3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On September 28, 2021

We can’t gloss over what’s most important.

Eduardo Estellez/Shutterstock.com

While today carries beneficial energy for most, for the three zodiac signs who will have a rough day on September 28, 2021, it will be a harsh reminder that we can’t forget to address what is most important to us and to others.

Today brings our Libra Sun and Gemini Moon which shortly after transitions into Cancer.

This energetic shift of lunar energies changes the perspective that we’ve had recently about what to focus our attention on and what is something that needs to be dealt with now versus later.


The Gemini Moon is very active and has had us planning and reflecting on what we need to do in order to take the next steps in our lives in whatever capacity that means.

However, once we shift into the zodiac sign of Cancer for some it will be a reality check that we’ve missed a few important steps along the way.

This is true especially for those most positively affected by the recent influx of air energies as now instead of being in planning and looking ahead mode, you’re being asked to consider the feelings of yourself and those involved.

While this brings challenges, it’s also a chance to course-correct or redo any plans that you’ve previously made. This is also supported by the current themes of Mercury Retrograde in Libra which will be asking us to review what it is we’ve previously agreed to in terms of our partnerships.


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We are being given the time and space to reflect on our current actions to see if they accurately align with what and who is most important to us.

Yet, it’s also a reminder thanks to the influence of emotional Cancer alongside Neptune, that sometimes the right thing isn’t what makes sense.

It’s not something that we’ve planned every detail of until it feels perfect, but in the accidental spontaneous moments that suddenly arrive and we know that at this moment we’re exactly where we’re supposed to be.

For those signs most challenged by today’s astrology, it will be a chance to move through the mental blocks that you’ve previously created to be able to address what truly needs to be.


This may mean reviewing agreements or relationships you’ve entered into, contracts, or even just the general direction of your life.

Because no matter what is happening or even where we are, we deserve to be in love with our life at every moment.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On September 28, 2021:

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

For the most part with the Sun in your sign and so many other planets passing through or in other air signs, you’ve been feeling at the top of your game. But during Tuesday's astrology, it will ask you to reflect on that. Have you really been feeling great?

Or only telling yourself that you are? There is a truth in today’s energy that will allow you to key into those parts of yourself that you don’t often allow to speak. For you specifically, it may mean backtracking on a previous agreement or decision that you’ve made because you were in the wrong.


This doesn’t mean that you could have made a different decision then, but only that with the knowledge that this moon has provided alongside Mercury Retrograde and the Grand Air Trine, you see things differently. And maybe you realize that while you were trying to be fair and do the right thing, you actually overlooked a big piece of information.

Admitting that you were wrong or that your perspective has changed is crucial today as it will open doors you never thought were possible. While it can be uncomfortable to admit something like this, it also leads to growth which means nothing is ever a waste as long as we learned something from it.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Although you’re an earth sign, you tend to do well with air energy because of how mentally active they encourage us all to be. Yes, you may be more down-to-earth and Gemini, but that same logical point of view is still present.


For you, under this transit on September 28, 2021, it’s likely to come up that a situation you felt you already dealt with returns. This comes not to mess up your plans but to remind you that no matter how many details you tend to, there are certain things in life that will always be unpredictable. Love is one of them.

Rethink the decisions that you’ve made recently regarding a personal romantic relationship. You may have thought that you were acting rationally, but in reality, we're making decisions out of fear versus love.

To take a chance and risk on a relationship will always seem daunting, especially if we’ve been hurt in the past.

Yet, in love, this is the only way to approach it. You can’t control the actions of your partner, but you can choose what you will accept and how you react. Reflect on what you had thought was the best course of action and then try to let go of the fear because while it constricts, love will always expand.


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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

As the ruler of Venus in Scorpio with ties to Libra on September 28, 2021, it’s no surprise that you’ve been affected strongly by the energy recently. While there may have been some positive days, it’s also been challenging to be able to see how everything will come together in the end.

As you’re moving through the astrology transits on Tuesday, reflect on what worth means to you. Not just in terms of your own self-worth, but also that of your financial worth and overall abundance.


The thing is that specifically for you, how you value yourself will affect what kind of abundance you attract. There may have been some money or financial issues recently that had you feeling as if you were doing things wrong or headed on the wrong path. Instead of just addressing the issue themselves, look at how you’re feeling about yourself.

What underlying themes or conditioning do you have about money or even what abundance means. Venus isn’t just about love, but about our overall wealth.

Tuesday reflect on your own personal thoughts and beliefs and how they have related to your current financial situation. It may be a hard look in the mirror, but once you do, then you can finally change what actually needs to be addressed.

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Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.