3 Zodiac Signs Who Have A Great Horoscope On March 16, 2022
It is the perfect time for change.

As you approach the Virgo Full Moon, there is an increasingly powerful desire to start acting on the changes that you want.
You will see changes begin to unfold that has been in the works for the past two years. It is impossible to escape it at this point and just becomes a matter of when no longer if.
The Moon shifts into Virgo in the early morning hours of today, prepping you for the energy surge that will be coming in. Virgo is an earth sign that represents healing. Once you heal your woundedness, your way of making choices will naturally change as well.
Today, the Moon cozies up to Uranus, providing a rare opportunity to act impulsively and create the changes you are seeking with as little chaos or disruption as possible.
The last time this occurred was at the beginning of January 2022, but a lot has changed since then.
You should not feel that you must force yourself to do something you are not in alignment with, but today’s energy is also a sign of not stopping talking out of what you most want to do.
This also applies to waiting for that perfect time to do something because this does not exist.
There will never be a perfect time to start anything new, but there is one for deciding you are no longer okay with things staying the same.
Today is the day to make a change in your own hands.
The three zodiac signs who are lucky enough to have a great horoscope on Wednesday, March 16, 2022:
1. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20)
The last big hurrah of your season is an important one. Virgo lights up your romantic relationships and the healing you have gone through to accept the kind of love you desire.
The Sun in your zodiac sign gives you time to reflect on who you are, and the Moon sauntering through Virgo activates your relationships.
It is an indication that these two areas are where you will see the most significant changes and movements. It has been a tough few months for you recently, as Venus in Capricorn does not precisely spell the kind of romance and connection that you are seeking. While it did serve a purpose, it will also be a welcome relief to have some positivity and intimacy return to your life.
Given the other elements happening right now, there will be some sort of communication or conversation coming in about deeply held feelings. Whether they are yours or the declaration that another has for you, something is revealed with this energy. Because the Moon is already in Virgo, it means that you are within the magic that this Full Moon will bring.
2. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
For you, the Virgo Moon always plays a big part in your sense of self and where you are becoming the person you want to be, which includes how you are living your life. It is time to do a review of sorts.
If it seems like your wheels have been spinning or that you have not made the headway that you have hoped, then it may be time to readjust or change paths altogether.
Do not let your ego or idea of perfectionism be what stops you from finding true success, both within yourself and the things that you pursue in your life. This life is yours, and it is time to move full speed ahead. Use today’s energy to do just that.
3. Scorpio
(October 23 - November 21)
It is never easy to make a significant life change, even for the better, because you will naturally think about what it seems like you must leave behind. But today offers you a chance for a new perspective and to make those big moves without the emotional challenges that generally are a part of it.
With the Eclipse Axis having shifted into Scorpio and Taurus until 2023, you are in the prime time of your life. Things are coming together and moving in ways that you cannot even imagine. Everything that is happening, whether a goodbye or hello, is happening for your highest good.
Never doubt the magic of the universe once you make the space for it to move. Today though, Uranus in Taurus snuggles up to the Moon, giving you a boost in making a tremendous change without any drama, chaos, or even those feelings of regret.
Even if it may seem like you are leaving behind a person or some part of your life, right now, what you are truly letting go of is the person you used to be. Today is a chance to celebrate how far you have come, have conversations, and make the decisions that your future self will thank you for.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the art of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.