3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Week, May 10 To May 16, 2021

Off the charts.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Week, May 10 To May 16, 2021 Billion Photos/Shutterstock.com

The Sun is in Taurus, several planets are in the sign of Gemini, so it's going to be a great week for everyone but for three zodiac signs things start to ramp up in a big way.

What a nice thought it is to think that at least a few of us, if not many, are destined for a great week.

And the better part? It's true.

Some of us are about to have a very interesting and positive week, according to what our astrological signs tell us.


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What makes for a great week?

From what we can tell, at this point, a great week would be one that is free from drama or excess; a great week is one where we find completion, a week where we are understood...a week where we create things that can benefit ourselves and others.

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A great week is one free from worry, absent of stress, and void of confusion.

According to the charts, there are three signs that are cosmically bound to have a great week...but that doesn't mean the rest of us can't at least try... after all, perception is everything, right?

And that means that no matter what, we have the power within us to see everything around us as a foundation that can make us stronger and smarter.

For the chosen three signs, more power to you! Live long and prosper!

The three zodiac signs who will have a great week starting May 10th-May 16th, 2021:

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

You're making it into all the top three lists lately, mainly because we are in Taurus at the moment, and for a Taurus to be in Taurus, it's like a nonstop party.


What's going to make this week joyful and great for you is the fact that it will be during this week that you are finally able to slough off an old relationship.

You've held on for a long time and you've also seen what holding on brings you: a big, fat plate of nothing. Letting go of the burden of someone else's nothingness will be like stepping out of prison and into the free world for the first time in years.

So, your personal 'great week' is all about being able to finally let go and experience the freedom of not carrying around the dead weight of a past relationship.

You are a lover, not a fighter, Taurus - and when love turns to fighting, it upsets you in very profound ways.


In a way, you're somewhat naive; you really think things will last forever. Fortunately, this week you are going to free yourself from the chains that bind you to a shipwreck. You will recognize the joy of independence this week, and it will do you good.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

What's going to send your spirits to the moon this week is - believe it or not - your feelings of gratitude.

You might think that a Leo's definition of a great week might revolve around something they'd do - something that would create a lot of positive attention, flattery, and approval...well, you would be too far off, but the twist is in your appreciation of what comes to you.

Love comes to you. Financial reward and promise are coming to you - and you are feeling humbled by it, and for some odd reason, Leo, humility looks really good on you.


This is the week where you fully recognize that life isn't always fair, nor is it always going to vault you to the highest position on the popularity pole - you are starting to realize that life is about the smaller things, and just how those little things can even out a bad day.

This week, you don't need an audience, you only need to acknowledge your full heart as you let in all the love that is there for you.

It's time now to pay attention to the things of the heart and to understand how these little, significant things can raise your positive vibration to the stratosphere.

Gratitude and humility will give you a thrill like you've never known before, Leo. Expect it this week.


Pisces (February 19 - March 10)

What makes a Pisces feel really good? Love. Peace in the home...and a good, solid, healthy meal.

Yep - this week is going to bring you all of the Piscean thrills - with non of the weepy pity party.

In fact, there will be no room for feeling down at all because you'll be so busy planning events and preparing projects that you won't have any downtime to spend looking for something negative to ruin it. Can you deal with all this positivity and hope, Pisces?

Of course, you can. It's in your nature to crave balance. Your dualistic nature (two fish) will shift to the side where all you want, and all you experience is the good side of that duality - there's just no room this week for upsets, drama or unnecessary gossip.


Stay open to receiving all the blessings of the week - your openness will act like a magnet for positivity.

Let go of your doubt this week, as it has no real place. Another thing to notice: your health.

You've been going out of your way to care for yourself - guess what? It's working.


You're feeling fit and able...remember what you did to get to this place and keep it up.

There's no place for laziness this week - rest and relaxation, yes, but stay keen and sharp; after all, you've got exciting creations to be a part of.

Give yourself over to the fun - the love, and the feeling that all is truly well in your world.

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Ruby Miranda is a New Yorker who learned astrology, I Ching, and all types of cartomancy and numerology from her crazy, gypsy mother. She currently writes for a wide range of esoteric publications.