3 Zodiac Signs Have 'Deeply Loving' Horoscopes On April 18, 2023, During Moon Sextile Venus

Straight from the heart.

zodiac signs deeply loving horoscopes on april 18, 2023 mediaphotos from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs love deeply during the Moon sextile Venus transit on April 18, 2023. So get ready for a day filled with emotional connection and increased interest in your romantic partner.

This Tuesday, we take our love life to a whole new level, and yes, that's a very positive thing. For Gemini, Leo and Virgo, this could be the day when everything changes ... for the better.

What could make things change so drastically that we can't help but want to jump for joy over what's going on? Well, it starts out with compatibility. During Moon sextile Venus, we will experience a sense of harmony, beauty, and love in our lives.


Venus, the planet of love and relationships, comes together with the emotional and intuitive qualities of the Moon, creating a positive and enjoyable atmosphere for love and romance. With this vibe being all around us, we won't want to blow it; this is our big up, folks ... it's time to take it to the next level.

April 18 will feel like a gift for those who are up for it, and that's the kicker right there ... being open to it. We have to want the goodness of this day if we are to make it last, and several of us will come to know the truth of this very profoundly.



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Today is all about enhanced feelings of love, attraction, and emotional connection, and while we're there, we create a more open and communicative atmosphere. So, if you want to strengthen your love life and deepen your connections with your partner, this transit can be a great time to do so. Get on it, zodiac signs!

Three zodiac signs have deeply loving horoscopes on Tuesday, April 18, 2023:

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

This transit, Moon sextile Venus, can and will create a more open and communicative atmosphere for you and your loved one to express your feelings to each other. This is an awesome time to reconnect with your partner on a deeper and more meaningful level. You may find you can communicate more effectively and that your partner is more receptive to your needs and desires.

Words of love come easier to you on April 18, 2023, and thanks to Moon sextile Venus, you'll feel as though your partner is finally 'hearing' you. In a way, this is all you've ever really wanted for them; this bonding experience where you both feel like little kids again. The innocence returns, allowing you both to feel safe and playful with each other. Use this energy to continue on with the relationship as this positive is nothing short of a revelation.


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2. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

You will definitely be feeling very excited by your partner's presence today. Immense feelings of physical attraction are par for the course when Moon sextile Venus is in town. Venus is the planet of love, beauty and attraction, and during this transit, it will stir something up in you that you may have assumed was dead. No longer ... it seems your love life is still alive and well; what was needed was that heart-to-heart conversation, which will take place today, April 18, 2023.

During Moon sextile Venus, you will realize this is not the kind of romance you take for granted; it needs work and respect. In giving it what it needs, you will discover it has places to go. There's a future for the two of you after all, and in this, you can believe. Believe in the love already there, Leo, as it can only grow and grow.


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3. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

You aren't about to hold back today, April 18, 2023. You can also let your romantic partner see you are fully there for them. Your relationship has needed this boost, and during Moon sextile Venus, you will realize that you are 50 percent responsible for what happens. It's not all on them, and during Moon sextile Venus, you finally wake up to that fact.


Knowing this gives you new responsibilities, but this time, you want them. You want to show up for the tasks at hand, and when your partner sees how enthusiastic you are about being involved in the betterment of the relationship, who knows how far you can take it? You and your partner are on your way to something unimaginably special; don't hold out, Virgo. Go, go, go all the way.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.