Love Horoscope For January 1, 2024
Love gets a fresh start.

We get to experience the first day of the new year focused on love. Here's what's in store for each zodiac sign in astrology starting January 1, 2024.
What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Monday, January 01, 2024:
Love may be challenging today thanks to the pesky transit Venus square Saturn. It may be harder than usual to see your sweetheart, even if you're local to each other. Communication problems and long-distance relationship issues may also arise. Remember, Arie. Don't allow circumstances to dictate your feelings. Instead, if you want to make things work, you can do it, and you will.
Sharing is caring, except in situations where you are giving more time to friends than you are to your significant other. There are times when you need to cut the ties and move on. Your interest could be tested, and if you aren't feeling it, talk it over. Why put energy into something you're no longer invested in?
Respect is earned, and during the Venus square Saturn transit, you may feel like you are attempting to get attention but without any reward. Love can be a risk you decide to take without any assurance of your interest in reciprocating emotions. This day brings up a question: are there limits to your love or patience? If so, what are they?
How do you cancel a trip when you've already promised you'd go? During the Venus square transit, travel plans can be thrown off a bit due to high anxiety or feeling like something isn't right. You might feel the need to push through and move forward. But if there's a possibility to reschedule, this is a good time to ask and see.
How can two people love each other and yet not be able to spend quality time alone? The frustration of unmet desire can be a key theme during the Venus square Saturn transit. There may be obstacles to date night with your mate. Control issues or pride can arise when this happens. Be the bigger person; remember love does not need to be a war first in order to win.
Sharing a home base with your partner is all you ever wanted, but that does not mean there won't be days when you wish you could have your personal space. It can be hard to feel comfortable at home with a significant other during the Venus square Saturn transit today. You may prefer to live parallel lives and co-exist instead. Talk about it so you both are aware of what is happening and not feeling that the other is pulling away for other reasons.
Sometimes you have to deal with your incompatibilities. You do things one way, and your partner does things another. You may find it hard to be on the same page when Venus is square to Saturn. There can be some bumping heads today when you try to figure out how to handle small matters as a couple. Anticipate some power struggles, but love can help you see things through.
Dating does not have to be expensive. You can find a few affordable or free ways to spend quality time with the person you love. You can write each other love notes or play a game where you ask one another intimate questions. You can do a puzzle together or plan a future vacation for the summer.
Self-love is so important, Sagittarius, and during those moments when you no longer feel comfortable in your own skin remind yourself what love is supposed to be. You may be thinking that you have to be perfect for someone to love you, but you don't. The beauty of love is being accepted as your entire being — flaws and all.
The timing can feel off. You may already know that you want to call the relationship off, but finding the right moment is difficult. You may need to take a more direct approach to communicate what you feel. Instead of sending mixed signals or delaying speaking what's on your heart, simply be open and honest.
You want your friends to value and respect your relationship, and it can be that they do but don't show it well. During Venus square Saturn, putting space between friends who demonstrate a lack of concern for your boundaries may be necessary. You may be seeing a side of others that you did not expect, and it could be where you feel like you need to choose your loyalties.
Kindness is so important to a loving relationship, and when it is lacking you may feel like you're unloved completely. During the Venus square Saturn transit, you may feel at odds in a relationship due to how you interact with one another. The need to pick between your dignity and respect and their presence can be a tough emotion to manage.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.