourself and what you want for your life rather than the conversations about your relationship. Make sure to create the type of quality time you need, especially around your birthday, and to continue to include your partner in your life and plans.

The Virgo Full Moon speaks of a process of transformation that will be increasing, especially in 2025 and beyond, as the Nodes of Fate shift into Virgo and Pisces. For now, it's enough to remain mindful of the changes that arise and to remember that you don't need to do everything on your own anymore. If you're single, use this energy to change your routine, attend a spinning class or full Moon sound bath and put yourself into new places because that is likely where love will be able to find you.

Best Love Day: Sunday, March 17
Practice Caution On: Monday, March 25

March brings the importance of grounding yourself in what you want, but also start allowing yourself to dream about what you hope will come. This year will be bringing opportunities for growth, travel and greater abundance into your life, but you also need to make sure you still honor what is of the most value to you. The Last Quarter Moon in Gemini will help you reflect on what you want to carry forward in your relationship and how to make the most of your connection.

Allow the energy of the Last Quarter Moon in Gemini to clear away self-limiting beliefs so that you can fully tune into the transformative Libra Lunar Eclipse. Libra rules the area of your life that helps you to grow and expand, but to fully make the most of it and not be prone to impulsive decisions, you would best be served to reflect on your inner self during this time. Don't make any sudden decisions; instead, let yourself see how you can merge your current relationship with the life you are dreaming of.

Best Love Day: Monday, April 29
Practice Caution On: Sunday, April 21

Venus shifts into Taurus, creating a more loving and peaceful energy for April. Once the dust has settled from the Libra Lunar Eclipse in March, you may find important conversations arising around the Solar Eclipse in Aries. Make sure you don't assume your partner should know how you feel, and instead, let yourself become vulnerable in expressing what you've been processing.

Asteroid Juno stations direct in Virgo, ruler of your house of transformation, initiating a period of greater commitment in your relationship. Juno governs marriage, and in this area of your life, not only does it hint at positive changes, but also an increase in the intimate bond you share. This will help you understand that if you struggle to let your partner fully in, the rewards once you do will always outweigh the risks.

Best Love Day: Saturday, May 25
Practice Caution On: Thursday, May 2

One of the most monumental aspects of 2024 for you is Jupiter, the planet of abundance shifting from Taurus into Gemini. This changes the focus from your healing, home and family to romantic commitment, joy and pleasure in your life. Jupiter will always heighten whatever area of your life it touches. In this case, it brings about the possibility of an engagement or other life commitment that will strengthen the connection with your partner. In Gemini, Jupiter also blesses any plans to marry around this time and increases the chance of becoming pregnant or expanding your family, even in terms of a new fur baby.

While you are just beginning to see the positives of Jupiter in Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius begins its retrograde journey in Aquarius. This is the last retrograde of Pluto in Aquarius that will have it backtracking into Capricorn, so it is significant. It will help you tie up any loose ends in your past for greater clarity and confidence to move forward.

Best Love Day: Thursday, June 6
Practice Caution On: Saturday, June 29

The New Moon in Gemini strengthens the wave of energy that began as Jupiter shifted into this air sign, once again signifying that you have a beautiful new beginning occurring in your relationship. Because of this, June also offers another positive month for engagements, weddings and anything related to expanding your family. Use the energy of the Gemini New Moon to also reflect on how much you've learned regarding the happiness you deserve, as this is what will become your blueprint for the future.

Saturn stations retrograde in Pisces at the end of June, which will heighten themes of self-worth, value and what you deserve. By allowing yourself to reflect on those themes at the beginning of the month, you can be ready for the new awareness that Saturn retrograde will be ushering in. If you feel any disparities in your relationship with what you deserve, make sure to bring it up with your partner instead of just hoping that they'll change or understand one day. Yes, it can be exhausting to continue to have deep conversations, but that is also the act of relating, which is what relationships are built upon.

Best Love Day: Tuesday, July 2
Practice Caution On: Saturday, July 20

Mercury, the planet of communication, shifts into Leo, ruler of your seventh house of relationships this month. While there is so much good and loving energy around, because Mercury will be in pre-shadow for its retrograde in August, it's best to keep new agreements, including engagements and marriages, off the table until September at this point. If you already have an event planned, it's important to be mindful that creating an agreement, even a romantic one, during Mercury pre-shadow or retrograde will mean it will come back up for discussion.

Although Mercury urges you not to make any big life decisions this month, it is turning the focus onto your relationships, creating an incredible space to talk through your dreams and the recent newness that Jupiter in Gemini has brought up. Mars, the planet of passion, will also shift into Gemini this month, adding an emphasis on creating not just a life of happiness but also a greater commitment — it's just a matter of diving timing, though.

Best Love Day: Sunday, August 4
Practice Caution On: Wednesday, August 14

The New Moon rises in Leo at the start of August and helps you find that beautiful new beginning in your romantic life. Let yourself start fresh. If you need to leave anything in the past during this time, allow yourself to have a clean slate. Focus on the future and on the love you want to continue to create. August helps you have the conversations necessary so you can incorporate greater growth into your relationship and life at the end of the year.

Mercury retrograde shifts into Leo in August, which takes the conversations from transformation to your romantic life. This is also why July and August aren't the optimal months for marriages, new engagements or to choose to move in. Instead, spend time talking things through. And then, truthfully, talk some more. This is when you're meant to get to the root of what you both desire and start planning for the future. It doesn't mean you will have to wait forever, but knowing the importance of communication in your relationship will make for a more secure future.

Best Love Day: Monday, September 2
Practice Caution On: Sunday, September 1

Uranus, the planet of shock and awe, stations retrograde in Taurus to help you continue to reflect on the changes and events of this year. Mercury is now direct, which means you are supported in making new decisions and taking new opportunities, especially if it involves a new love. Although Uranus is direct, changes can still occur, especially if they stem from reflecting on an earlier event or opportunity from 2024. Try to be open and allow the New Moon in Virgo to point the way toward what you are meant to focus on.

The New Moon in Virgo rises as a new beginning in the area of your life that rules transformation and intimacy. Use this energy to plan a weekend getaway or simply make the choice to stay together for the evening. Spending time with your partner, whether new or existing, will be incredibly important around this time as you need that one-on-one time to connect after the last few months and reestablish your romantic connection.

Best Love Day: Thursday, October 24
Practice Caution On: Wednesday, October 9

The Last Quarter Moon in Leo helps you reflect on if there is anything you need to release or heal from the past few months. With Mercury having gone retrograde in Leo, this may be your chance to see how you need to let go of something or find a deeper sense of acceptance within yourself so that you can fully open up to your partner. Remember that forgiveness is the doorway that leads to forever; you can't hang onto what has happened in the past and still move into the future you're dreaming of.

Jupiter also stations retrograde in Gemini, which means you must reflect on themes of growth in your relationship. This may involve a period of planning or just ensuring that you are doing everything necessary, especially if you're thinking about purchasing a home or adopting a new pet. Use this as a chance to think of it as setting yourself up for future success instead of becoming impatient with the slower pace.

Best Love Day: Sunday, November 3
Practice Caution On: Tuesday, November 19

Mars, the planet of action and ambition, shifts once again into Leo, which means November is setting itself up to be an incredible month. Although Jupiter is still retrograde in Gemini, there is a lot of forward momentum in your relationship. Pluto also makes its final and last move into Aquarius, where it will now remain. You may find things progressing more slowly, but it's also being done in a very careful and precise way.

Whatever you do, honor the desires and direction of your heart around this time, as Mars wants you to be happy. Sometimes, there is a process to figuring out how to combine lives, especially as life tends to have more moving pieces the more we grow and develop. There is a worthwhile process happening right now that truly is working for your benefit because the universe is helping to give you so much more than you ever dreamed possible.

Best Love Day: Sunday, December 15
Practice Caution On: Friday, December 6

As December begins, it's important to honor the nature of this season. In the Northern Hemisphere, the shortest day of the year occurs as you are drawn inward. This is a process of reflection, nurturance and enjoying the home you have created with the one you love. By focusing on this energetic influence, you can more easily adapt to Mars stationing retrograde in Leo, which may feel like a slowing down of all you began in November. This isn't the universe telling you no, just not quite yet. Don't waste energy fighting against it; instead, smile, find comfort in your home and know that you are precisely where you are meant to be at this moment.

The Gemini Full Moon rises as a reminder of how far you've come and how much you have created this year. Gemini is that same powerful influence that Jupiter has been activating all year, which means not only does this make for a beautiful influx of joy but also the ability to really enjoy the holidays in a vastly different way than you have been.

You may be celebrating more with your partner, family, children or new fur babies, or it may be finally feeling like you are honoring and living your truth in each and every moment. Take this as confirmation that life gets more beautiful the moment you allow others in, and know that next year is only going to bring more love.

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