3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On August 17, 2023

A beautiful day awaits these zodiac signs.

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Venus might be retrograde right now, but the main astrological energy today is that of Pluto trine Mars, which gives three zodiac signs the best horoscopes on August 17, 2023.

Beautiful attraction is the essence of the day. Embrace this energy by dressing well and letting your inner fashionista out. You may already be a fashion connoisseur in your own right, but if there ever was a day to try new things and elevate your style, it would be today. Of course, where attraction resides, love and romance aren't far behind. So don't be surprised if the day brings about fascinating conversations and interactions with people you are attracted to.


With Mercury and Pallas throwing in their lot with Mars, you can expect your strategies to bring you satisfaction and pleasure today, especially in the workplace. This also applies to those of you who are immersed in a conflict with your siblings. With very few words, you will be able to settle the matter today.

Also, if you haven't told your family you love them, today's a great day to do so. Do it your way. You can express your love to your friends too. But don't force yourself to lie if you have bad relations with anyone. This is about strengthening the relationships that are already loving and not about perpetuating a farce.


Now let's focus on the three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on August 17, 2023.

1. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)

Capricorn, the energy today is warm and cozy for you. You will feel satisfied, in control, and luxuriant. Some of you may even take it slow today, whether at work or with your household chores, just so you can stay in this relaxed mode. Others of you will feel an upsurge of sexual energy. If you have a romantic partner, your interactions with them will feel cozy and sweet today, whether or not you act upon your sexual stirrings.

Pluto trine Mars is in your corner right now. And so is Sun conjunct Lilith in Leo, even though Capricorn and Leo don't always see eye to eye. The actions you take today will have a resounding impact on others, whether they express it or not. Some of you will even pick up a few admirers who want to model after you. Just watch out for yes man/woman behavior from some as a result of this.


Today is also a good day for manifestation rituals. But given the laid-back quality of the day, you can substitute this by doing things more intentionally and mindfully throughout the day. For example, if you drink tea or coffee, drink it with the intention of reviving your spirit. If you talk to someone, speak with the intention of having a genuine conversation.

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2. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18)

Aquarius, today is a good day to settle your finances, look at your plans for the near future, and make sure you won't face any issues because of overlooked details.

Some of you have a vacation coming up soon. The energy today is great for visualizing what you would like to accomplish during your sojourn. Would you like to visit ancient heritage sites and learn about the culture? Would you like to practice speaking the local language? Would you like to just relax with no plans and let the day take you where it may? Even a basic idea of what you want will prevent you from squandering the energy of the day.


Pluto in Capricorn will affect you strongly today. Thankfully, Capricorn is your sibling zodiac sign, so you will benefit from this authoritative energy. You may even find yourself wielding your authority with lesser pushback than usual. Of course, with Venus in Leo and Saturn in Pisces, this won't impact all areas of your life, so be more mindful of how you communicate with your significant other or elders.

The energy today is also great for scripting manifestation. So if you don't have a dedicated book or journal for this, get one! And make sure it's beautiful so you feel like using it often. Then write as if you have already achieved your heart's desires... and you will.

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3. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)


Leo, you get to decide what the day will be like for you. Some of you need to watch out for conflicts today. You may get into a showdown that doesn't end well for anyone involved. But if you are mindful, you can avoid this challenge altogether and instead have a nice, relaxing day. Just make sure not to overcrowd your social calendar today. It will edge you more towards the petty side of the possibilities.

With Venus, Lilith, and Sun in Leo at this time, you are in your royalty mode right now. But with Chiron in Aries and Pluto in the last degree of Capricorn, if you take this strength and power for granted, you will inadvertently attract people who will try to manipulate you or take you down a few notches. Some people still might try it, but if you hold yourself with dignity instead of pride, you will have the upper hand.

If you feel called to, today is a good day for a bathing ritual. Whether you want to remove negativity from your aura or use the energy for manifestations, sea salt and clear quartz are your friends. You can DIY the ritual too and give your creative (and intuitive) side a chance to shine.


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.