3 Zodiac Signs Who Tell Someone They Love Goodbye During The Moon Conjunct Mars Starting December 31, 2021


3 Zodiac Signs Who Tell Someone They Love Goodbye During The Moon Conjunct Mars Starting December 31, 2021 Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock.com

Moon conjunction Mars can go pretty deep, and by that what we mean is that the idea of saying goodbye to someone we love is not always about ending a relationship; it's about letting go. This has been a hard year for many, and many people have lost people they love.

And because the pandemic caused so much havoc over finances, many of us had to give up our homes, our security, and we've had to say goodbye to the ones we love.


Now that we are at the end of the year, we are also looking for closure. We want to know that we can walk into a year filled with hope.

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We also know that some things in our lives have become hopeless, like trying to maintain a long-distance relationship, or figuring out how to pay the rent. Moon conjunction Mars needs us to say good-bye to those we love, to situations impossible, and to ways of thinking that are no longer relevant.

We lug around the pain of hopelessness, and often times our feelings are connected to someone we love, and we know now that we must say goodbye.


To stay is to rot, to corrode, to disintegrate, and during this transit, we will fully come to understand that there's only one way to go onwards.

Zodiac Signs Who Tell Someone They Love Goodbye During The Moon Conjunct Mars Starting December 31, 2021:


(July 23 - August 22)

There are many things that you need to let go of, Leo, and while it causes enormous dread in you to have to say goodbye to just about anything or anyone, you realize that your health is at stake; holding on like this has caused you anxiety, and that can't be good in long-term doses.

Moon conjunction Mars lets you know that the time is right...to let go. Just the idea that we have this transit on the last day of the year means there are no coincidences. This is real, Leo. It's time to say goodbye to someone you love. You'll always love them, but you need to let them go now. You'll be fine. See ya on the flip side.


RELATED: How You Say Goodbye To Someone You Love, According To Your Zodiac Sign


(September 23 - October 22)

This has been a very hard year for you in terms of personal relationships and loss. The universe wants to wrap you up in a warm blanket of love and tell you that everything is going to be OK, and with Moon conjunction Mars, you might feel like you're teetering on the edge.

What's becoming obvious is that you're stuck and you need to unstick yourself before walking into the next year.

You can carry the memory of the person you loved with you, forever, but you also need to pay attention to your life.

Come back to the world, Libra, and start your new beginning by saying goodbye to someone you love.


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(November 22 - December 21)

You loved someone, and while there's still some fire in your heart for them, you know that you can no longer bear the burden of loving them; it hurts too much.

Moon conjunction Mars comes to you on the last day of the year, but no surprise here, and in a way, it's challenging you to do what you've known you have to do for a while now.


You have to breakup and say goodbye altogether. They will live their life on their own, without you, and the same goes for you.

This person is no longer a part of your life, Sagittarius, and while you may love them forever, you do not like them AT ALL, and the worst part is that they like you even less. It's no longer meant to be, and it is definitely time to mentally and emotionally say goodbye to them.

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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter Ruby Miranda
