What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest On October 22, 2023

Let the truth lead you into the light with Mercury in Scorpio.

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Life only reveals what is meant to be seen at any given moment. Whether it's about your job, relationship or internal feelings, there is always more than what is first revealed. The truth must be shown to confidently know what to manifest or how to go about crafting the life of your dreams. Let the darkness peel back and reveal the truth that has been there all along so you can finally see the auspicious reality surrounding you. 


On Sunday, October 22, Mercury, the planet of communication, shifts into the deep waters of Scorpio, inviting you on a quest to discover the truth. Mercury rules not just your conversations but also your inner thoughts and written communication.

While in Scorpio, it is on the search for what the truth is. This comes across as the desire to ask more questions, with no topics off the table for discussion. Yet despite the questions, your motive will be hidden, as well as those around you. Mercury in Scorpio keeps its cards close until it's time to be revealed but can expose whatever is necessary so the truth is finally unleashed, wild and free.  




Scorpio is the sign of the alchemist, a zodiac sign representing truth and the secrets that can often cover it up. However, Scorpio is more comfortable within the darkness than other zodiac signs, which means you can hold greater space for understanding rather than letting fear or anxiety keep you from seeing what is meant to be revealed.

Use this astrological opportunity to discover your profound truth over how you feel and what you want. Sort through the words of others until you can make sense of their intentions. The truth is the strongest tool to manifest and create the life you desire because anything that grows from it will be guaranteed to last forever.  

What elements you'll need for your ritual

Leading Energy: Scorpio, Water 


Best Time For Your Ritual: Anytime 

Chakra Point: Solar Plexus 

Herbs: Verbena, Chrysanthemum, Horehound 

Essential Oils: Lemon, Lavender and Eucalyptus 


Crystals: Lapis Lazuli for truth, Tiger's Eye for courage and Amethyst for wisdom 

Incense: Myrrh 

What your zodiac sign can manifest on October 22, 2023 

Aries: Life Transformation 

(March 21 - April 19)  

Mercury In Scorpio Affirmation: I am embracing transformation.  

As Mercury shifts into Scorpio, try to surrender to the divine flow of life so you can embrace the transformation process instead of fighting against it. Collect the gemstones to help with truth and wisdom, and let them charge in the light of the First Quarter Moon in Aquarius. Repeat your affirmation eight times as you place them in your pockets or even wear them as jewelry.  


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Taurus: Romantic Clarity 

(April 20 - May 20) 

Mercury In Scorpio Affirmation: Truth is love.  

Honor the power of the truth in your romantic relationship as Mercury shifts into Scorpio. Begin by slicing up a lemon and pomegranate. Repeat your affirmation seven times as you place them in a pot of water on the stove and bring to a boil. Let the aroma of truth filter through your home and help you see the truth.  

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Gemini: Dedication To Self 

(May 21 - June 20) 

Mercury In Scorpio Affirmation: I am honoring my truth.  


As Mercury shifts into Scorpio, it's important to honor your truth and what you need to feel your best. Draw a bath with Epsom salts and sliced lemons. Repeat your affirmation as you sink into the warm water and visualize radiating your inner truth to the world.  

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Cancer: A Joyful Life 

(June 21 - July 22) 

Mercury In Scorpio Affirmation: The truth will always lead to great happiness.  

Let yourself see that truth doesn't take away from happiness but supports it as Mercury shifts into Scorpio. Light a yellow candle and sprinkle marigold petals before burning your written affirmation. Pour charged moon water over it once it's burned for five minutes to extinguish it.  


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Leo: A Loving Home 

(July 23 - August 22) 

Mercury In Scorpio Affirmation: I am building a life of truth and love.  

Let yourself create a home full of truth and love as Mercury begins its journey through Scorpio. Begin by zesting a lemon, then add in a bit of cinnamon and lavender. Repeat your affirmation four times as you scatter the offering around your front door or steps.  

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Virgo: Transparent Conversations 

(August 23 - September 22) 

Mercury In Scorpio Affirmation: I am open to gaining clarity and truth in every facet of my life.  


Allow yourself to speak with greater transparency and hold space for others to do the same while Mercury is in Scorpio. Create a truth tea using verbena, chamomile and lavender. Repeat your affirmation as you enjoy the truth the tea reveals or while serving it to others where you hope to discover it.  

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Libra: Self-Worth 

(September 23 - October 22) 

Mercury In Scorpio Affirmation: I deserve all the love I desire.  

Honor your inner value and all that it represents for your life as Mercury shifts into Scorpio. Create a scrub using olive oil, sugar and lemon zest. Repeat your affirmation as you use it in the shower. You can also massage lavender essential oil into your skin afterward to help you have a fresh start.  


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Scorpio: Authenticity 

(October 23 - November 21) 

Mercury In Scorpio Affirmation: I only need to be myself to live the life I am meant to.  

Allow yourself to be who you are without feeling like you need to prove anything while Mercury dives deep into your zodiac sign of Scorpio. Begin by charging a glass of water in the First Quarter Moon of Aquarius using lemons and tiger's eye. Once it's ready, repeat your affirmation as you dip a necklace into it and let it dry. While wearing it, remember you are protected and worthy just as you are.  

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Sagittarius: Healing 

(November 22 - December 21) 

Mercury In Scorpio Affirmation: It is safe to embrace the truth for my healing.  

Let yourself be wrapped up in the warm embrace of truth as you seek to heal all you've been through while Mercury shifts into Scorpio. Begin by creating a healing spray using plain witch hazel, lavender essential oil and dried horehound. Repeat your affirmation as you cleanse your energy and your bed before sleep.  


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Capricorn: Soul Connections 

(December 22 - January 19) 

Mercury In Scorpio Affirmation: I am honoring the truth of my connections. 

Honor the important connections in your life as Mercury shifts into Scorpio. Begin by adding a bit of dried lavender and chamomile to a jar of honey. Repeat your affirmation as you use it to sweeten your beverages and your relationships with others.  

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Aquarius: Career Transition 

(January 20 - February 18) 

Mercury In Scorpio Affirmation: I deserve to have a career that aligns with my soul's truth.  


Focus on attracting a new career transition that honors your soul purpose while Mercury moves through Scorpio. Begin by writing down what you hope to have in a new professional role, then fold it toward you three times and anoint it with eucalyptus essential oil. Repeat your affirmation as you place it in a bowl of water with crushed basil.

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Pisces: Abundant Opportunities 

(February 19 - March 20) 

Mercury In Scorpio Affirmation: I embrace truth to expand my horizons.  

Allow yourself to be guided toward greater abundance as Mercury begins its journey in Scorpio. Begin by collecting a pumpkin, a symbol of prosperity and carve the sigil for abundance into it. Repeat your affirmation as you place it near your front door and sprinkle a bit of cinnamon around it for luck.  


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website
