Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On January 27 — Mercury Enters Aquarius
Where there is a will, there is a way.

We see in our daily love horoscopes for January 27, 2025, how willpower works in relationships, as the smallest shift can often bring about the positive changes you seek. Mercury will move into the air sign of Aquarius on Monday, bringing a refreshing new energy to each zodiac sign's romantic life.
Although you must be mindful of not being rigid or detached, this shift can help open up new possibilities and offer improvements. Mercury in Aquarius helps you talk about everything you’ve been avoiding. You will be comfortable in the uncomfortable and will be able to adopt a creative approach to understanding what you can do to progress your relationship. This energy creates a space of movement that can help you attract or grow a romantic relationship that aligns with your soul — as long as you embrace the unexpected.
Mercury in Aquarius can help you honor your relationship's truth and reality. If you’ve been considering ending a connection, this energy could help give you the awareness and clarity you're looking for.
Mercury in Aquarius can also improve new relationships and attract new love. Just be open to what happens instead of getting tied to what or who you think is meant for you. The universe always brings divine surprises through Aquarius transits, which can help you embrace a new perspective and free you from anything holding you back.
Love horoscopes for Monday, January 27, 2025:
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Become your most authentic self, Aries. You don’t need to do anything to fit in; instead, focus on how you can radiate your true self to those around you.
You may feel drawn into your inner world around this time; however, it will allow you to form exciting new connections.
Don’t dismiss someone because they don’t seem like your type initially, as you will be drawn to who attracts you mentally rather than physically.
Love truly arrives in the most unsuspecting places, but only when you choose to be your true self.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Hold space for the process, Taurus. As an earth sign, you need a plan for romance. However, a plan doesn’t automatically mean everything will come to fruition.
Be mindful of your need to make plans to feel safe in a connection, and instead be open to the process.
A plan doesn’t guarantee you won’t break up, but it does cut you off from listening to your intuition. Let go of your need to plan and the life you thought you’d live.
Be willing to venture into the unknown and let yourself see where this relationship will take you — without forcing anything.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Let yourself fall in love with life, Gemini. Your imagination will guide you during this phase, but you must also ensure you’re grounding yourself in what is practical. You will crave a deeper and more spiritual relationship around this time.
While this is part of your growth process, you do what is necessary to ensure the person you connect with is genuine.
This inner desire for purpose and spiritual meaning may make you susceptible to unhealthy personalities only projecting what they think you want to hear.
Let your imagination go wild, but make sure anyone you connect with is who they say they are.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Focus on what you want, Cancer. Whatever you give, your energy will grow. This means you will attract the kind of relationship you desire if you focus on it. But it also represents attracting a relationship because of what you fear.
Try to focus on bringing light and positivity to your thoughts. Become selective about which ideas and beliefs you entertain, and redirect any based on fears.
Your ability to attract a new and exciting love will be heightened, as well as the ability to repair an existing connection. You need to ensure it reflects your hopes, rather than your fears.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Open yourself to experience true intimacy, dearest Leo. You can often focus on the physical bond you share with your partner rather than the mental or emotional one.
Yet when life becomes difficult, or you go through periods of growth, as you are now, it’s not the physical connection that will help you.
Invest energy into building a deep mental and emotional bond with your partner. Create plenty of opportunities for conversations or consider reading a book together.
By focusing your attention on developing a true sense of intimacy, you can also be confident that you are in the relationship that is meant for you.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Not everything needs to be fixed, dear Virgo. Mercury in Aquarius will give you the unique ability to problem-solve and heal any situation. The only issue is your relationship doesn’t need to be fixed.
While any connection can improve, taking that task on is not always your job. Your relationship has been going incredibly well lately, so you are guided to focus on enjoying it.
Let yourself be in the moment and talk about your dreams instead of planning how to improve your relationship.
By doing this, you will enjoy moments with your special someone and create the space for them to start planning for the future.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Be open to surprises, sweet Libra. You have been steadily getting closer to the one you love. This has led to deep discussions involving your future and moving in together.
However, you may want to discuss commitment as Mercury moves into Aquarius. This energy can help you and your partner discuss what commitment means to each of you and how it will look in your relationship.
Be open to ideas beyond simply marriage, as you may be called to pursue something unconventional. As part of this, you should also be honest, involving your views around children or expanding your family, as it’s important to make sure you both are on the same page.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Detachment isn’t always a bad thing, beautiful Scorpio. You are a zodiac sign which represents the depths of emotions and life. This leads to incredible relationships, but it can also make you overly attached to some family connections in your life.
Your romantic life is solely yours, and because of that, any decisions are yours to make. Mercury in Aquarius may make you feel less attached to dynamics with your family or to living your life in a way they approve of.
This is all about you having the freedom to choose how you’ll live and who you’ll love. Embrace this time, as it will lead to profound new developments in your romantic life.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Be mindful of boundaries, Sagittarius. Boundaries are standards for how you will be treated and those for the people in your life.
While you will feel sociable and outgoing during this time, you want to make sure you don’t compromise your boundaries or those of someone you love.
Remember all that you’ve learned about yourself during the last few months. This will help you make decisions that are in your best interest. Allow yourself to meet new people or explore new love if you’re single, but don’t forget to never compromise on what you’re worth.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You deserve a truly abundant life, Capricorn. Yet, abundance doesn’t solely come from finances; during this time, you will explore what does.
While you will be brimming with new ideas about your financial goals, be sure also to consider the value of those in your life, especially your partner.
This can involve the value of alone time, travel, and love. When you can hold space for understanding and abundance beyond the financials, you are also in the place to craft the life you’ve always dreamed of.
Take an unconventional approach to abundance to see the value of the person you’ve chosen to spend your life with.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Don’t believe everything you tell yourself, Aquarius. With Mercury moving into your zodiac sign, you may be drowning in your thoughts.
While this is a positive time for honoring your unique self and beliefs, you want to ensure you don’t get too in your head. You may start second-guessing a great relationship simply because of overthinking.
However, you may also unconsciously make conversations about yourself rather than holding space for your partner. Pay attention to grounding activities like walking barefoot and getting fresh air during this time.
This will allow you to embrace your authentic self and leave room to appreciate your partner doing the same.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You have the ability to create all that you dream of Pisces. Your intuition is always leading you, and anything is possible, yet you must be transparent with your partner.
As Mercury moves into Aquarius, you may feel a heightened sense of intuition and connection with the spiritual world. You will be pulled in unexpected directions, yet you may have difficulty expressing this to your partner or new lover.
Try to trust that you can open up and talk about the downloads you’ve been receiving. Your partner doesn’t always need to understand your mystical ways but simply holds space for you to be yourself.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.