The Ideal Time Of Year To Start A Long-Term Relationship, According To An Astrologer

The astrological energy of these specific months provides a great foundation for a new relationship.

happy couple Kari Bjorn Photography via Unsplash / KT Paper Designs and Kristina Chistiakova via Canva

In matters of love, it’s all about timing. And while it may be impossible to predict the "right" timing for anything, using astrology, it's possible to determine some of the most favorable timing for certain events in your life, such as asking for a promotion or even beginning a new relationship.



The ideal time to start a new relationship, according to an astrologer

The best time to embark on a journey of love and commit to a long-term relationship surprisingly coincides with the heart of an endless winter (or cold season). This is because of the significant amount of effort required to nurture a stable and enduring bond despite erratic weather conditions. 


Conversely, every other season offers relative ease due to agreeable weather alone. If you’re a person who loves winter, take it as a sign that you were built for long-term relationships. For those of you with little variation in climates, think about the energy during these seasons as it’ll still apply to you regardless of your ideal temperature locales.

In the northern hemisphere, the cold, bitter and brutal months fall in Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces seasons, fostering relationships that are built to last. 

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Capricorn season (December 21 - January 20)

For enduring love, you’ll want to put your relationship to the test and make sure you pass it during Capricorn season.


Capricorn builds empires and going the distance is top of mind. The strategic-minded energy doesn’t just want commitment but also a true partner to do life with. With Capricorn’s natural discernment and critical nature, you’ll know which date has the most partner potential and which ones are a waste of your designer outfit. Standards will vary from person to person, but in Capricorn season, you will be clear and present yourself in a business-like manner, ensuring there are no mind games or ongoing situationships due to Capricorn’s traditional values. 

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet that rewards discipline, hard work and wise decision making. It’s unlikely you’ll be swindled by acts of love bombing or fall for people who show up inconsistently. Planning and strategy are Capricorn’s forte, so whether you’re doing the courting or being courted, these potential mergers are serious business, and Capricorn wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Capricorn season coincides with the prime-time holidays, like Christmas and New Year’s Day, making the season highly stressful to start — but if you just met someone, there’s no pressure to fold them into your plans this year. For many, it’s common to plan holiday trips to your hometown in advance, resulting in a mutual understanding if you're unable to spend the holidays with a new romantic partner. With the option to keep your distance, this strategy works out two ways. First, you’ll have someone to vent to about your family or keep you entertained when things get boring. Secondly, you can tell your family all about your new special someone and who knows, maybe you’ll include them in family shenanigans next year. 

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Aquarius season (January 21 - February 18) 

Around the start of Aquarius season, the general sentiment is that January is too long, the days feel slower and that work feels never-ending. Therefore, if you discover love during this period and navigate through its unique challenges together, your relationship will prove resilient and likely to endure the test of time.

Aside from the bone-chilling weather conditions and the stress from endless amounts of work, what complicates matters further for new couples is Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is no longer just a single day. In fact, as soon as New Year’s is over, stores are ready to decorate their spaces with heart-shaped everything. Whether this holiday brings you joy or gives you the ick, it can be especially challenging for a budding relationship to navigate this time of year. However, this juncture also presents an opportunity to set mutual expectations for the future Valentine’s and other holidays. For couples who come together later in the year, it might be assumed that you two know each other well enough to participate or skip this holiday altogether, without actually talking about those expectations, which can lead to hurt feelings and fights.

But what makes Aquarius an ideal season to begin your partnership is the opportunity it provides to observe each other's adaptability and engagement with the world beyond your shared sphere. Aquarian energy supports teamwork, collaboration, and as it’s an air sign, open communication. If you two can make it through this season, you’ll definitely be bound for the LTR (Long-Term Relationship) club.

Pisces season (February 19 - March 20)

Finally, if you’re still in that sweet honeymoon phase, it’s full throttle in Pisces season due to its mutable and watery nature. Piscean energy is romantic, dreamy and elusive, and so the season can make your relationship an ideal oasis for hedonic escape, or if given the right conditions, your relationship could bond in a deep and meaningful way during this season. 


Love at its most basic principle is an emotion, and if you are in touch with your emotions, Pisces season rewards those who express it romantically. If you are the type to keep your emotions at bay, especially the ones that scare you, the challenge to your relationship in Pisces season will center around opening up and being your true authentic self with the person you want to build a long-term relationship with. 

Pisces also rules over deceptions, lies, fears and trauma; therefore,it’s paramount that newly formed couples fight the urge to hide their less savory parts away from each other and look to deepen their bond instead. 

Alongside the hard work is a sweet, gentle love that will take your entanglement to engagement quicker than any other season, both of you just have to be brave enough to allow yourselves to be seen, flaws and all.


The time you spend here during these seasons aligns well with the debut of your relationship come Aries season (March 21 to April 19), where you can take your bond to the public sphere, introducing yourselves to friends and family and uniting your worlds as you become that couple. 

RELATED: How To Predict The Type Of Relationship You'll Have With Someone Based On Where They're From, Using Astrology


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Babs Cheung is a distinguished astrologer who specializes in providing insightful astrological guidance through her innovative WTFIGO reading service, designed to offer clarity and confidence in decision-making. 
