The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Have A Very Lucky Week From January 27 - February 2
Become the catalyst for change is a direct path toward luck.

There are three zodiac signs who are the luckiest the week of January 27 - February 2, 2025. It all begins with Mercury returning to Aquarius on Monday, January 27, alongside the New Moon in Aquarius on Wednesday, January 29. With Mercury, the Sun, and the New Moon all in the free-spirited sign of Aquarius, Virgo, Gemini, and Cancer become the three luckiest zodiac signs all week.
Listen to your intuition, be courageous in making bold moves, and remember that your gift exists within your unique vision for life — and the world. This powerful energy will assist you in taking back the reigns of your life so that you are no longer simply waiting for something to happen but going out and creating it for yourself.
Aquarius' energy will be of benefit as Uranus stations will be direct on Thursday, January 30. Uranus is the great awakener and the divine catalyst of the zodiac. While you’ve been processing your desire for change and challenging your beliefs during this retrograde, you will be ready to jump into action as it stations direct. Use this to seize opportunities and embrace change. No momentous change is easy; however, you must trust your ability to create the life you want.
The week ends with an intuitive alignment between Venus and Neptune in Pisces on Friday, January 31. With Venus and Neptune in Pisces, your intuition will be heightened, but you will also have the use of your third eye. You won’t see things as they are but as they are meant to be. This can help give you the fortitude and optimism to make changes and take a chance on yourself and your dreams — as luck comes to those who take action.
Three zodiac signs have the luckiest week from January 27 - February 2, 2025:
1. Virgo
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Live your life with purpose, dear Virgo. You can tend to be rigid with yourself and your life plans; however, letting go allows the universe's magic to reveal itself. Focus on listening to your inner voice rather than subscribing to outdated ideals. By continuing to try to fit in and go along with the status quo, you not only miss divine opportunities but also attract greater challenges into your life.
Allow yourself to b one of the luckiest zodiac signs this week when you release what has been holding you back. Become your most authentic and wild self and refuse to be boxed into any stereotype simply because it makes others comfortable. You have a divine purpose in your life and are meant to experience amazing moments, but you must let go of trying to be anyone other than yourself.
Uranus will station direct in Taurus on Thursday, January 30, igniting your house of luck and helping you to become your most authentic self. This can help you challenge any previous obligations or ideals that have fostered that rigid approach to life.
Focus on what you want for yourself, whether it’s your purpose and career or the places you want to visit and spirituality. You may need to adapt to change; however, it will pay off as you become receptive to divine interventions.
Make the radical approach of simply being yourself so that you can attract the luck and abundant opportunities that are destined for you.
2. Gemini
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It’s up to you to decide what you want for your life, Gemini. You can often get so caught up in the everyday that you overlook the bigger dreams that you have for your life. There will always be distractions; however, you must allow yourself to look beyond them.
Understand that there is so much to life beyond just surviving it. You crave adventure and excitement yet can struggle to follow through on plans. This is your chance to be one of the luckiest zodiac signs; ground your vision so you can focus on making each of your dreams a reality. You may be drawn to a new beginning by feeling connected to your life. You can achieve it, but you must allow yourself to create boundaries with distractions to begin to thrive — and not just survive.
Mercury will shift into Aquarius on Monday, January 27, before the New Moon rises in this inspiring air sign on Wednesday, January 29. Aquarius rules over your house of luck and abundance and helps you to align yourself with what you most want. But unto itself, Aquarius is the visionary who can help you see beyond what is right in front of you to the dreams of your soul.
Set aside time to reflect on what you genuinely want to make of your life, and then focus on planning how to achieve it. Be open to shifting your perspective or adopting unconventional methods. You can see how many lucky opportunities surround you by allowing yourself to explore and go after what you want.
3. Cancer
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Your life is an epic story waiting to be written, sweet Cancer. You don’t need to doubt yourself any longer. Part of your being able to have greater confidence comes from recognizing that you don’t need to take on the emotions or struggles of others. You are highly empathetic and value the relationships in your life.
However, you need to prioritize your well-being and recognize that you deserve to feel good in this phase of your life — which means boundaries may be necessary. When you can do this, you allow yourself to be a lucky zodiac sign. Focus solely on your energy. Your dreams and intuition become clearer, and you feel a deeper connection to the spirit. This will be key for you as you will be asked to leap of faith and believe in your dreams to fulfill your destiny.
Venus and Neptune will unite in Pisces on Friday, January 31, bringing abundant and romantic energy into your life. Although this may benefit your romantic pursuits, it’s also a sign from the universe to create the life you love. Whether you’re single or not, you can adopt a romantic vision.
When you look for moments of magic, you can attract them. Drinking a warm cup of tea as the snow softly falls outside is a romantic moment, just as is watching the sunset with a heart full of gratitude. Start romanticizing every moment of your life to be surrounded by what inspires love.
This will allow you to prioritize yourself and your dreams and help you understand what you genuinely need to be happy. Abundance is found within the small moments, but also in realizing joy is the path for all you wish to create.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.