3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On August 5, 2021

One amazing day.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On August 5, 2021 PKpix/Shutterstock.com

A great day is coming for three lucky zodiac signs. 

On August 5th the Moon will be transiting the sign of Cancer bringing a much needed cleansing of the soul and emotional body.

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The Moon will be in some nice aspects with Mars and Jupiter which can stimulate growth in the emotions in a way where there's a desire to create a deeper connection and bond in the area of your life this Moon is passing through. 


Three zodiac signs who will have a great day feel awesome on August 5th, 2021.

Since Cancer is a sign ruled by the Moon, it brings a natural energy of nurturing, comfort and a motherly presence.

This energy will give you a moment to get in touch with your feelings and see the truth about how you really feel when it comes to certain situations in your life.

This Moon will also be opposing Pluto which can bring some intense emotions to the surface, but with the energy of Cancer here this will allow those emotions to be released in a gentle and healing way.

Zodiac signs who will have a great day starting August 5th, 2021:

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

With this Moon being in your eleventh house of friendships and social connections, you may find yourself opening up more and sharing more of yourself with your current social circle.


This can also signify a time where you may meet some new people who you have a soul connection and instant bond with.

This Moon is giving you an opportunity to express your deeper emotions and feelings with those people you feel called to connect with, as this will make your relationships stronger.

The Moon in Cancer will be sextile Mars in Virgo and this can inspire you to take action towards the people your heart is leading you towards.

There is a strong intuitive vibe with this Moon, meaning that it will be important to listen to any intuitive messages you may be receiving at this time.


Especially when it comes to pursuing new friendships or joining new organizations. 

The Moon will also trine Jupiter in Aquarius which will allow you to see the bigger picture when it comes to your potential with certain connections.

There is a feeling here of really following your heart and letting your inspiration and curiosity guide you towards a new chapter in your life, when it comes to your friendships and the people you choose to make a part of your circle. 

RELATED: Which Zodiac Signs Are The Most (And Least) Compatible With Virgo

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

With the Moon being in your ninth house of philosophy and travel, you may find yourself feeling inspired to search for ways to create more meaning and emotional fulfillment in your life.


Even if you can't travel physically, you may find yourself taking an inner journey towards enlightenment and allowing your mind to open up to all the possibilities life has to offer. 

This may be a time where your current perspectives of the world and your place in it are changing and transforming, thus leading you to a new awareness about your purpose in this life.

Finding joy and delight in discovering new spiritual beliefs and practices, as well as new philosophies, may prove to be fulfilling for you during this transit. 

This Moon may give you a very introspective and reflective nature which is very open-minded, allowing you to see that there are multiple layers to reality, and many new and exciting things you have yet to learn about the world we live in.


This Moon may inspire you to plan an exciting new trip somewhere or to even further a field of study in order to enhance your knowledge about certain subjects which are near and dear to your heart.

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Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

With the Moon being in your fifth house of creativity and joy, this may be a great time for coming up with new creative projects or taking on a new hobby which brings you emotional fulfillment.

Because the Moon is in a sextile with Mars, this means that you will be inspired to take action towards your creative proclivities, instead of just dreaming about them.


The Moon is also in a trine with Jupiter making it possible for you to easily learn and develop new skills in a way where things just seem to flow for you.

This is a great time for allowing your heart to guide you towards new ways of creating joy for yourself, where there is no pressure to do it perfectly, but to just have fun and enjoy the process.

This Moon may also stimulate your inner child and your sense of adventure when it comes to flexing your creative muscles and trying new things.

Since the fifth house is also connected with pleasure and fertility, this may also be a great time for you to simply enjoy the pleasures life has to offer you, and revel in the beauty which is all around you, and allow that to inspire you to create more of that beauty in your own life.


RELATED: The Darkside To The Pisces Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology


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Tara Reynolds is an intuitive empath, tarot reader, astrologer, artist & priestess who discovered her love for spirituality and the spirit world as a small child. She specializes in love, career, spirituality, and past lives readings. For more of her work, visit her website.
