5 Zodiac Signs With Great Horoscopes On December 29, 2024
The last Sunday of 2024 has a different ring to it!

On December 29, 2024 five zodiac signs will experience great horoscopes, so if you're a Leo, Aries, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, it will be a lucky day for you.
Chiron's retrograde in Aries ends, so anything lurking beneath the surface will now come to light. Mars's retrograde in Leo opposite Pluto's retrograde in Aquarius reminds us that conflicting forces can work in our favor.
They can help one see the various facets of a situation that elude either side, thus allowing people to come together to brainstorm, build better communities, and realize where they must be more aware and less speedy.
Since we have a New Moon on December 30 (the second new moon of December), now's the time to start planning for a ritual. The energy will enter the new year with you. Let's focus on the five zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on December 29, 2024.
Five zodiac signs with great horoscopes on December 29, 2024:
1. Leo
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Best zodiac sign compatibility for Leo: Cancer
Best time of the day for Leo: 2 p.m.
Leo, your horoscope on Sunday is all about trusting your gut when you try your hand at something new. If it flows naturally to you, don't brush it off as beginner's luck. With the Sun in Capricorn in your corner, you will discover hidden psychic talents that will surprise you.
After all, you have many competencies in your areas of study, hobbies, and interests. What if all that has given you a hidden talent for something similar yet unexplored?
Carve out some time for dancing on this day, too. It will make you more intuitive and help you overcome self-esteem issues or insecurities as you begin your quest.
2. Aries
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Best zodiac sign compatibility for Aries: Scorpio
Best time of the day for Aries: 11 a.m.
Aries, you have a wild day in store for you on Sunday. All thanks to the Moon in Sagittarius' relationship with the Sun in Capricorn! It reminds you that energies that seem different on the surface may not always be so.
After all, Sagittarius flows into Capricorn on the zodiac wheel. So, they have many commonalities just by that transition. So don't rule out a new relationship or a friendship just because you seem different from them on the surface. And don't hold yourself back from new experiences because of the same.
On this day, you can let your inner nightingale take flight and sing to your heart's content. Of course, this is best done with your friends.
3. Cancer
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Best zodiac sign compatibility for Cancer: Pisces
Best time of the day for Cancer: 10 a.m.
Cancer, your horoscope on Sunday encourages you to think about the next few days until 2025 as a chain of events leading to something special and tremendous instead of just focusing on each day as it comes.
Mercury in Sagittarius will help you explore each new occurrence better, allowing you to combine all the experiences for a grand revelation soon. So be mindful and live life well.
On this day, you will benefit from doing something fun with your hobbies, such as mixing drinks to create something new and enticing for you and your friends or purchasing a new crochet pattern for a stylish yarn dress.
4. Scorpio
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Best zodiac sign compatibility for Scorpio: Taurus
Best time of the day for Scorpio: 2 - 3 p.m.
Scorpio, you have powerful things waiting for you on Sunday, so keep your eyes open and ears alert. You may have a few supernatural experiences, but they will all lead you to a grand reckoning or revelation of some important knowledge. Mercury in Sagittarius is in your corner to give you the power to take this info and do something vital and true with it.
You are also encouraged to make time for self-love. You may feel triggered with Chiron Direct in Aries, but mindfulness will let you acknowledge, heal, and grow. Greatness awaits on the other side.
5. Pisces
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Best zodiac sign compatibility for Pisces: Virgo
Best time of the day for Pisces: 10 a.m.
Pisces, your horoscope on Sunday is an extension of yourself and your ego, thanks to Uranus Retrograde in Taurus. If you feel positively on the day, your day will be fabulous (especially if you are traveling or on a holiday). If you feel the opposite, you will lose out on your good luck. So be mindful, do a few focused breathing exercises throughout the day, and you will be golden.
For some, now's also a good time to deepen your bond with your partner or your friends by being more open about life, love, and everything in between with them. New awareness, knowledge, and understanding awaits!
Valeria Black is a Tarot Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.