3 Zodiac Signs With 'Powerful' Horoscopes On March 16, 2023

Find your center.

zodiac signs with best horoscopes on march 16, 2023 Chikovnaya, Bulat Silvia from Getty Images via Canva Pro

The most powerful horoscopes go to three zodiac signs on March 16, 2023. In today’s auspicious astrological storm, it is important to ground yourself and remain aware that, while necessary, the challenges you are experiencing are temporary. Today is not only an active day but also an incredibly powerful one because we are on the brink of change. Things cannot continue to remain the same.

Today, something happens and, at that moment, like the climax of your favorite movie, everything is different afterward. You experience an awareness of your hidden desires and motivations, including what fantasy or illusions you may have. You become wiser and can take action. The question becomes, "How far are you willing to go for what you believe in?" While remarkable success is possible, it also can bring obstacles to test your willpower, endurance, and faith. Today's astrology brings hope; you should feel determined even if a momentary setback occurs.




Something is playing out on a bigger scale to make you work for your dreams, and with Venus and Pluto in the fated last degree, you are pushed by the universe to leave behind what you have outgrown. Venus and Pluto can bring about power and control struggles in relationships, which can present their limitations in working with today’s energy. Still, at the same time, it also allows you to see the true colors of people in your life. While you might not pacify your restless spirit, you will feel the grounding necessary to take things one step at a time.


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This month is the beginning and end of an era, and you're on the verge of finding your center. Ground your heart and remember that everything has led to this moment, and because of that, you cannot fail.

Three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on March 16, 2023:

1. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

Today’s energy will show up close to home for you. Sun, Neptune, and Mercury are all in your sign bringing some conducive energy regarding your hopes and dreams. Mars is now beginning to wrap up his journey in Gemini, which has been bringing up themes related to home and family since the end of August 2022. Mars in Gemini has been helping you make decisions regarding this part of your life and to take the time necessary to bring it all together. Today’s energy will bring a focal or decision point that enables you to see more of the purpose behind these last few months. Remember that when you know who you are, you can make sure you bring your authentic self into every other facet of your life.


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2. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

After a long six months of Mars in Gemini, you should be feeling some hope that relief is just around the corner. But that also means that what happens in these next few weeks will matter greatly. Mars in Gemini has been slowing you do and helping you to reflect on what your internal why is for those decisions that you make. It may have felt frustrating, but you should also understand more of the benefit of ensuring that whatever you are creating is connected to your dreams and desires. Today’s square brings to climax themes between your own beliefs and that of your professional life and finances. This will be something that you are revisiting from the end of last year. Make sure that whatever you choose to do or say represents your growth since that time and you will be rewarded with the universe inviting you to that next level of your life.

3. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)


Today may seem overwhelming because you can sense where something is ending in your life. You have been going through a period of transformation when you have been invited into the space of seeing what you have previously missed. This was and is supposed to allow you to live life more on your terms rather than feeling like you must uphold the structures or conditioning you were taught.

To do this, you need to become more certain of your truth. As Pluto squares off with Venus in Aries, you can see the final changes within your home and family space. Aries is the zodiac sign which rules all matters of this part of your life, and while there likely have been some disturbances there recently, it is all happening for a purpose. The universe often makes something so obvious you can no longer ignore it. Allow the transformation process to not just course through your life but yourself, letting you step into the most authentic version of yourself ever to exist.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.