3 Zodiac Signs Rewarded With 'Healing' Horoscopes On Monday, March 6, 2023

Transformation always begins with slight changes.

three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on march 6 2023 vtrdid studio and Chikovnaya via Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs are finally rewarded with healing energy in their horoscopes on Monday, March 6, 2023. No matter how much you love your life as it is now, it does not mean it cannot get better. And, as the Moon positions itself for a Full Moon, you lay the foundation for your new life's era. And that is precisely what the next few years will be about as a new era is about to begin, which deals with authentic joy.


There is a difference between following the rule book of happiness according to society, family or even your ego — and one authentically yours. It can be hard to prioritize happiness because you are often told that it is a luxury or that no one is happy, so it does not matter. But it does, and it is not a luxury, but your rite.

Virgo is part of the goodness within yourself and life, and the Moon shifts into Virgo in the afternoon hours today. While the Full Moon is not exact until daybreak tomorrow, any rituals or celebrations can be done this evening or tomorrow.



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It is healing energy, but an earth simplicity also beckons of summer days and ripe peaches that taste like sunshine. It is the primal physical energy of a life well lived once you cut away everything else that you no longer need. This will be the theme for the next few years; today is your chance to get a jump start on the work the universe will ask you to do.

Uranus brings sudden and unexpected changes as it crosses into the heart of the Pisces Sun, which governs actions taken and our innermost desires.

As the two combine their energies, it creates faith in momentum building as you seek out the slight changes that will make all the difference.

With the Virgo Full Moon building, there is a sense that a theme involving your healing, authenticity and joy is coming to fruition since the Virgo New Moon on August 27, 2022. Reflecting on this time, and while it will differ from where Virgo shows up in your natal chart, there is a sense that some deep healing energy connected to your truth has been playing out. This energy has asked you to honor your self-worth, advocate for your inner truth, and not lie to yourself or avoid what is most necessary to face.


And like the greatest reward, the universe promises that if you abide by all of this, you will be rewarded with the peace of knowing you are genuinely doing your best and soaking up as much happiness and joy from life as possible. Auspiciously, Saturn shifts into Pisces early tomorrow, just an hour after the Full Moon in Virgo, ushering in a new era of gentleness, softness, and the reminder that there is a greater meaning to everything. It just so happens that happiness matters more than you thought.

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These three zodiac signs have the best horoscopes on Monday, March 6, 2023

1. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

The Full Moon in your zodiac sign is a chance to reclaim your inner power and find the center again. After a few interesting months of growth and lessons, you need to return to what matters most.


You can often get distracted by things around you; whether you are trying to perfect them or take care of everyone, it is important to pause and find your center. This chapter of your life will come with joy but will also require you to find your faith and move from a place of lessons learned.

This is an entirely new year, but to continue to make the most of it, you need to remember who you are because that is the key to knowing what brings true happiness.

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2. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)

Uranus has been bringing the unexpected into your life for a few years; better or worse, it will continue for the next three years. The thing is, though, is that Uranus first crumbles, and then it rebuilds. That is the life phase you are in right now, as all the old structures of your life have been ruined so you can focus on what you want to build.


The energy today may challenge you in how you are seen by others. This can prompt you to revisit whether your opinion or those of others matter most. You already know the answer; today is just a reminder of what you have learned.

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3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)


Life will get bigger, more serious, and more successful as Saturn dives into your zodiac sign tomorrow. Today’s Virgo Full Moon mentions themes related to boundaries, self-worth, and advocating your truth that first began around August 27th, 2022. Since that time, you have been going through a period of learning when to bend and when to stay strong.

You are a mutable sign which means you tend to be persuaded more easily than most; coupled with your empathy, you often end up protecting the feelings of others and just doing what they want you to. But now, everything is different. Do not second-guess your happiness when it has taken you this long to find it.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.
