3 Zodiac Signs Who Have A Rough Horoscope On March 28, 2022

That kind of day, yes.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Have A Rough Horoscope On March 28, 2022 by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

The Monday Blues are here, and they are as you imagine them to be wary, not ready, over it before it even happens.

That kind of day, yes. We can probably chalk this off to the idea that we may have had a perfect weekend, and now, the grind seems like a letdown. Oh yeah, we have to work. That's right.

While we know in our hearts that it's just another day, we still have the transits above to interfere with our positive progress.


We're talking about Moon conjunction Mars and Moon conjunction Saturn.

With these two transits at large, some of us here will be feeling quite agitated; some of us may even border on hostile.

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It's hard for many of us to deal with Saturnian energy, as it always feels so over the top and unnecessarily rigid. For those of us who cannot stand the idea of being controlled, we may get to experience this during the week, and it will be rough on us.

It's a truly tough day for Virgo, Libra, and Pisces, and these three zodiac signs feel it the most on March 28, 2022.

1. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

You will walk into work today expecting a total mess, and guess what? You'll find it. And that has nothing to do with negative manifestation and all to do with the plain reality that Moon conjunction Saturn is taking things out of your hands and placing you in a position that you do not want to be.

You're now the clean-up person in your place of work. You make sure everyone's mistakes are corrected. There's no reward for your efforts, and your general 'already established' feeling of not being appreciated is amplified.


This job of yours? It sucks, and while you've always known it, you'll feel especially degraded today, as fellow workers will be downright abusive.

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2. Libra

(September 23 - October 22)

You may not be anyone's favorite person on this day, but you will certainly be able to rise to the top, that is for sure. You've got a plan, and you mean to see it through.

You are not in the mood to listen to the naysayers in the peanut gallery, and if you cross someone or hurt their feelings, that's something they will have to deal with — how a person reacts to you is their perception and problem, not yours.


You have minimal sympathy for anyone today and even less empathy. If you can stand being sneered at and disapproved of, your day may be wonderful, but there's a good chance that even if you get what you want today, you're not going to like being detested.

RELATED: Weekly Tarot Card Reading For Each Zodiac Sign, March 28 - April 3, 2022

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 10)

Because you've come to know that certain 'tricks' have worked for you in the past, you won't love that they are not working for you today.


And by tricks, of course, we mean manipulative skills. You've always depended on your pouty 'feel sorry for me' look to get you what you want, but nobody's interested in your control-freak skill set today; they want you to shut up and do what you came to do, whatever that is.

Nobody is into your drama today, and you'd be better off just sticking to the original plan without trying to 'get someone else to do your bidding.' Enough with the not-so-subtle manipulation, Pisces. Just do your work and stop trying to control everyone around you.

RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign's Horoscope For The Week Of March 28 - April 3, 2022


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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.
