Hardships Come To An End For 3 Zodiac Signs The Week Of January 20 - 26, 2025
When you say move the mountain, it moves.

Three specific zodiac signs will find a way to end their hardships the week of January 20 - 26, 2025. This week, the Sun conjuncts Pluto, indicating an intense period of change for better or worse in our lives and the world. This aspect has the potential to affect many different parts of our lives depending on where it falls in your chart, and it will affect the collective with significant world events, not just in the US.
A sense of profound change can occur, and often, the need to fix something that is broken, which can include relationships and even people. Pluto can be associated with bullies and those who try to force their will on others, so it may be best to avoid this type of person if possible. Of course, it could work the other way around — but know that if you try to force something on someone else, you will be met with pushback.
It is a good time to consider the phrase, "Immovable force meets with immovable objects." Three signs, however, face a difficult week, and they include Libra, Taurus, and Capricorn.
Hardships come to an end for three zodiac signs the week of January 20 - 26, 2025:
1. Libra
Design: YourTango
Lucky you, Libra. It seems like hardships are ending very soon. This week brings a test at home and work, or you may have a lot of difficulty balancing the two since work gets very stressful. If you have a partner, you could have a conflict over your available time. If you are single, it will still be hard to handle work and have time for yourself and the other things you need to take care of. This will be a difficult week for you, Libra, because, above all else, you crave balance.
Since you know this, the first thing to do is plan at least a few hours of self-care this week. This could include time spent doing things you enjoy, meditation, or even a massage. As much as you hate stress and conflict and will do just about anything to avoid it, there are times when we have to face it head-on.
In this case, you will have to make some firm decisions and draw some boundaries about what you can and can’t do. Being able to see all sides of an issue is a blessing, but it can be a curse as well since it can lead to indecision.
You can make your best decisions and choices this week and go from there. You may well have to say no to more than one person, and you may have to find a way to work things through with your partner if this becomes an issue.
You are a natural diplomat, and you know how to communicate with just about anyone, so use these talents, and you will be able to get through the week. While it won’t be easy, see it as a period of personal growth, and you will come through just fine.
2. Taurus
Design: YourTango
This week is fraught with conflict concerning partners early to mid-week. This could be someone you are romantically involved with or someone in your life daily. The conflict comes about due to some intense conversation that triggers something in you on a deep level. This seems completely unexpected and comes out of the blue when you least expect it.
This conflict shakes you, but the deeper problem is that something has been triggered in your subconscious mind that cuts deep. When this happens, it is important not to strike back harshly because there is a good chance the hurtful words were not spoken to hurt you specifically; they may have even been meant as much-needed advice. The real question is why you were triggered so deeply. It seems this issue goes back to something from the past that you haven’t fully dealt with.
Channel your energy into something that uplifts you instead of dragging you down. The trigger you experienced needs to be healed and/or released, which can take time and effort to let go of. Don’t focus on this nonstop; slowly, try to let go and remember that the past is the past.
Next, honest communication is needed, and you excel at it. It will be impossible for you to bury this hurt and walk away, so as soon as you feel less emotional, it is important to ask for clarification about the conversation and what was meant.
Chances are 90% of the other person didn’t know how deeply you were hurt and didn’t mean things as badly as you took them. There is every chance that you can recover and move forward. If, however, this is something that happens frequently, you may want to reconsider the relationship. You alone will have to decide if this person is positive or causes more negative emotions than positive.
3. Capricorn
Design: YourTango
It seems you have an issue with someone very close to you this week, resulting in an angry exchange. Most likely, it is a partner, but if not, it will be someone you interact with. The problem may be about money, friendship, or something else, but how you handle the issue may determine the outcome of the relationship.
For whatever reason, you are completely fired up about this, and the potential exists for the situation to continue for a few days.
Capricorn, when you are right, you generally know it and are right often. In this case, however, it may go deeper than being right, and you may have to decide if you want to be right or if you want to continue this relationship. You have a stubborn streak, and your authority or perceived authority is being challenged somehow, which seems to be the real issue.
It will take a while to cool down, so you must discover why this bothered you so much. You are often considered an authority on many subjects and often looked up to, so you may feel you have been knocked off your pedestal. The broader question, however, is: Do you want to fix the relationship or lose it?
If the answer is yes, the best thing you can do is reframe this disagreement as an opportunity to learn and grow. Some things aren’t black and white but a matter of opinion, and you seem stuck here.
You should contact someone to discuss this issue, even though it is typically the other way around when advising. Once you cool down, the argument must be readdressed. Unless someone asks you to go against your basic principles or do something illegal, you may agree to disagree. Using your logic and reason is a plus, along with realizing that no matter how close you are to someone, you will not always agree on everything. Go on, put it behind you; you can do this!
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer specializing in astrological guidance to empower you with knowledge of future events, relationships, finances, and major life situations.