3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On August 9, 2021

All the cosmic blessings.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On August 9, 2021 Fire-n/Shutterstock.com

The second week of August starts off with a New Moon in the zodiac sign of Leo, then on Monday the Moon swiftly moves into the zodiac sign of Virgo where it is sharp, focused and exacting.

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The Moon in Virgo on Monday brings intelligence with the ability to structure matters and make things work out the way that they should.


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This level of precision is perfectly suitable to a few zodiac signs who need to get a lot of work done without too many errors or set backs that derail progress.

The Sun also provides ample support for all of us, but during Leo season the zodiac signs who seem to benefit most often include Leo and Gemini. 


In fact, the Sun in Leo kicks off the solar return for all people born under the Leo sign, which means opportunity to do something better from lessons learned the year before.

Mercury, the ruler of Gemini and Virgo will conjunct the Sun and the Moon but the good news is it will not be greatly impacted by Pluto or Neptune as it had the week before.

This leaves less room for problems in the communication department for three zodiac signs who are set to have a great day on Monday.

Zodiac signs who will have a great day on August 9, 2021:

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

You're going to be lucky all month because you have Venus, the planet of love and money in your sign until September 6.


The presence of both Mars AND Venus in your sign (but not joined together) allows you that safe distance between love and duty to focus on what needs to get done.

On Monday, when Mercury conjuncts the Moon as it enters your zodiac sign, while also touching hands with the Sun, you have a lot of energy at your disposal.

You might even need to hit the gym or run off a bit of your nervous energy. Because ideas are going to flow nicely for you.

You'll really be able to apply that good advice 'begin with the end in mind', and see things as they ought to be.

Venus is going to trine Pluto in Capricorn, your sector of pleasures. So, this is a great time to have it all, Virgo, if you want.


You can have a solid work day and some fun tonight. Schedule a date or a romantic dinner with your love and watch the sunset if you can.

RELATED: 7 Ways To Truly Love A Virgo Woman

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

If today is your birthday, then happy birthday, Leo. Monday is going to be a great day for you because of a variety of factors. 

You have Mercury starting the day conjunct your ruling planet, the Sun at 8 degrees.

The number 8 in numerology is 'the powerhouse' and so you're in for a strong day from start to finish.

The Moon conjunct the Sun in your sign on August 9 means that you have your thoughts aligned with your emotions. You won't feel much confusion.


In fact, if you have felt like your life purpose was unclear, the fact that Mercury, the planet of thinking is conjunct the Sun and the Moon in your sign, is a promising aspect for you to have on Monday.

It's a great day for writing and getting your thoughts out on the open, and because the window for intention setting is still strong, you can write down your plans for the future and believe that they will happen.

The planet Uranus is squaring your Sun today, so something could throw you off a bit and move you in a new direction. This may sound like it's disruptive but the good news is that it's exactly the wakeup call you needed.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

You are the 'I think' of the zodiac and having the Moon enter Virgo is almost as good as having it in your own zodiac sign.

The Moon in Virgo brings optimism with the determination you need to get things done. The Moon conjunct Mercury, your ruling planet on Monday makes it a great day for you because there is an opportunity for you to solve problems and stop worring.

You might still be concerned, but when you overthink, you will have enough time to come up for air and make a situation work.


On Monday, August 9, it helps that Mercury direct is not yet at the critical degree in Leo so its enery remains manageable for you, which will change later on this week as it prepares to change zodiac signs. 

So, for now, when Mercury conjunct the Sun opposes to Jupiter in Aquarius, a fellow air sign. This opposition can help you to have luck when you need it the most.

You could end up being late for work only to realize that not getting there on top caused you to miss an accident. An email you wanted could come in but buried under a bunch of spam and not in your inbox. You can hit important deadlines, timely.

You have the common sense you need, and it's on point. Lots of good things come your way when the Moon is in Virgo on Monday, and when it's working with Mercury in Leo - resulting in a great day for you on August 9.


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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.