3 Zodiac Signs Who Find Their Soulmate During The Moon In Sagittarius Starting September 12, 2021

This event leaves us no time to be fake.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Find Their Soulmate During The Moon In Sagittarius Starting September 12, 2021 www.iostephy.com/Shutterstock.com

Three zodiac signs who find their soulmate during the Moon in Sagittarius starting September 12, 2021 are lucky with love.

One of the most apparent effects of the Moon in Sagittarius is its ability to bring out in people their need to be themselves.

This event leaves us no time to be fake - it's all about the honesty and authenticity; it's one of those 'take me as I am' events, which is all the more reason why, for some, we may actually find out soul mates during it's transit.


When we are honest and upfront about who we are, we show the world that there are no hidden punches being held - what you see is what you get, and in the case of Moon in Sagittarius, this is what we show the world. "This is who I am, love me or leave me alone."

This transit also brings about incredible optimism, which reads to all around us as friendliness. On September 12, many of us will not feel the need to defend ourselves, nor will we feel threatened by everyday life - as we do tend to be, at times.

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This openness of spirit, this grand gesture of kindness and ease is exactly what can open the door to new experiences in love - and the finding of that special person who seems 'just right.' A soul mate, essentially.

Zodiac Signs Who Find Their Soulmate During The Moon In Sagittarius Starting September 12, 2021

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

What this Moon in Sagittarius transit brings out in you, personally, Cancer is the belief that everything is possible. There are no limits, and when you dream - you go big, and when you dream of love - your vision takes shape as a soul mate love who - above all - accepts you as you are.

This person may already exists and may be headed your way, or it may even be the discovery of someone you've known all along...and yet, it took Moon in Sagittarius to make them obvious to you.

If the past has taught you anything, it's that people rarely bring their true selves to the first impression, and ironically, we tend to fall in love with the presentation rather than the soul.


Here's where things change up; you are feeling so pure and honest during this transit, that you will stir up the universe's support, and because what you want isn't unrealistic, you will get what you want.

You just want someone to love you for who you are, as they give their true selves to you, in return.

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)

In love, all you've ever wanted was the right person. You have never been into playing the field, and dating is too much of a time waster for you. While you are indeed a social butterfly, you are also incredibly private and you don't like giving away too much of yourself.


If, you are to give yourself to someone, they had better be able to handle you, and there's a very good chance you will meet that person during the Moon in Sagittarius. It's all about the honesty - and yes, you've had trouble with honesty in the past - but isn't that just because you're fearful of being exposed and vulnerable?

In the long run, what you're searching for is trust - the ability to let go and see what love really can offer - if you let the right one in.

Soul mate love is rare, and we don't find it often, if ever...but you are on the docket, Libra, and I believe your name is about to be called. There is someone for you, after all.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Some people put others through tests to see if they can handle their personality profiles. While there are people who clearly make others jump over hurdles to prove they are someone who can love unconditionally, there are others who are deliberately nasty - and that is you, Scorpio.

You, like everyone else on the planet, has no interest in being hurt - but you also have no interest in playing games. You are all about being yourself, and so, when you meet someone you think is special - as you will be doing during Moon in Sagittarius, you will test them as well. This means that you'll probably say something snarky and unjust - to see how they react.

If they can roll with your Scorpio-sized punches, they may just prove to be someone special in your life. But make no mistake - being able to accept you as you are doesn't mean a person has masochistic tendencies. You will attract a soul mate very soon - but be prepared: this is a smart person who will fire back just as easily. Can you take it? Yes you can.


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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda