3 Specific Zodiac Signs Will Be 'Luckiest In Love' On July 6, 2023

Making changes is a lucky thing for love, that's for sure.

zodiac signs are luckiest in love Alekssee via Canva Pro/Emmiyy and qimono both from Pixabay, ICARO ROGENYS from Pexels all and via Canva

On July 6, 2023, three zodiac signs will be luckiest in love. Today presents us with a different approach regarding handling our love lives. Our romantic influences come in the form of the transit Moon opposite Venus today, and while it does suggest a struggle of sorts due to its 'opposing' nature, we will find that this transit works very much in our favor in love and relationships.

We are open to looking honestly at our love lives during Moon opposite Venus, which also implies looking deeply at ourselves and our actions. Are we the best we can be for the sake of our partners? Are we not giving enough, or perhaps, is there something we are doing that hinders us? During Moon opposite Venus, three specific zodiac signs are more prone to self-analysis than at other times, and this can be a very, very good thing in love relationships.




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Today, we are OK with discovering things about ourselves that need change. That also means we must be 'big enough' to accept the idea that we are not perfect when it comes to love. While that may be a laugh to some, most of us really can't see our flaws, and sometimes those flaws must be worked out.


What we get today in our romantic relationships, with Moon opposite Venus, is a safe environment and a supportive partner to help us weed through the flawed garden that is our life. We will come out 'well trimmed' and ready for new beginnings in love by the end of Thursday. This happens because we are lucky to have partners willing to be patient with us as we grow.

On July 6, these three specific zodiac signs can count themselves as the lucky ones. We want to tackle this day and get it over with. It's a great day, but it will have us confronting our downside, but with the love of a partner, we will make it through. Which zodiac signs will go through change for the better on this day, during Moon opposite Venus?

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Three zodiac signs are luckiest in love on July 6:

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)


You can handle change. You feel nervous knowing it has to come, but you are brave and ready to be your best. You are fortunate in so much as you have a partner who is ready to endure it all with you and come to think of it, they could use a little changing up, too, while you're at it.

During the transit of the Moon opposite Venus on July 6, 2023, you will know it's time to move on with your life. You don't like thinking that 'it's time to grow up' because you are already a grown-up, but the truth is that you do realize that it's time to take charge of your life. Your love will help you do whatever you need to do, and you will feel the full support of the universe during this time. Let the good times roll, Taurus. But first, the work at hand. All is well in your world.

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2. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22)


On this day, July 6, 2023, you will conclude that if the love relationship you are presently in is to work out long-term, then it's time to tell your partner exactly who you are and what you're made of. You have held back on certain topics, afraid your partner will flee in terror if you reveal your true nature. Of course, this is wildly exaggerated. You are no such fearsome thing, but that's what today is about, and Moon opposite Venus will help you with this.

What's discovered today is that when you say it aloud to your partner, their reaction to your revelation will be both supportive and ... anti-climactic. You'll find out today that the 'real' you is not so bad. Once you work on the things that have held you back, you'll create a new, more positive standard for yourself in love and romance.

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3. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)


It's not always easy for you to admit to being wrong, but during Moon opposite Venus, you'll realize that if you improve in this life, you had better come to terms with who you are, 'warts and all' as they say. You want to be a better person for your partner, as you feel you aren't giving them what they are worth.

On July 6, you can grow and express yourself creatively. You want your partner to know that you are the real deal and more than just the temper you've shown them in the past. You have so much more love in you than you do, anger or aggression and you know you have to work on this. Today marks the beginning of a new understanding between you and your romantic partner, which is good and very promising.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.