3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Life Improves After Venus Enters Gemini On May 8, 2021
Love is in the air, literally.

Love is changing, and the current astrology forecast for three zodiac signs improves with planetary changes happening this weekend.
Venus, the planet of love and beauty will bring promising results for three zodiac signs during Venus in Gemini from May 8th to June 22nd, 2021.
Isn't it nice to think that when Venus rises in the sky, some of us will actually feel her mighty presence?
We are going to experience the stimulating effects of Venus in Gemini, a dynamic air sign known for its curious and flirtatious nature.
Venus in Gemini improves relationships for three zodiac signs: Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius.
It's like a whole new world is about to open up to these three, but everyone gets to enjoy this dynamic energy that improves communication.
How many times have you had that feeling of "not being able to express your emotions" - especially when it comes to wanting to tell that special someone how you 'really' feel?
We've all gone through that, and there's a very good chance all of us will be upping our game when it comes to love and expressing it.
But for Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius are all signs are encouraged to "Love someone. Talk to people. Care for others."
And this fosters a marked improvement in their love life beginning May 8th.
Here are the 3 zodiac signs whose love life improves during Venus in Gemini, May 8-June 22, 2021:
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
It does seem as though the world revolves around you these days, and that makes sense as Gemini is prominent in the sky.
On May 8, you'll get a taste of what it's like to feel like a superhuman because this new positive shift is going to have you feeling whole, complete, and extraordinarily confident - especially when it comes to love and romance.
You have had your share of bad relationships, and they have scared you off - you've even considered giving up on love altogether, yet that nagging 'cherub' of hope still hangs around you, prodding you; you haven't quite given up on love even though you've sworn off the stuff with a vengeance.
Well, the times they are a-changin', Gemini, and this Saturday is going to have you opening your eyes to something you may not have noticed before, as in: love - in your life - right now.
There is someone who is waiting for you to notice them, and this person is more than likely someone you are close to but have forsaken due to your own fear.
Do yourself a favor, Gem - try love again. Don't be afraid, because this time - love is on your side. Make the best of it - no regrets!
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
What you're looking at right now, Virgo is the chance to take back your power and get yourself back to the place where you respect yourself again.
In terms of love, this is going to become quite obvious to you, once Venus moves into Gemini on the 8th.
How that's going to play out is in sudden realizations and jolts of self-esteem, meaning, you're going to finally release the old patterns of giving too much to those who give too little.
You're going to shed the skin of self-hate, which is going to allow you to attract new experiences - and new love into your life.
Gemini is big on opening the gates for the flow of honest communication, and sometimes that kind of communication is the one we have with ourselves.
You will have this talk with yourself this weekend, and the effects will be long-lasting.
The direction you are now going is one where you can only attract the best, which will manifest as a trustworthy romantic partner or the possibility of meeting someone who is finally on your level - and that means someone who respects themselves as much you respect your own self.
Integrity rules, thanks to Venus in Gemini, and you're going to benefit greatly from this transit.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Expressing your true feelings has never been an issue with you, but when a sign like Gemini works in tandem with a planet such as Venus, starting on May 8th, you can probably expect a royal purge to happen on your end.
You are someone who has the gift of the gab; you are charismatic and can talk people into anything...but can you open your heart to love? This week is going to give you a new perspective.
And the interesting part about it is that you'll do well if you are able to keep your control-freak nature to a minimum.
Boss people around less and see what happens...it will be good for you because you'll be seen in a different light by those who want to know you better.
Your love life is about to take to a new level simply because the Gemini effect is going to have you measuring your words - with kindness - as opposed to your usual 'honest' blurting.
Watch your words this week - you don't need to be the boss of everything, and love itself wants a place in your life, so let it happen.
Stop judging everyone around you, and give yourself over to trust and the possibility that you, too, Sagittarius, can love and be loved fully.
It's available to you this week, so get on the love train now, Sagittarius, before it misses your stop once again.
Ruby Miranda is a New Yorker who learned astrology, I Ching and all types of cartomancy and numerology from her crazy, gypsy mother. She currently writes for a wide range of esoteric publications.