The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign From March 25 - 31
Align yourself with the divine synchronicity of the universe and you'll find that you can be truly lucky.

Hold yourself in a suspension of wonder, hope and possibility. Release the strenuous grasp on thinking that life must go to a specific plan for you to be lucky or find the success you're dreaming of.
The universe is always guiding your steps, but to fully receive that divine benefit, you must surrender to the fortunate nature of Eclipse Season.
This is a time of unexpected ideas, new awareness, and momentary redirections can change your life forever. It all begins this week.
The Eclipse Portal opens on Monday, March 25, with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra. This is a powerful time for internal shifts that can help direct you toward success.
Although eclipses occur within two-week cycles, there is also the lunar cycle within the new and full Moon, which points to a bigger story. The New Moon in Libra occurred on October 14, 2023, but it was also the annual Solar Eclipse, bringing in a dramatic change and shift to events in your external life. Now, as the lunar cycle is ending, it's also bringing the chance to realign your inner self with what has arisen and what you've been focusing on, representing a major shift in your life path.
Libra is an air sign that governs over partnerships. Although it's often associated with romance and love as one of the ruling signs of Venus, it points heavily to learning to work together for the greater good — and benefit yourself. Reflect on what occurred in October around the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, paying special attention to unexpected events, offers or opportunities.
Now, as the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse rise within the same sign, you have finally processed, understood, and gained the clarity needed to embrace a new way of achieving or defining success.
This makes the week a powerful one for closing out old chapters, taking advantage of new offers, and embracing the ability to network and connect with those you feel called to work with.
No one is alone on their path, no matter how much it may seem like it at times, but it all comes down when you're ready to finally see how much sweeter success is when it's created together.
Luckiest Day Horoscopes for Each Zodiac Sign For The Week Of March 25 - 31, 2024
(March 21 - April 19)
Luckiest Day: Friday, March 29, Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius in your house of wisdom
Take advantage of a slower pace, learning to pause and reflect more before making any big decisions. Although life feels like it is happening quickly now, asteroid Pallas, stationing retrograde in Sagittarius, will help you move in ways that support your ambitions.
This will be especially poignant for you as the Eclipse Portal opens and you prepare for the New Moon Solar Eclipse in your zodiac sign. With this week's eclipse in Libra, you may be directed to reflect more on your romantic choices and how they have impacted the success you've been able to create in your life.
Sagittarius rules the house of wisdom, and for you, this is more intense as it also represents this part of your astrological chart. Deeper insights are available to you at this time that can help you make profound changes in your life. To feel as if luck is on your side, you must slow down and start looking within more so that you are moving in ways that are more aligned with your higher self.
(April 20 - May 20)
Luckiest Day: Sunday, March 31, Vesta in Cancer in your house of communication
Asteroid Vesta in Cancer can help direct you to speak in greater alignment with what you want, which will be amplified as the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra rises in your sector of determination. Vesta represents the home and those relationships that are the most meaningful to you. But it also governs over your internal home, which is the space where you should be making all decisions so that in any aspect, you are never abandoning yourself.
As Vesta shifts into Cancer, just after the Libra Eclipse, you will feel a strong inability to continue anything that doesn't truly feel aligned with who you are. This energy can inspire you to become more transparent with your truth and help you modify or create some new agreements that can better facilitate the success you want to create. Be mindful of how you are spending your time or what you sign up for, as you need to make sure that every choice you make supports the life you want to create.
(May 21 - June 20)
Luckiest Day: Sunday, March 31, Vesta in Cancer in your sector of wealth
Although the week will provide a great deal of romantic success as your houses of relationships and marriage are activated, it seems that your sector of wealth will also benefit greatly. Because your personal life is so active right now, this is where you should look for the greatest opportunities for wealth. Whether you stand to gain abundance through marriage or are building a business with your romantic partner, it seems that your luck is found in who you love.
Vesta is the asteroid that rules over home. Cancer, the zodiac sign that rules, makes a powerful connection between your financial abundance and your personal life. Selling a home or property may show up as deepening your commitment to your partner but also improving your financial standing. You are truly in this together, and because of that, the wealth you've been seeking will finally arrive.
(June 21 - July 22)
Luckiest Day: Friday, March 29, Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius in your house of determination
The week begins with the Lunar Eclipse in Libra, providing both a dramatic ending and a beginning to a matter concerning your home and family. As the week progresses, though, Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius fills you with a sense of determination to finally have the new beginning you've been dreaming of. Embrace whatever the Libra Eclipse brings with a sense of acceptance and trust that a chaotic period of your life is now coming to an end, which means you also are in the place to put that behind you and start looking to the future.
Pallas governs wisdom and knowledge. In Sagittarius, it highlights your sense of determination and a strong focus on your well-being. As much as you are always there for others, you must start prioritizing yourself with more tenacity.
Start saying no more, and really lean into what you need for yourself so that you can practice more hopeful determination toward this new chapter of your life. Luck arrives as you realize it's safe to trust that the most challenging phases of life are now nothing more than a lesson you became better because of.
(July 23 - August 22)
Luckiest Day: Monday, March 25, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra in your house of agreements
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will rise in your house of agreements, highlighting matters of communication and important conversations. Before the week gets off on an exciting note, reflect deeply on the events surrounding the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14, 2023. During this time, you may have made a decision or had an important offer come your way, but for whatever reason, it hasn't come to fruition as you would have hoped. Perhaps it was an issue of timing or your inability to invest your energy fully, but an important part of the puzzle will be revealed this week.
Lunar Eclipses bring an emotional shift, and for you, it will result in a change to what you've agreed to in the past or how you have communicated. Don't underestimate the power of your word this week, as you are being given a chance to embrace a divine redirection and likely say yes to something you previously have been undecided about. This is all part of a bigger journey that will have you stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new opportunities, but it begins with you being an advocate for the life you want to live.
(August 23 - September 22)
Luckiest Day: Monday, March 25, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra in your sector of finances
The Full Moon in Libra will highlight matters related to your finances, which will also have a positive impact on your personal life. With the Nodes of Fate in Libra and Aries, there is a theme not only of self-worth but also of the relationship between your personal life and money. In this case, there will be an opportunity for an inheritance or the combining of finances that will result in you feeling greater wealth around this time — but only if you are embracing lessons for how to practice more wisdom with your budget.
The South Node in Libra, in your finances sector, asks you to be more fiscally responsible. This means that if you inherit a large sum of money or marry someone wealthy, you will treat it with integrity and care. Reflect on your spending habits this week and make sure that you are investing not just in what you want but also in the future you dream of. The more responsibility you demonstrate with finances, the more you will stand to gain.
(September 23 - October 22)
Luckiest Day: Monday, March 25, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra in your house of initiative
The Lunar Eclipse in your zodiac sign will rise and give life to a new sense of initiative and drive within yourself. You are going to be having a breakthrough year in which you will be guided to make some dramatic changes in your life, as there is greater ease in putting yourself first and practicing boundaries that protect your self-worth and all you've learned. This Lunar Eclipse provides a quiet space for you to realize just how your perspective and beliefs have changed – which also has affected what motivates you to move forward.
You might find benefit in reflecting on what first came up in your life with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14, 2023, as there will be a cumulation point that is reached with this Lunar Eclipse. Perhaps you made a decision then but weren't yet fully confident with it. Or maybe it was the understanding that who you are is not who you were that began to creep in. But since October, you have gone through an intense process that will finally lead to you having a deeper understanding and clarity over this particular journey. Allow the new shifts to arrive, as it will fill you with the ability to go out and make life happen.
(October 23 - November 21)
Luckiest Day: Friday, March 29, Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius in your sector of self-worth
A profound new realization arrives as Pallas stations retrograde in Sagittarius in your sector of self-worth, helping you to understand more of what you deserve and allowing you to move from a new place of value. Sagittarius also rules over wealth and finances, so there is an opportunity here to advocate for a raise or enjoy a financial boost to your life through an unexpected source. Pallas encourages you to tap into your wisdom, knowledge and determination to know when you ask for exactly what it is that you want.
The Libra Lunar Eclipse will activate themes of intuition and dreams at the beginning of the week, helping you self-validate more fully. This will benefit you as Pallas stations retrograde in Sagittarius. Return to what you have always wanted for yourself and your life, and then choose to align yourself more fully with it. This is a time not to tolerate anything less than everything that you've ever wanted—or know you were worth.
(November 22 - December 21)
Luckiest Day: Monday, March 25, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra in your house of wishes
There are changes afoot this week as the Lunar Eclipse rises in your sector of wishes, just as Pallas stations retrograde in your house of self. This will set the stage for asteroid Vesta shifting into Cancer at the week's end in your house of transformation. Pay attention to what arises with the Lunar Eclipse in Libra, as you may realize that what you've been working to manifest is no longer a part of what you want. Allow yourself to change your mind, especially if it's coming from a place of self-growth.
As the Libra Eclipse encourages you to focus more on manifesting the wishes you now have for your life, Pallas in Sagittarius is gifting you with a deeper knowledge about who you truly are. This will help you become more authentic in your intentions and actions, which is what will propel you forward when Vesta shifts into Cancer. With so much activity in your home sector recently, Vesta and Cancer are both representing this theme, so you may be called to focus more on a physical move this week. Just be sure that whatever you're doing is what you really want — and as long as it is, then you trust you are entering the most abundant phase of your life.
(December 22 - January 19)
Luckiest Day: Monday, March 25, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra in your sector of career
The Nodes of Fate are currently causing a great deal of growth and opportunity within your career and personal life. Still, as the Libra Lunar Eclipse arrives this week opposite Sun and Mercury in Aries, it's time to pause and lean into what you must release so success can be yours. The Libra Lunar Eclipse will provide an essential opportunity to reflect on your mindset and personal beliefs involving your career, allowing you to declare with confidence exactly what it is that you excel at and letting you be able to see your gifts more radically.
As you feel more confident with your professional life, you will also be better able to handle what arises within your sector. Although you are marked for success in this life, you tend to be quite hard on yourself, which ends up affecting how competent you feel. By allowing the energy of the Lunar Eclipse to wash over you, you will be cleansed of self-doubt and second-guessing, which creates the space for the career success you desire. Everything is moving in a positive direction for you at this time, but to get the most benefit, you must be willing to release what has been holding you back.
(January 20 - February 18)
Luckiest Day: Monday, March 25, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra in your house of luck
Libra is the zodiac sign that rules over your house of luck. This area of your life governs travel, wisdom, spirituality, as well as education, and new opportunities. The best life that you can imagine is also one that will continually invite you to step out of your comfort zone — but with Libra as the ruling sign here, it also means you're not meant to do it alone. As you are focusing on new opportunities and adventures, make sure that you are also seeing the benefits of working with others to manifest them, both in your personal and professional lives.
The Libra Lunar Eclipse represents an auspicious time for you as the emotional shift, which is possible here, can serve to help you open and expand your life in the ways you desire. Reflect on what arose during the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14 and see how open or closed you've been to new changes in your life. As the Lunar Eclipse rises, this is your chance to make sure there is no self-sabotaging taking place and that you are moving in ways that will bring you the success you deserve.
(February 19 - March 20)
Luckiest Day: Friday, March 29, Pallas retrograde in Sagittarius in your house of professional success
As the week begins with the Libra Eclipse, you will be more focused on personal matters and the changes that it brings. However, there is a deep opportunity for professional success as Pallas stations retrograde in Sagittarius. Pallas brings wisdom, intuition, knowledge, and the skill to navigate any challenges so you can reach the pinnacle of success that is meant for you. This is your chance to take those inner dreams you've had and figure out how to make them a reality.
Hold space for both personal and professional success this week, as you will be navigating a field of dreams in both areas. Learn that a relationship should never take you away from what you most want to create but instead should encourage it. Let yourself feel that you are deserving of both the financial and romantic success you desire without feeling like you must choose between the two. And most of all, don't hesitate any longer to show the world what you are really made of.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator. For more information about her work, visit her website.