What The September 2nd Pisces Full Moon Means For Your Love Life & Relationships

True freedom is being exactly who we are.

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On September 2nd, we experience the Full Moon in Pisces. This Full Moon brings with it an intoxicating aura of freedom, which will have us speaking our truth and living boldly.

What does a Full Moon mean?

Full Moons are a time when we see if what we planted during the New Moon in the same sign has grown and come to fruition, or not. If it has, we get to enjoy the bounty; if not, we can decide on redirection.


This lunar cycle began on February 23rd when we had the New Moon in Pisces. Since then, so much has changed. It seems most of us can’t even keep it straight.

RELATED: How To Use The Phases Of The Moon To Manifest Your Desires & Dreams

But now we’re realizing that as we approach the final quarter of 2020, we’re ready to start moving from reflecting to reacting. This means that many of us will take this Pisces Full Moon as that leap of faith we’ve been building to all year, trusting that our wings are finally ready to carry not just our dreams but our truth.

What does the Full Moon in Pisces mean for our relationships, family life, and personal growth?



A post shared by The Moon Tarot (@themoontarot) on Sep 14, 2019 at 11:42am PDT

This is an important moment, not just in our year but in our lives as well. But it’s still not the full story. This is just one more stepping stone we need to move through in order to reach that new life waiting for us in 2021.


We're in a year dominated by Cancer Moons, another water sign and one that rules home, family and self-love. So even though Pisces isn’t known to affect those areas personally, every event this year is pointing us towards those main themes.

The reason this year is so deeply Cancer-themed is because of our lunar cycle. We began the year in January with a Full Moon in Cancer, at the end of June we had a New Moon in Cancer, and normally that is it; however, this year at the end of July we had another new moon in Cancer. And in December, we will experience our last Cancer Moon of the year with the Full Moon at the end of the month.

Cancer energy is the lens we’re looking at everything through, meaning this Pisces Moon matters — not just because it’s a fellow water sign, but because it’s about freedom, an important ingredient to living those lives we dream of.

The most difficult thing for any of us is when we want to move forward but we can’t, at least not yet. We want to act on our plans, but it feels like one delay after another that crawls by, and it becomes harder and harder to stay put, knowing we want to run free.

This is the energy that many of us have been under as we’re feeling the constraints of Mars and Saturn. These two have and will be within just a few degrees of a perfect square (an aspect when two planets are within 90 degrees of one another, creating a moment of action) since August 15th, and will be that way until October 9th thanks to the upcoming retrograde of Mars.


RELATED: What Each Full Moon On The Calendar Means For Your Love Life, By Month

What challenges will the Pisces Full Moon bring?

With the sweet comes the sour. And we might be hearing the words to the aptly name song, “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction,” knowing that to wait when all we want to do is rush ahead can be the hardest thing to do.

But this year is also about doing things right, with integrity, honesty and in the proper order. So maybe we’re having to delay our gratification, but it’s only because what we’re after is so much sweeter than just a passing taste.

The thing with this aspect between Mars and Saturn is that we’re being held back for a reason. We’re being shown exactly what we want and being made aware of exactly how much we want it.


This aspect will be in effect through the next few months, which likely means that while we can take steps forward and create change, we ultimately won’t be able to fully enmesh ourselves into the lives we’re creating until a November or December timeframe.

But that’s okay because it doesn’t mean its only frustration until then.

Uranus is involved in this Moon; it’s not just a time when we will be setting ourselves free to take that next big step, but there are also big surprises and unexpected wonderful moments possible, if we’re brave enough to reach out and grab a hold of them.

What gifts will the Full Moon in Pisces bring?



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Even though we’re not going to be able to completely shed the old in this moment, it doesn’t mean that important steps won’t occur around this moon. Namely, this will be a time to declare our freedom, and to no longer make choices based on others, but on our own hearts.


Pisces is a loving sign, but it’s also one that makes hard choices and sticks to them. Sometimes we all reach a point where we can no longer break our own hearts just so we don’t break the hearts of others.

Creating that life we love can be the easy part. Actually, dismantling the old so we can step into that new chapter is the difficult part, and it has to happen in waves. In moments and in steps like this Moon is providing.

Another aspect that this Moon is making with Uranus points to changing up our domestic life and routines.

This means more of us may be changing addresses, or even our last names, around the time of this Moon.


Even though Mars and Saturn will still be in close proximity, it doesn’t mean it’s a time of no fun or movement; there are some other blessed aspects that make this the perfect time for not just taking another step forward to where you want to be, but doing so as the person you truly are — truth and all.

RELATED: What Are The Phases Of The Moon & The Astrological Meaning Of Each

Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.