3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Week Starting August 30, 2021

We can use all the cosmic help we can get.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Week Starting August 30, 2021 Briana Hunter/Shutterstock.com

There are three zodiac signs who will have a great week starting August 30, 2021, and the Moon in Gemini starts all the fun.

These are interesting times that we are living through, and we can use all the cosmic help we can get.

What makes this week great for these three zodiac signs?

The week of August 29, 2021 is beneficial for certain signs of the Zodiac who will receive that help.

We have Moon in Gemini - and it's waning power is exactly what we need - because there's something in our lives that needs to be lessened, and the waning Gemini Moon will assist in that happening.


We may find that we speak too much, or that we speak out of turn, and that has thwarted our plans.

In other words, we are sometimes too 'in your face' and it will be during this week that we will come to understand that it's better to back off and trust in the universe, rather than to come on too strong and blow it all.

So, this 'great week' isn't about winning the lottery, or finding the love of our lives - it's about doing the right thing as a result of figuring out what the right thing is.

In other words, we'll be acting in a more intelligent way this week, and we will come to see how beneficial it is for us to think things through before acting on our feelings. It's a 'smart week' and we are going to benefit from this.


Zodiac signs who will have a great week starting August 30, 2021:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

While we might not automatically assume that any of this week's transit would affect you in such a way, the hidden gem behind that idea is that you are right smack in the middle of some very positive cosmic transitions, and that's going to have you making the right moves at the right time.

This week has you feeling insightful, and on target. You know what to say and when to say it - and you can pat yourself on the back for doing this, because you don't always think before you speak, Aries.

You are going to see just how great you can be by simply being honest and authentic.

There will be no need for force this week, nor will you have the inclination to push anything into fruition.


This is where your brainy side comes out, and you will be amazed at what you can do.

RELATED: Why Are Aries So Smart?

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Part of what makes your week so special is the transit known as Moon Trine Mercury in Libra.

You have dreams, as we all do, and many times your dreams seem out of reach or just plain impossible to achieve.

This transit works on that kind of thinking - you may come to realize that the reason you're unable to manifest some of these dreams is simply because you didn't see them from a different perspective.

That's what's going to kick in for you this week; this sudden alternate view on your own hopes and desires.


Once you see a different path, you'll want to try it out. You may go from sad dreamer to hopeful go-getter - that's what Mercury is pulling out of you: the winner in you.

And, it's not just Trine Mercury that makes your week, the Moon is IN Gemini, which amps up all of your hope. This is a make or break week, Gemini - you deserve to believe!

RELATED: How A Gemini Shows Love Towards Other Zodiac Signs, Per Astrology

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

You are all about the flow this week, Capricorn, as everything you do seems to be an intricate and well-designed action.

You react well to the Moon in Gemini, and it's actually just what you needed in order for your work to become successful.


You are always capable of dealing with obstacles, as you are the consummate professional, and yet, this week provides very little in terms of obstacles.

Moon Square Jupiter is helpful in that regard, and it's going to clear the path for you.

So, what you're looking at - what makes this a great week for you, Capricorn, is the idea of smooth sailing and easy accomplishment.


Imagine that? A week where everything gets done, according to plan. It's like Capricorn Heaven - and it's all yours, baby!

RELATED: 5 Ways To Keep The Capricorn You Love Happy — Or Else

Ruby Miranda has been practicing I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda