3 Zodiac Signs Whose Psychic Power Grows During The Moon In Scorpio Starting August 14, 2021

Spidey senses.

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Psychic Power Grows During The Moon In Scorpio Starting August 14, 2021 Lidiia/Shutterstock.com

Three zodiac signs whose psychic power grows starting on August 14, 2021 have some sort of relationship with Scorpio energy.

It's one of the reasons why their intuition is strongest whenever a planet transits the eighth solar house of astrology.

When the Moon is in Scorpio, there's one thing we all know: Times are about to get emotional. Desires are coming to the surface, and so are hidden feelings.


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Our sense of intuition is about to go into overdrive, and for many, this could bring on a phase of clairvoyance and psychic ability.

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Moon in Scorpio is practically a symbol of intensity, and it's quite capable of bringing out in us some very dark thinking.

This is where we suddenly realize how into something we are - something so private, that we may not want to share our desires with anyone else. Something we need to keep secret.

This transit will also bring out the 'boss' in many of us.

This isn't a soft transit - there's danger lurking here and it can be found in the minds of human beings. Ironically, our senses will be so heightened, that we'll be able to psychically pick up on other people's secrets. Didn't count on that one, did we?


Who's psychic power will grow during Moon in Scorpio?

Zodiac signs whose psychic power grows during the Moon in Scorpio starting August 14, 2021:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

What you may experience today, August 14, is a sense of high paranoia that revolves around jealousy and possessiveness. You believe you are picking up on something having to do with your partner, and you do not trust it.

Your spidey senses are telling you that they have lied to you, and the truth is - your senses are correct; there's a very good chance your partner or date or person has lied to you.

After all, they're under the Scorpio Moon, too, and they have secrets as well.


Unfortunately, you're now able to pick up on all their secrets, and you don't like it one little bit.

Had this been an ordinary day, you both wouldn't be so enflamed with dark thoughts, yet today is that day where dark thoughts rule. Can you make peace with what you've found? Yes, Aries, you can. Now move along. No need for fisticuffs.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

In your case, the psychic power is going to work for you. You are about to feel empowered by your own intuition. It may show as a new idea, suddenly come to mind.

This idea shows you an image of yourself in the future, where you are happy and content with the path you've chosen. This vision will inspire you to make today the starting point in your life.


As they say, "there's no time like the present" and that is exactly how Moon in Scorpio is going to hit you; like a starting point by which you can begin to realize your own dreams.

You may have perfect scenarios in your mind, but those only serve to inspire you; this transit will have you more stoic and driven than ever before.

This is a very good time for you to make big choices in education, in your career path - that Taurus determination, mixed with Moon in Scorpio is pure winner material.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

There is nothing about this day you're not going to love. This is pure Scorpio wildness - Moon in Scorpio, for a Scorpio, is like a dream come true, it's everything you are, and you are able to extract so much power from a transit like this.


You will not only be able to predict the behavior of people, you'll be able to whittle out secrets from others - if that interests you.

Which it does, because, well, you're dark like that. On the other hand, as your psychic ability grows, so will your desire for control, which could lead to suspiciousness and a persecution complex.

You will be at your perfectionist worst, during this transit, which implies that nothing will be good enough for you. Oddly enough, you enjoy this kind of heightened negativity, and in your world, you are able to make this into a positive experience, if only for yourself.

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Ruby Miranda has been practicing I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda