Relationships Grow Stronger For 4 Zodiac Signs During The March 26 - April 1, 2023 Weekly Horoscope

The best relationships are those that never stop growing.

zodiac signs relationships improve march 26 - april 1, 2023 Sketchify Korea, Sketchify Education, rugratz from Arie Fadrian, and grebeshkov all via Canva Pro/Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay and studiobest via Canva

Four zodiac signs see their relationships improve the week of March 26 - April 1, 2023. When their relationships grow stronger, they realize that everything needed is being presented, and all they have to do is receive their blessings with an open heart. Often, you feel unsettled within your romantic relationship because you live according to the conditions and beliefs imposed on you by others.  Yet as time goes on, and you can learn who you truly are, you can decide to make up your own rules regarding love and relationships. 


This week, as the new energy of Pluto in Aquarius and Mars in Cancer, infiltrates your life, you will be filled with fresh, hopeful energy allowing you to be more optimistic and real about your relationship

When you begin to heal and understand that it was your wounds or fears that were preventing you from thinking that you could have both a fulfilling life and relationship, you also start to see more of the value and benefit of working together rather than holding yourself or your partner to an idealistic standard. 



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This week as Mars in Cancer creates a harmonious train to Saturn in Pisces, your passions are front and center, reminding you not only why you chose to be in the relationship that you are but also how much more fulfilling life is because of it.  

Activating the First Quarter Moon in Cancer, you see past any previous restrictions so that you can truly embrace not just why you chose the romantic partner that you have but also why you are continuing to.  

Often, it is a matter of learning that the best love affairs are not only those that last forever but that never stop growing together.  

Four zodiac signs whose relationships improve during their March 26 - April 1, 2023 weekly horoscopes:

1. Cancer

It is time to listen to your intuition and realize that you do not have to choose between the relationship you love and your inner passions and desires to achieve more in life. Mars has recently ended its time in Gemini, helping you to uncover your hidden passions and desires as it rules your twelfth house of the unconscious.


Now that it is moved into your zodiac sign, you will be feeling more capable of honoring this previously hidden part of you. In your first house of Cancer, Mars brings action and motivation to honor your beliefs, needs and wants, which will be your focus during this valuable time in your life.

This week Mars in Cancer will form a comforting trine to Saturn in Pisces, helping you understand and see that you can have both. You can expand your life, embrace more of your authentic nature and still be able to grow in your relationship as Pluto in Aquarius activates your eighth house of intimacy.

After Pluto’s reign in your seventh house, you are more capable of understanding what it is you need from a romantic relationship. Because of that and your first house being activated, you truly are in the position to bring healing and growth to your relationship. A big shift happens when you realize your partner wants to grow too, and together you can create a relationship that surpasses any dreams you once had.  

RELATED: What You Want Vs. What You Need In A Relationship, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


2. Pisces

Cancer rules your fifth house, which governs themes related to pleasure, joy, creativity, marriage, and children. As Mars moved into this important sector, many questions you had in your fourth house of family, ruled by Gemini, find answers and clarity. Sometimes Pisces, while you are a natural romantic, you forget that life will never go according to any ideal you have of love and instead will need to be built intentionally by choice.

Mars in Gemini has shown you this, but now that it has shifted into Cancer, you will feel more at home in the reality of your relationship. You also are focusing on embracing joy within your life, so anything that steals that away from you or jeopardizes you simply enjoying your relationship and love will no longer be accepted.

You are becoming more in control of your thoughts as you settle into having Saturn in your first house of Pisces for the next few years, bringing both dream fulfillment and a more realistic viewpoint on relationships and love. This week, as Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces creating a harmonious trine, you are more able to create and embrace your relationship and life rather than wishing it to be different.

It is about focusing on why you chose these relationships versus those challenges that will always be a part of love. The First Quarter Moon in Cancer also helps with this process as restrictions suddenly seem insignificant, and you feel more confident at stepping into a place of complete joy.  


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3. Libra

With Jupiter in Aries and the recent Stellium in Aries, it is no surprise that you have seen expansion and good luck within your romantic life, but this week offers something special. You are well within the month-long energetic portal between Aries New Moons, which means you are also looking for and seizing new beginnings around you right now. Aries is your sister sign and ruler of your seventh house of relationships. 

So, this is a time to embrace whatever comes your way, trusting that if it is arriving as an opportunity, it is also because it is one you are meant to take. An important part of this journey is that after 15 years, Pluto has just left your fourth house of home and family, ruled by Capricorn, and entered your fifth, ruled by Aquarius. Your fifth house represents marriage, joy, pleasure, and even children.

As this new wave settles over you, you will feel more confident in the good that is manifesting within your life without worrying that it will somehow end or be taken away from you. This week, there is going to be a deep sense of passion that overtakes you when Mars in Cancer activates your fifth house alongside the First Quarter Moon that also occurs within this same sign.


First Quarter Moons are all about overcoming challenges to manifest your desires better. Sometimes, these exist within yourself, and once you see that, you finally allow yourself to receive the love you have always needed.  

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4. Sagittarius

You are truly being guided toward expansion and abundance within your domestic life, with Jupiter and Mercury in Aries activating your fifth house. Your fifth house rules joy, pleasure, marriage, and children, and now, you will be focused on the conversations and actions that will help you do just that. At the same time, Saturn has just entered the sign of Pisces, ruler of your fourth house of home and family.


Saturn is helping you find greater happiness and fulfillment, while Mars, now in your eighth house with the First Quarter Moon, activates themes of transformation and intimacy.

This is a powerful week for you to embrace where you are in your life and not put off the good for tomorrow. Things will never be perfect, and while Pluto in Aquarius in your third house has you off on a quest for truth, you also need to ensure you are not continually looking for a different answer. You know the relationship that you are meant to be in and what genuinely aligns with your life and your authentic self.

The more you can self-validate that this week, the more you will be able to overcome any existing barriers so that you can step into a more fulfilling and authentic chapter of your relationship.  

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website