2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance Starting May 23 Due To The Full Moon's Energy

Set your sights on your most abundant dream.

2 Zodiac Signs Who Experience Abundance Using The Full Moon's Energy Starting May 23 sparklestroke, digitalskillet from Getty Images Signature, swkunst from Getty Images | Canva Pro

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on Thursday, May 23, invites you to embrace the sign of the archer as you aim to fulfill your most abundant dream with the belief that you cannot fail. The Sagittarius lunar cycle began with the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12, 2023, so reflect on what began and how events have progressed in your life since that time to understand better what this lunation will bring into your life. Sagittarius governs adventure, philosophy, deeper understanding, and the ability to manifest the expansive future you dream of by taking risks, seizing opportunities, and trusting in your soul's path.


While Full Moons are known to bring about a pinnacle moment of fruition, it’s also one that can usher in new beginnings, as when one door closes — another is sure to open. Let the energy of the Sagittarius Full Moon help you receive what you have created during this lunar cycle while holding space for what is yet to be created. You know there is no time frame for manifesting the life of your dreams. 

Seek the hidden meaning of your desires, be open to receive clarity, and let yourself see that all of life is an experiment that can help you learn what true abundance feels like for you. Sagittarius is dedicated to its dreams, as it embraces the energy of the archer, and once it has set its sights on what it wants, it pursues it with unwavering dedication. So set your gaze upon all you want and receive what is being brought to fruition. Then, lean into the abundant new beginning that creates possibilities for an even more incredible life.


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2 zodiac signs experience abundance thanks to the Full Moon on May 23, 2024:

1. Pisces

2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On May 23 WarmJuly | Canva Pro

Abundance Affirmation for Pisces: I am manifesting a career of deeper purpose and incredible success.


The Sagittarius Full Moon rises in your house of career, helping to bring about a positive moment of fruition while also setting you on course for a new beginning. Sagittarius Energy rules your professional sector, inviting you to explore your work's deeper or spiritual matters as you fulfill your soul's purpose and manifest success. Reflect on the Sagittarius lunar cycle, which began on December 12, 2023, to understand the path your career has taken since that time so that you might understand what you will be receiving as well as what you will be guided to pursue in this new beginning.

As the Sagittarius Moon rises, it will bring about a moment of recognition or growth in your career, which you began at the end of 2023. This journey is one that has asked you to explore more of what you feel is connected to your soul purpose, and because Sagittarius is known as the wanderer and seeker, this path has also taken you further into the unknown. You have been working on a special project that is close to your heart and involves writing, podcasting, or social media. While you have seen significant growth in this part of your life, there are still more achievements and rewards to reap as you begin to see the effects of the work you’ve invested in yourself and your dreams.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius rises just days before Mercury and Uranus unite in Taurus, bringing surprise news and offers to that heart-centered project you’ve been diligently investing in. So, while there are rewards in store for you and likely a new position, role, or financial status ahead for you — there is also a new beginning on the horizon as well. Use this lunation to pay attention to what you have reaped over this lunar cycle, and then continue to invest in your dreams, knowing that you are also about to launch into a beautiful new beginning of success and abundance.

RELATED: Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On May 23 — The Sagittarius Full Moon Is Here


2. Scorpio

2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On May 23 WarmJuly | Canva Pro

Abundance Affirmation for Scorpio: I am setting an intention for financial freedom and expansive opportunities.

Prepare to reap financial wealth as the Full Moon in Sagittarius rises on Thursday, May 23. Sagittarius governs over your financial house — and knowing precisely what it is you are worthy to receive. As the Full Moon shines its light of blessings and truth here, you can rest confidently knowing you are attracting greater wealth into your life. Sagittarius in your financial house brings a dose of luck as this zodiac sign is the ruler of the house of luck, but it may also invite you to reflect on new and innovative ways you can generate higher income.


Let the bright light of the Full Moon in Sagittarius help you to receive the financial abundance that you are worthy of receiving, as well as the insight for how to continue to generate greater wealth. Sagittarius often represents a need for personal growth to manifest the wealth you desire in life as you focus more on what you deserve and what brings meaning and abundance into your life. As Sagittarius brings the energy of the seeker, it’s important to remain open to new possibilities around the time of the Full Moon because while you receive a financial boost, you will also be given intuitive insights for how to continue your path of success.

Abundance isn’t just finances, especially with Sagittarius in your house of wealth, so it’s also crucial to reflect on the value that freedom possesses for you in your life. Sagittarius needs to not only embrace personal growth but also experience life. To do that you also need the financial wealth to allow you to cultivate the freedom you desire. Focus not just on generating greater wealth or receiving a financial boost but on how you can feel free to embrace the expansive opportunities that are a part of making all of your dreams a reality.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website.