One Card Tarot Reading For The Week Of December 6 - 12, 2021
Welcome to the Weekly One Card Tarot reading for December 6, 2021.

Welcome to the Weekly One Card Tarot reading for December 6, 2021.
Interesting how the cards work with us as individuals. You'd think that because it's the holiday season that we'd get a whole bunch of holiday-style readings (You'll be buying giftees soon!
You may get a cool present any day now...) and yet, it's still business as usual, according to the cards. And that's because life is business as usual, no matter what season is upon us.
The week looks good for all of us, according to the Tarot.
Every now and then one of the signs comes with some kind of major warning, but this week looks relatively placid. Yes, there will be a few trying times, but as a whole, the week looks optimistic, even favorable.
One thing that's for sure, family is definitely part of the plan here.
Whether it's a problem or a joy, the week seems filled with family matters. That might make you cringe or feel warm and toasty, either way, family is what we all might be seeing as common ground here.
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Knight of Wands, reversed
You might get to experience a little family strife during this week, Aries. It seems that there are a couple of issues that no one in the family wants to deal with.
You won't be required to do much, but you will get to hear an earful of complaints. You will try to help, and you will do a good job, but in the long run, your guidance will fall on deaf ears.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Five of Pentacles, reversed
It's no surprise that you crave a certain degree of chaos just to keep you interested, but this week may bring with it more than you had in mind.
You aren't able to control much during the week, and you may feel like things are getting out of hand, at work and at home.
While your love life is on track, your house is starting to crumble, take care of what begs to be taken care of. Don't let things fall into disorder.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Page of Cups, reversed
This card lets you know that your week is going to be filled with sneaky little games and sexy insinuations.
If you have someone in your life to love, or are interested in someone. This is the time for the big seduction. This is a wonderful week for love and romance, for you, Gemini.
This is also a great time for you to do something silly or kinky, like role play with your partner, or go for something completely out of your comfort zone.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Strength
A great week is in store for you, Cancer. You will rise above all adversity this week. If you are put to the test, you will pass it.
You are fit for the task, no matter what is asked of you. You are strong, loving and wise - this week will make that known to everyone around you.
From this week on, no one will doubt our ability to rise above. Family and friends will see you in a new light, and their respect for you and your life will become obvious.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): Four of Pentacles, reversed
Hurry up and wait. That's the basic meaning to this card. It also implies that you are impatient, and that you expect something to be done that hasn't come through yet. You may become frustrated and give up hope; don't, not just yet.
This is a temporary state that only proves to you that not everything is as reliable as you think, especially things financial. If you're waiting to get paid. It may not happen this week.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Nine of Swords
What you may suffer this week is the result of expectation gone bad. You truly believed in someone, and what did they do? They betrayed your expectation and now you see them for what they are or for what you 'think' they are.
Whatever they did, you interpret it as disappointing, which will have you deeming them worthless and a waste of your precious time. Don't drive yourself crazy over this person, Virgo. They're just not being you, that's all.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): Four of Swords
Similar to Leo, you, too, will be waiting for something to happen. While you are not waiting on a package to arrive or a person to show up, you ARE waiting on a decision, and your focus is unwavering.
This week is all about staying at your post, doing the right thing, and making sure all the pieces fall into place. You are vigilant and stoic, and you basically won't move until this decision is made.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Queen of Pentacles
This week brings out your strong side. You are the only person you can trust when it comes to your future, your finances and the state of the family.
Family members come to you for advice and you know exactly how to guide them. If a decision needs to be made, it will be you who mans the helm; you are an expert and you advise friends and family well.
You don't need to deal with trust or chance, you make the rules, you lay down the law, and if people listen to you, they, too, will have a good week.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): The Empress, reversed
Here's one of those cards that in its reversed state is even better than in its upright position. This week is about to open your eyes.
A long hidden truth will be revealed and it will, as its known to do, set you free. Being that freedom is your thing, you'll be in a rapturous state during the week.
This is good time for public speaking, social media sharing, and sharing your truth-laden revelations.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Three of Cups
Finally, the wait is over. What you've been waiting for and anticipating is now here, and it's good.
There is nothing in your week that pulls you down, in fact, you'll find good reason to celebrate, which is also a great way for you to unwind; you take everything so seriously. This week gives you a break from the ultra serious. Let yourself breathe, Capricorn. It's all good.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Seven of Wands
Expect highly intelligent conversations this week, Aquarius. Sometimes you like to indulge in pure mental expansion. This week has plenty of that in store for you.
You'll experience sharing stories of success, and you'll get to show off a bit, too. You will be the star of the conversation, regaling those you know with the stories of your life, and your successes.
Pisces (February 19 - March 10): Five of Wands, reversed
Because this card in its upright version tends to mean conflict and disaster, you can rejoice over the fact that in its reversed state, it means just the opposite.
This is the week that you'll complete something big. The knowledge that completion is in store will bring you so much freedom.
All the work it took you to get to this place has finally paid off. You can relax now, Pisces. This is a worry-free, tension-free week for you.
Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda