Relationships Improve For 5 Zodiac Signs The Week Of January 27 - February 2, 2025
There’s nothing that you wouldn’t do — for the right person.

The week of January 27, five zodiac signs will improve their relationships, based on the weekly astrology forecast. Beginning on Monday, January 27, we experience an infusion of liberating energy when Mercury shifts into the rebellious air sign, Aquarius. The desire to do things in new ways will intensify when the New Moon rises on Wednesday, January 29.
You can find great power when you are able to harness Aquarius's energy. So, this week, when it comes to your relationships, do what feels right, regardless of how that looks to others. Other people's opinions will matter less to you and your loved ones, and you're encouraged to follow your heart and take risks for love.
There is a greater sense of acceptance and open-mindedness for an entire week, which may help you to overcome your personality differences and help you see that there isn’t anything you wouldn’t do for love and for the right person.
We continue to feel capable of improving our relationships mid-week on Thursday, January 30. Uranus, the great awakener, stations direct in Taurus. Uranus’s time in Taurus is coming to an end later this year, so the events of this retrograde will have an impact on your interactions with others.
You are being urged to ensure nothing holds you back in your partnerships. The limitations of keeping up appearances or the status quo no longer deter you from pursuing what is meant for you. Give yourself time around Thursday to work or communicate with your partner, as Uranus direct may create shockwaves throughout other areas of your life. Trust in your ability to create your desired life, so you can also realize that you can do whatever it takes to make what you want happen.
On Friday, January 31, we end the week and the first month of the year with a dreamy union of Venus and Neptune in Pisces helping relationships improve. Venus conjunct Neptune can make the most strenuous relationship appear to have shifted overnight. Feelings of romance and bliss will surround you; just make sure you are grounding yourself in what is real to avoid future disappointments.
Enjoy the ease and return of love because oftentimes, you only need to see why you fell in love with that special person in the first place to have your relationship improved.
Relationships improve for five zodiac signs from January 27 to February 2, 2025:
1. Leo
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Your relationship will improve this week when you hold space for what's unconventional in love. Aquarius season activates your romance sector, which means that you can embrace its qualities within yourself when you work with another.
You often have to overcome choosing partners that look like the perfect person so that you can find someone that genuinely aligns with you. This also applies though to how to move through phases of transformation or challenges. There is no one right way to go about making a relationship work with a person that is special to you. This is the lesson of Aquarius: focus on what you want, be willing to think outside the box, and change your approach.
Mercury will shift into Aquarius on Monday, January 27 helping your relationship improve. You'll open up and have conversations of healing with your existing partner. With the infusion of Aquarian energy, you should be open to compromise as well as make sure your relationships genuinely align with your soul.
Don’t lock yourself into thinking that you must do anything specific, but instead, approach your partner as if you’ve just met them and go with the flow. See what makes them unique and why they've captured your heart in the first place. Seeing things in a new light can serve as inspiration for you to open up and share your feelings more, which you don’t always do.
If you’re single, this energy can help lighten any heaviness in your romantic life and allow you to have the conversations necessary to truly create the type of dynamic relationship you crave.
2. Libra
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To improve your relationship, seize the opportunity for a new beginning, sweet Libra. There was so much to figure out last year in your relationship that you may still be sorting through it all. You have made it through an incredible phase of transformation, and if you and your partner are still together, you can rest assured it is your destiny.
When you go through such an intense phase, you need to honor the process by choosing to have a new beginning. When couples go through periods of betrayal or reconnection in which they find themselves on whatever was challenging their relationship, drawing a line in the sand becomes necessary. Discuss everything first, but then be brave enough to put it all behind you so you can truly see your relationship for what it is and enjoy everything it brings into your life.
The New Moon in Aquarius on Wednesday, January 29, will allow you to see your relationship improve. You'll draw that line in the sand and have a new beginning in your relationship. While this energy will positively impact your relationship regardless of what you do, it’s also a wonderful time to plan a ritual with your partner.
Set aside time together, discuss anything from the previous chapter, and remember to be completely honest about your feelings. Reflect on questions you both have for one another and anything else that still needs to be figured out. Then, write down what you are releasing and let the past stay in the past. This can help open you up to greater love, as you are set to see your life take off in an exciting new direction once Jupiter stations direct on February 4.
3. Scorpio
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Are you ready to see how your relationship can improve this week? It’s time to put your growth into action, dearest Scorpio. You have been on a wild ride the last few years as Uranus moved through your house of relationships. This has tested certain connections and awakened you to what you genuinely desire and want from a relationship.
While karmic lessons have been a part of this, there is no reason they must continue. You’ve done so much reflection and self-work that now you are being guided to start putting it into action. Growth isn’t just determined by what you change within yourself and what you’re willing to change in your life.
Uranus will station direct in Taurus on Thursday, January 30 bringing about the need to embrace change and take action in your romantic life. This may also clear up any confusion you’ve felt or self-limiting beliefs. While you may be directed to leave behind a relationship to move into a new chapter, you may also find yourself changing how you approach your existing partner.
As much as you always want issues to be your partner's fault, the reality is that you bring as much to work through as they do. You aren’t perfect, but you also don’t need to be. Be willing to look into that mirror of truth and not shy away from what you may see, as it has the potential to change your entire life.
4. Sagittarius
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Focus on how to set yourself up for romantic success, and watch how this mindset can improve your relationships, Sagittarius. Although you are often concerned with financial success rather than romance, it doesn’t mean that you can still use your same determination in matters of the heart. You have been craving a deep and meaningful connection in your life.
Forming a powerful connection hasn’t been completely acted on yet, as you’re still working through some healing regarding past relationships. This relationship from the past was one that you genuinely thought would last forever or, at the very least, hoped it would. The connection you felt was unlike anything you ever had before. But the reality is that it ended, and regardless of whose fault it was, it has made you hesitant to open yourself to new love.
On Thursday, January 30, the Aquarius Sun will align harmoniously with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, helping to bring luck and happiness into your romantic life. This won’t only help if you’re single, but if you are in an existing relationship, you can embrace this energy as a time to enjoy your connection.
To make the most of this, you will be required to participate in honest conversations. Communication is the only way to go, whether with your current partner, someone new, or that ex you haven’t quite gotten over.
You are surrounded by luck, and with Mercury recently entering your house of communication, you are being supported in having any necessary conversations instead of waiting for someone to bring up a topic, surprise everyone and bring it up yourself.
5. Virgo
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Let yourself get carried away, beautiful Virgo. You tend to be so practical in matters of the heart that you don’t always allow yourself to embrace the most romantic parts of life. You benefit from an easy-going partner, as it asks you to let go of control and surrender to the love they want to give you.
Your romantic life has been going well lately, and your relationship will continue to improve. You are safe to let go if it feels like the hardest thing in the world. You don’t always need to plan something or safeguard your heart from future hurt. Letting your walls down and surrendering to this love in your life may feel difficult, but the reward will be well worth any risk you feel like taking.
On January 31, the beautiful union between Venus and Neptune in Pisces will challenge you to tear yourself away from time with your partner, and you will be counting the minutes until you return. There is nothing wrong with trying to be smart about love. However, you don’t want to miss out on the magic.
Try to be mindful of setting aside plenty of time for you and your partner to connect or consider planning a short winter getaway. Your main focus right now is your romantic life, and if by chance you are single right now, trust that won’t be for long. You are radiating love, Virgo, so let go of control to enjoy it.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.