Love Horoscope For July 12, During Mercury In Leo

We are brave in love.

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It's an exciting day for love as Mercury enters Leo bringing a new wave of courage and energy to your daily love horoscope on July 12, 2023.


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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Wednesday, July 12, 2023:



Some things are missing, Aries. You've been giving your all to people who don't always appreciate what you bring to the table. This has created a lot of self-doubt in your heart, to the point where you don't really know who you are anymore. Today, as the moon enters a new sign, it's time for you to prioritize yourself. However, you may still battle a few demons of confusion. Writing can help you understand what you want, what you need, and where you want your life to go, especially in matters of the heart. Because who you decide to be with is crucial for how you build your future. You don't want to be with someone who's taking Legos while you're trying to build a lasting life together. So choose wisely, Aries. But before you can choose someone who matches your needs, you need to gain clarity first.

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You're really skilled at determining priorities. However, amidst all your calculations and assessments, have you ever considered that some decisions need to be made with just your heart? It's true that you can live a life with a well-thought-out financial plan, and you may feel a strong sense of security in your singleness. Not having anyone disrupt your life without your permission is indeed a positive thing. But love, on the other hand, can sometimes be messy. People fall ill, people lose their jobs. And love itself lacks certainty because it is intertwined with life. And life, as we know, can be messy. Don't you want to make the most out of life? Today, I urge you to prioritize flexibility. While you can exert control to a certain extent, you can't control what the future holds, only how you choose to react when circumstances spiral out of your control.

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Have you waited a long time for the true love of your life to arrive? It's true that love often comes with obstacles. As William Shakespeare once said, "The course of true love never did run smoothly." Fortunately, you possess a powerful and wicked sense of humor, as well as the tenacity to see things through until the end. You are here to learn and grow, and it is through adversity that you will discover the greatest love story you've ever written. You are the author of your own love and life, and knowing that you have found someone worth waiting for makes the journey all the more worthwhile.

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Love does entail a certain level of risk, but is it truly worth putting your entire life on hold if you notice a red flag? Lately, you've been feeling a bit on edge because you're in love with someone who may present themselves in one way but isn't truly who they seem. You're aware of this fact, yet you choose to turn a blind eye to it. Don't you know, Cancer, that when your heart speaks to you and you ignore it, you often end up regretting it later? You're doing this to yourself, Cancer. Instead of trying to force puzzle pieces together where they were never meant to fit, it's time to acknowledge your losses now before it becomes too late.

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It’s true, sometimes people in love can be selfish. It’s a strange contradictory, Leo, when you can’t think of yourself, but also know that your heart wants someone else in your life. Yes, that person you care about has many flaws, but are they really dealbreakers or minor inconveniences. Often times you measure an inconvenience as a dealbreaker and that has caused you to miss out on finding true love. You have someone in your life who wants to be there for you and is with you, and love you through all your flaws. You have the depth of character to do the same if you decide to do so. The question is, will you?

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It's difficult to admit that the relationship you've invested so much time and energy into isn't unfolding the way you had hoped. There hasn't been an engagement, no progress in moving in together. Instead, you find yourself receiving calls and texts at 10 AM, questioning if this is all your relationship amounts to. You deserve more than just a late-night phone call or a casual Netflix and chill. When you finally gather the courage to say no to someone who fails to appreciate you for who you truly are, their response may or may not align with your expectations. Nonetheless, establishing boundaries and protecting your heart are crucial steps in the right direction. It's your responsibility to safeguard yourself from potential harm and not wait around for someone who will only end up hurting you in the long run. Are you wasting your time? If you believe so, it's time to reclaim control of your life for your own sake.

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You have a lot of work on your plate, and it has put your love life on hold. You wanted to ensure that everything was in order before diving into a serious relationship. However, you're now experiencing feelings of sadness and loneliness, questioning if this is truly what you desire. A part of you may wonder if you should venture out once again and give it another shot at meeting someone new. Are you using your career as a distraction to shield yourself from potential pain? Perhaps there is a way to achieve a better balance between work and love. The only way to find out is to test the waters and see how it unfolds

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Loving someone well requires you to be at your best. You have been prioritizing your partner's needs and desires, putting certain things on the back burner. While this may not be classified as codependency, it has resulted in compromising your own life in various ways. As things start to become a bit chaotic and disorganized, it's time to tidy up the smaller details of your life. You will feel less overwhelmed when you can confidently observe how well everything in your own world is coming together. So, consider asking for some personal space. It doesn't have to be excessive—just a little time to restore order to your home, go through your emails, and catch up on neglected text messages from friends you've unintentionally pushed aside while being consumed by love. Once you catch your breath, you'll be truly ready to embrace the experience of being swept off your feet by someone you love.

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Romance is a truly beautiful thing. As much as you enjoy dwelling in the exhilarating highs of passion, you've come to realize that the descent back to reality can be quite jarring. Today, you might begin to recognize the importance of bringing this relationship back to planet Earth. While it's wonderful to spend the day cocooned in the intimacy of your home, just the two of you, it's essential to remember that there are other aspects of life that hold significance. Your family members and friends also desire to spend time with both of you. Perhaps engaging in activities together, such as cooking steaks, can still be romantic. It may be time to expand and deepen your love life by exploring new ways to socialize and participate in the vast world together, as a united team.

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When your house doesn’t feel like a home that you want to go to is heartbreaking. You are putting on a mask every day when you go to work and when you’re on your family saying that everything is fine. The truth is it’s not been fine, and it’s not been fine for a long time. In fact, you both know that there is a giant white elephant in the middle of the room that neither of you were speaking about. But today, it’s time to own up to the fact that something is wrong here. You aren’t happy and things aren’t the way that you both wanted it to be. It may feel like a mountain between the two of you. But if the two of you work together, you may be able to find your middle ground.

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Sometimes, you can find yourself saying too much and yet not conveying anything at all. There are moments when you feel the need to be heard, but it seems like your partner isn't truly listening. In fact, when they withdraw and appear as unresponsive as a statue, it can leave you feeling both despair and frustration. It's worth considering what might be happening within your communication. Perhaps it's not the content of your message that isn't effective, but rather the approach. Today, take the initiative to ask your partner what they require in order to feel heard, and express what you feel you need in order to feel understood. By working together as a team, you have the potential to create a wonderful opportunity for growth. It's possible to transcend the power dynamic that is currently causing strife and instead emerge as a power couple, as you find ways to overcome the issue at hand.

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Everyone possesses a unique love language, but do you truly understand your significant other's or even your own? It can be incredibly frustrating when someone you love doesn't feel loved by you, despite your sincere efforts to demonstrate your care. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that you're not speaking each other's love language. Discovering and understanding each other's love language can serve as the key that unlocks their heart and paves the way for a deeper connection. Instead of attempting to justify your actions or dismiss their emotions, contemplate delving into the exploration of your love languages together. Starting from there can lead to a more fulfilling and harmonious relationship.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
