Every Chinese Zodiac Sign's Horoscope For The Week Of September 18 - 24, 2023

Careful considerations are in store for these zodiac signs.

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Your weekly Chinese weekly horoscope for September 18 - 24, 2023 is here to provide each zodiac sign with an astrology forecast of the week including the luckiest days for career, love, and friendship.  

This week, we may all struggle with some form of confusion, but be patient. Sometimes, all you need to do to make heads or tails out of a situation is to wait a bit longer and see where the chips land.


Of course, this is not the case in all situations, so don't let your mind trick you into procrastinating on the important things. If you are a student, use this time to build solid skills and get good grades. Life is messy that way.

I Ching divination can help us explore this week's energies and give some additional insight into what to expect. The I Ching of the week is called "Mountain over lake"  hexagram #41, and the I Ching "Water over lake", hexagram #60.

These two I Chings remind us to be mindful of pride. Humility is not the same as allowing others to walk over you like a doormat.


Humility enables one to stop when they know they should. In that silence, new lessons and realizations await. Let's focus on the weekly Chinese horoscopes for each zodiac sign for September 18 - 24.

Chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope for September 18 - 24, 2023:


General Overview:

Rat, this week's energy calls you to close out old chapters, tie up loose ends, and start afresh in your life. This can be about one particular aspect or your entire life. Don't hesitate to evaluate the past to learn from your mistakes.

Lucky Day in Love: September 23


You will be extra lucky in love this week, especially if you have your wedding ceremony. Water and water bodies will also enhance the love between you and your significant other ... or help you find people who will lead you to your soulmate.

Lucky Day in Friendship: September 21

Cherish the best friends in your life and let them know how much you care for them (in your way) this week. You may not always be this close because of life, old age and responsibilities. You will always hold these memories close.

Lucky Day for Career: September 22

Take a step back in your career this week and pause. What's the point of going so fast if you trip and fall and take twice as long to fix the mistakes? Watch first, so you don't have to retrace.


RELATED: Year Of The Rat Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


General Overview:

The energy is speeding up for you, Ox. If you have an opportunity in front of you, don't take too long to decide. It may vanish while you are fibbing.

Lucky Day in Love: September 23

If You want an extraordinary love life, why are you settling for something subpar? Don't wait for someone to come to your rescue. Be your gentle knight or lady with the sword and cut loose that which is dragging you down.

Lucky Day in Friendship: September 21

The energy this week is not great for social activities and building bonds of friendship, but there's an exception. All indoor activities are exempt from this. So, if you haven't had a sleepover since high school, here's the perfect excuse to let your inner child out and have fun with your closest buddies.


Lucky Day for Career: September 22

Your diligence and sharp foresight will pay off this week. Don't celebrate before the last man (or woman) crosses the finish line. You are about to begin an even bigger adventure in your career.

RELATED: Year Of The Ox Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


General Overview:

Tiger, don't be hasty this week. Wait for the puzzle pieces to fall into place before you conclude. The best detectives wait to sniff out the relevant clues. If you are interacting with an Ox, read their horoscope for more insights about your relationship with them.

Lucky Day in Love: September 22

The energy is unfavorable for your love life this week. You may have fights with your partner or feel lackadaisical about the people you engage on dating apps. Let the slump phase roll over in its own time. This, too, shall pass.


Lucky Day in Friendship: September 22

Now's the time to deepen your bonds of friendship with those you cherish the most in your life or wish to include in your inner circle. If you are a loner and wish to know more kindred spirits, start visiting places that bring joy to your soul and one day you will find more people just like you.

Lucky Day for Career: September 23

You are about to close a lucrative deal in your career or complete a much-awaited project, event or year. Stay strong until the end! The best ones finish as if they are just getting started.

RELATED: Year Of The Tiger Chinese Zodiac Personality


General Overview:

Rabbit, you get to decide what this week will be like. The power is in your hands. Some of you will benefit from channeling this into a manifestation ritual if you want something bad.


Lucky Day in Love: September 20

Who will stand by your side if all hell breaks loose? That's the week's question for you in matters of the heart. Take some time to journal the answer and then look at the relationships in your life.

Lucky Day in Friendship: September 19

Some of you are roaming in social circles, awarding your mediocrity or encouraging you to stay mediocre. Don't let the classists and divisionists of the world define mediocrity for you. Some people in high palaces are extremely mediocre, too.

Lucky Day for Career: September 18

The bonds of friendship in your life will either stand the test of time or fray at the first sign of trouble. Don't turn a blind eye to either. Honor the former and be wary of the latter. You are being called to focus on this now, especially if you have friends in your workplace or your career network.


RELATED: Year Of The Rabbit: Chinese Zodiac Traits And Dates


General Overview:

Dragon, this week will be a mixed bag for you. Some days will bring you joy and unrelenting happiness. Other days will bring nail-biting suspense that will prove you that the universe is always at your side.

Lucky Day in Love: September 19

The energy for fostering long-term commitments is not strong this week. So, wait longer for a more auspicious time for confessions or engagements.

Lucky Day in Friendship: September 20

You are now being asked to focus on your friend's circles. Why do you flit from one to another? Why do you hold them all together? Journal your thoughts about the dynamics and you will find clarity that will help you shortly. Some of you may benefit from reading the horoscope for Pig if you have friends born during those years.


Lucky Day for Career: September 23

Now's not the time to do something wild and risky with your career. Now's the time to assess and evaluate your processes and maybe even be thoroughly scientific. Winners don't always do different things. They sometimes do the same mundane tasks differently.

RELATED: Year Of The Dragon Chinese Zodiac Years And Traits


General Overview:

Snake, this week's energy is peaceful and silent for you. Take advantage of this to heal your soul and maybe go to the spa. If you are interacting with a Rooster, read their horoscope as well. Especially if you have financial ties with them in some form. You stand to gain from deepening your relationship and collaboration.


Lucky Day in Love: September 24

If you are single, it will be more productive for you to focus on yourself this week. Love will come to you when you stop looking for it. For those in a relationship, you are being asked right now to work with your significant other fairly and justly. Don't overburden one or the other with chores and responsibilities.

Lucky Day in Friendship: September 21

Take some time this week to socialize with people in public places, whether at restaurants, dance clubs, paintball arenas or even a neighborhood volleyball court.

Lucky Day for Career: September 22

Be more careful of the details this week in your career. You are uniquely positioned to clear an obstacle, but you may face a setback if you are too hasty.


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General Overview:

Horse, fated events are rushing towards you at record speed. Most of you have no idea they are coming. Just remember: you are as strong as you believe yourself to be. So believe it and you will conquer whatever is thrown your way.

Lucky Day in Love: September 23

Your love life may feel like a burden to some of you because of all your other responsibilities. Communicate clearly with your partner and let them know your needs. If you are single, don't focus on love now.

Lucky Day in Friendship: September 21

Some of you will soon meet new people who will play a significant role in your life. For some, these new friends will close the gap between you and your soulmate.


Lucky Day for Career: September 19

A lot of choices are opening up for you in your career. Take account of them and evaluate them carefully. Your future depends on this.

RELATED: The Luckiest Feng Shui Home Layout For Each Chinese Zodiac Sign


General Overview:

Goat, don't tolerate unkindness, no matter what. Some people pretend to be critics but enjoy tearing others down in reality. You will encounter this energy this week. If possible, avoid situations that tickle your intuition in a bad way.

Lucky Day in Love: September 18

Your love life is blossoming in more than one way at this time. Some of you are going through a glow-up. Others of you are deepening your connection with a new partner. Still, others are finding true love within themselves, which in turn is changing their perspective on love entirely.


Lucky Day in Friendship: September 18

Your social life will be A+ this week. You may feel pulled in more than one direction throughout the week. Take a deep breath whenever you feel overwhelmed. You will know where to go and where to stay away from.

Lucky Day for Career: September 23

Some of you are about to meet an extraordinary mentor in your career. It can even be a public figure whose books or work on social media you come across. Pay close attention to the advice you receive this week.

RELATED: Top 3 Most Powerful Chinese Zodiac Signs


General Overview:

Monkey, don't poke a sleeping bear. This week's energy is cautioning you against taking unnecessary risks or going places you are not invited. What's the point of completing a dare if it gets you thrown in prison?


Lucky Day in Love: September 24

Be gentle and loving with your significant other this week. You will unlock new frontiers and layers in this magical journey together. If you are single, now's not the time to focus on love, especially if you are working hard to build a solid career for yourself.

Lucky Day in Friendship: September 19

Take some time out this week to journal your feelings about friendship and how those bonds change through the ages. You are cautioned against berating your friends for not being able to make time for you. Circumstances tend to be different when one is 20 and when one is 55.

Lucky Day for Career: September 18

Ask for information if you don't have any. Read more books to broaden your knowledge. This week, you can do a lot to make positive changes in your career.


RELATED: The Best (And Worst) Chinese Zodiac Compatibility For All Signs


General Overview:

Rooster, this week's energy is shrouded in mystery for you. Fate is weaving something behind the scenes. Use this time to pour love into yourself and do what makes you strong. You will shine no matter what comes your way.


Lucky Day in Love: September 18

If your heart is stuck on someone, ask yourself if they are everything you hoped for in a partner or if you are settling because you are afraid you will be alone forever. The truth can be incredibly cathartic.

Lucky Day in Friendship: September 18

This week's energy is perfect for forging new friends in virtual spaces, whether on internet forums, through comments under social media posts or even the metaverse. Now's the time to stop thinking from a physical perspective and think more inter-dimensionally.

Lucky Day for Career: September 24

News ideas and inspiration will come to you this week in your career, but the energy is still pretty mundane. Try not to burden yourself with too much. You will fare better from going slow and steady.


RELATED: The 5 Luckiest Chinese Zodiac Signs


General Overview:

Karma is on your side, Dog. No matter who harmed you, justice is going to get served. This week, you will see signs and synchronicities showing exactly what's coming.

Lucky Day in Love: September 23

Don't be complacent about your love life this week. Take the initiative and try something new, whether single or in a relationship. Roses will be lucky for you.

Lucky Day in Friendship: September 22

Friends who become family are the best gift of them all. If you have such friends in your life, take some time out this week to celebrate the beauty of your friendship (without being cringe).


Lucky Day for Career: September 19

Don't unquestioningly trust people this week in your career, whether they are vendors, food delivery people or even authority figures. Sometimes, half-truths communicate a different story without labeling the speaker a liar.



General Overview:

This week's energy is perfect for you, Pig. You may experience a financial windfall, even if it's just a promotion that increases your take-home pay and social benefits.

Lucky Day in Love: September 20

Be cautious of who you associate with in your love life. The wrong person will drag you down and ruin years of hard work, personally and in your career. Journaling your feelings may help you face tough realities about your love life.


Lucky Day in Friendship: September 23

Are your friends truly your friends? Or are they only sticking around because they benefit from the association somehow? Know the answer now, lest you get surprised in a time of great need.

Lucky Day for Career: September 24

The energy in your career is extremely supportive and positive right now. Don't stop! Keep moving forward and you will overcome every obstacle and setback.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
