3 Zodiac Signs Whose Lives Drastically Improve On July 20, 2024
We are not content to sit back and just 'take it.'

On July 20, 2024, we stand a chance at drastically improving our lot in life. Who could say 'no' to such an offer? The daily astrology of the day shows us that we've got an alignment between the Moon and Saturn. What this does for us, down here on good ol' Earth, is that it shows us that we either accept our limits or strive for more.
Saturn's energy will hit three zodiac signs just the right way this Saturday. We'll see that we are not content to sit back and just 'take it.' We know we can make more of what we've got. As the wheels begin to turn within our heads, we devise a plan that takes wing.
One thing stands out: we either drastically improve our lives or we suffer the consequences of doing nothing about it. So, what's it going to be? For three zodiac signs, the choice is clear: Get a move on. Do something. Make some noise. Get up, stand up, and do it. Put your money where your mouth is.
Lives will drastically improve on July 20, 2024, for three zodiac signs.
1. Taurus
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It's all in the mind, and this is something you've told yourself for years now. If you are to improve your life, it's all up to you, which means you have to have the right frame of mind to make it happen. It just so happens that this is the right time for drastic improvement, so let's make it so, Taurus!
You've got some extraordinary Saturn energy on your side on July 20. It allows you to see that you don't have forever to make the changes you want to make. You know that your life needs a major overhaul and that it's now or never, and you choose 'now.'
The amazing thing about you, Taurus, is that you love the energy of decision-making, especially when you can see the future right in front of your eyes and you know how to make it all happen. On Saturday, you'll put your money where your mouth is. You will take responsibility for creating a drastic and positive improvement in your life.
2. Leo
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If there's one thing in your life that you feel needs drastic change and improvement, it's your take on the past and its hold on you. You've come to believe that you are the sum of your past experiences. While there's 'some' truth to that, this is not all you are. During this day's Saturn transit, you'll know that you are more than your limitations.
This day opens up the door to new ways of thinking for you, Leo, and this all feels very optimistic and promising. You've needed this kind of upgrade for a long time. You never trusted that there was much more for you than you'd already gotten used to. July 20 shows you that, yes, indeed, there's much more.
Knowing that there's a bright future inspires you to go for it. Once you get inspired, Leo, there's basically no stopping you. So, what may start as a small inspiring moment will turn into an all-out pursuit of happiness, and knowing you, you won't stop until you declare total victory.
3. Libra
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Your life is about to get supercharged in all the right ways, Libra. Because you're working with Saturn's energy, you'll see that what you once thought were your limits are now your challenges. You mean to meet those challenges head-on. It's Saturday, and you feel ready.
July 20 puts you in the position of recognizing the need for big change. While you could remain in the same position for a while longer, you are starting to feel antsy and perhaps even a little dull. It would be best if you recharged those Libra batteries of yours, and this is the day you put that into practice.
You'll find that it's not only easy to get this kind of energy into motion but that there's something 'extra' intense about this day in so much as you don't just want change — you want drastic improvement. That alone is inspiring enough to work with, and you are dedicated to the idea of change and readjustment.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.