3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Life Improves During The Sun Conjunct Mercury In Leo Starting August 1 - 11, 2021


3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Life Improves During The Sun Conjunct Mercury In Leo Starting August 1 - 11, 2021 Marcel Drechsler/Shutterstock.com

On August 1 to August 11, when the Sun conjuncts Mercury in Leo, the love life of three zodiac signs begins to improve.

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It's always such a relief to know that the major players of the universe are on our side, and so it goes with Sun in Leo Conjunct Mercury in Leo.

What we can look forward to during this transit, which begins promptly on August 1, 2021, is an upgrade in the kind of communication we share with loved ones...especially romantic partners.


The first thing we need to communicate are the words, "thank you."

With Mercury in Leo, we hit a lucky patch; and now, with the Sun involved, we've got ourselves an astrological menage-a-trois - which may very well lead to some very happy times in the love department.

Love lives will improve via communication...and discretion. Mercury is nit-picky, and in this case, that works well, because it's Mercury's influence here that's going to remove nasty things like doubt or suspicion in a relationship.

Certain signs will thrive the heck out of this transit, and those signs are...

Zodiac signs whose love life improves during the Sun conjunct Mercury in Leo starting August 1 to August 11, 2021:

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Nobody ever realizes how deep you are, Taurus, and that's usually because you tend to be impulsive and in the moment.


It's never assumed that you're a profound thinker; you actually crave deep conversation and analytical thinking - yet no one seems to know this.

What you're about to experience during this Sun Conjunct Mercury transit is the attention you're going to be paid; someone loves you, and they want to know you inside and out.

That means, you're being taken seriously - a thing you've secretly desired, as you feel you are sometimes taken for granted, or thought of as the village idiot of the relationship.

What you didn't have in mind is that someone - more than likely your present romantic partner - wants more than your body. How ironic.

You spent all the time thinking you were only worth what your body could give, and now, thanks to the cosmos, your partner wants to know 'the real you.' Hallelujah!


RELATED: The Truth About Being A Taurus — The Most Stubborn Sign Of The Zodiac

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

If you've seen some of my other recent horoscopes and predictions for Leo, you know that it's not always Easy Street for you.

Being in your sign's season, one might think the world is your oyster, but we've learned that the 'oyster-life' is touch and go.

This is where things pivot for you Leo - it's time to get it going on, in terms of love and romance.

As of August 1 to August 11, you and your partner will unintentionally get into a conversation that has the capability of changing both of your lives - for the better.

Oh, that is just SUCH good news, and finally, too, eh? All it takes is a good old-fashioned sit down - eye to eye, with love and acceptance in your hearts.


Take the chance and let your guard down - your partner wants this. They need to see that you want to grow with them.

They need to know you're in for the long haul, and by showing them that you are more than willing to show up for both the conversation AND the relationship, you'll notice how pleasant life suddenly becomes for both of you. 

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)

You're one of the better communicators of the Zodiac, and that is mainly because you want to keep the peace. You're the diplomat of the relationship - in romance, work or in friendship.

How Sun Conjunct Mercury influences your love life is in your ability to spot a troubling issue and confront it head on - but with your natural Libra charm and understanding.


You have no idea how calming you can be, and your partner is seriously going to appreciate your demeanor during this time.

You will see an improvement in the feminine and masculine energy balance to your partnership; this transit might ask you to be the mediator, but that's a position you were made for.

You can see the future, and it's beautiful - it's something you want to share with your special person, and only you - thanks to this transit - can communicate this.

Everything out of your mouth is exactly what your partner needs to hear. You have the potential to not only save what's great about the relationship you're in, but you can also create a path by which you can both travel on - and grow.


RELATED: 5 Reasons A Libra Is The Best Friend You Never Knew You Needed


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Ruby Miranda has been practicing I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda 
