3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Want To Break Up During Venus Square Uranus, July 7th -14th, 2021
Some things are not meant to be.

The planet of love and beauty is in Leo, and she will square the planet of chaos for the next 7-days. This astrology aspect can make or break relationships for three zodiac signs: Aries, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
Venus in Leo will square Uranus in Taurus from July 7th to July 14th, 2021, and for three zodiac signs this is an intense time for love.
While we all know that Venusian transits tend to affect our love lives, when Venus is square with Uranus, we can add another note to that concept: the idea of breaking up, breaking free from the person we are partnered with.
Uranus is a really electrifying planet; its vibe is about seeing past limitations and daring one's self to move past all the shackles of one's daily life.
When squared with Venus, we are suddenly thrust into a state of doubt, when it comes to love.
Are we as happy as we have been convincing ourselves? Is this love real, or are we just going through the motions?
Many of us can and will experience lover's spats or serious disagreements with our loved ones, this week.
And while these arguments won't shatter trusts or ruin the relationship for too long, depending on who's the antagonist of the coupling, it could cause a rift that might not easily be mended.
That's where we have to be careful - that's where we have to single out a few of the signs that DO stand to cause real damage, if left unadvised and ill-prepared for the heft of what might happen.
The question is - do you want this relationship to last? And if so, what will you do about it, and if not, what will you do about that?
Here are three signs that had best watch their mouths during the Venus square Uranus transit, set to start on July 7.
Zodiac signs who will want to break up during Venus square Uranus starting July 7-14, 2021:
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You've always been a lover AND a fighter, Aries, and that turf comes with passionate love affairs that tend to end in some kind of huge battle royale.
What you may experience today, thanks to Venus square Uranus (known for its strangeness), and for the rest of the week is something similar; a need to say what's on your mind, to your loved one, at the risk of the relationship itself.
You are feisty and warlike, you believe in truth - but you often time forget how damaging the truth can be, especially if delivered and reported in a way that lacks compassion or foresight.
You may mean well today, but you may also act way too impulsively, thinking your partner - or friend - understands the entirety of what you are proposing.
This cosmic transit is a test for you, Aries - can you say what's on your mind without destroying another person's entire life?
While you might think that's highly dramatic, the other person will feel only pain and hurt, so craft your words in a way that won't feel like the person you're speaking with doesn't feel like they've been caught in a hit-and-run.
If you want to leave this relationship, be kind and considerate - leave on a high note, if you absolutely must.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Whether it's about breaking up with someone, or breaking bread with friends - or breaking bad and letting the whole thing fall apart, you, Sagittarius are going to experience an intense feeling this week of wanting to break free.
Free, yes, free. While this may not pan out in the glorious Jack Kerouac style romantic road trip, it will play with your mind until you finally do something about it. Usually, you just roll with it, figuring you'll get what you need when the time is right.
Yet, today is starting to feel a little too much like that day - will the time be right? Perhaps not, yet that won't stop you from seeking out new ways to rid yourself of what attaches you to the present - like your partner, or a work situation that you simply can't stand any longer.
This is what the week is going to be about for you - an itch that can't be scratched, based on some fantasy desire to leave everything you know and start again - in some new country, with new people around you.
The rest of the world will believe you're living in a dream world - but you can't share the feeling that this is real, and the realer it gets for you in terms of wanting to bust free and just LEAVE, the more frustrated you will become. Strange tidings come from Venus square Uranus.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
If there is one thing you demand in your life, as a standard, it's the right to choose. Even if you choose the worst - that decision is on your head and yours alone. This week, starting on July 7, during the Venus in Leo square Uranus transit, you will feel threatened - by the idea of not having a choice.
And this choice is going to revolve around your love life and present situation. You feel trapped, and as the day (and perhaps, week) goes on, you're going to start to resent your partner more and more for simply being there, attached to you, unable to let go.
And why would they let you go? They signed on for you, and your quiet cold...they signed on for you and your superiority complex and dark moods...yet, it's you who suddenly feels trapped by their love.
But keep this in mind, Aquarius - this is a transit that will pass, and when it does, your mind will return to its previously undisturbed state, where you accept your life and your relationship for what it is.
You'd be best today to keep your thoughts to yourself as to spare yourself from any real damage you might do to the relationship. Take a deep breath, process your thoughts, and then...let them go.
Ruby Miranda has been practicing I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.