May 26 Horoscopes Are 'Motivationally Inspiring' For 3 Zodiac Signs

Nobody messes with them.

zodiac signs with the best horoscopes Chikovnaya and Maximusnd Zahar both via Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs have the best horoscopes on May 26, 2023. Are you one of them? Before we begin, here's today's astrology forecast for everyone. The only thing you cannot do is the thing you believe you can't. There was a time when people thought the same about touching the moon — and then we put some people on it.  Just because you can't do something today doesn't mean you can't learn or come up with something new at a later date. Everything that is was once just a dreamer's dream. Don't shorten your scope of possibilities.


The main astrological energy today is that of Uranus conjunct Vesta. What is your personal vision for the future? What is it that you are devoted to? Where do you think you are going? These are some good journaling questions for the day. Being forward-thinking doesn't always have to look and feel “rebellious” or crazy. Uranus in Taurus is weirdly pretty good at grounding their vision in reality and making it more accessible to the masses. How can you do the same with your plans and dreams?



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Just make sure to breathe deeply at least a few times throughout the day and let go of the stress hardening inside of you. Life's pretty good sometimes and tough at other times, but if you ride the wave, you'll be fine. Now let's focus on the three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on May 26, 2023.

Three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on May 26, 2023:

1. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

Virgo, a lot of you will hear much-awaited good news today. For some of you, it will be a call that you are finally grandparents. For others, it will be a call that you got selected for the job you applied to. For still others, it may be a call from an estranged family member you were hoping to reconnect with. Apply this to your situation as it fits. It will surprise you.

Mercury in Taurus and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn can even bring something back from the past (or a past life). Perhaps some loose ends that you forget to tie that you need to clear out once and for all. If you are single or recently broke up with an ex, this can also be directly referring to clearing out your home of all the memorabilia of your relationship that you are still holding on to. You will be surprised how many things you have all around you that are refusing to let you move on from this person.


Also, if you feel sad today for any reason, don't be too hard on yourself. Everyone is sad from time to time. Eat some ice cream if you want to. One day won't hurt you. Or go to the arcade and cheer yourself up with some token games. You choose what's best for you.

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2. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

Something has been bothering you for a while now, Leo. Today you will finally have an answer for this situation... even if you won't be a hundred percent certain of the outcome. For some of you, this is related to a relationship that you want to end. You have been toying with the idea of how to break it to the other person and not continuing to stay in the relationship out of guilt. For others, it can be related to your career or finances. Sometimes outlining the reality of your situation can make things ultra clear regarding what to do next.


Mars, Pallas, Lilith, and Moon are all in Leo today. But they are being opposed by Pluto. So if you feel the itch to get something off your chest, don't impulsively go and do it. Consider what you want to say first in private before you do it. Your incredible strength of will is on your side at this time. So even if the situation doesn't turn out to be ideal, you'll still land on your feet.

Just remember: a good situation doesn't always feel good. Sometimes it's the equivalent of cutting out something toxic from your life or putting an end to a harmful dynamic. You've got this. Trust yourself.

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3. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)


Capricorn, you are doing pretty well in life right now. There are many people in the world who would love to swap places with you if they could. But something is clouding your judgment at this time. It could be Pluto traversing backward into your zodiac sign. You are worried that it's not enough or that you can do “so much more”. Be careful of setting up a trap for yourself because of chronic feelings of dissatisfaction.

The grass is not always greener on the other side. It looks like you will fare better by holding off on making any dramatic decisions at this time. Let Jupiter move into a more favorable position for you first.

Romance may be on your mind at this time because of Venus in Cancer. If you are single, you have an ideal type on your mind and you really want to find this person as soon as possible. You may even have a friend whose relationship with their significant other looks exactly like what you want for yourself. Attending baby showers and gender reveal parties may also bring up these feelings for you.


Take it easy today. You've got this. And if you feel restless, put on your favorite TV show or movie and calm yourself. You really need to be more patient at this time.

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Valeria Black is a tarot reader and astrology nerd, with a dash of wicked humor on the side. Follow her on Instagram for more.
