The Universe Has An Important Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On December 22, 2024
Your life is on the universe's radar.

Moon trine Uranus on December 22 brings messages of blessings and good fortune from the universe to four zodiac signs. This is a day to kick back and simply be happy.
We will see that it's quite easy to be on the receiving end this time and that there is nothing to worry about. Doubt dissolves during Moon trine Uranus because Uranus' energy is all about change, uniqueness, and feeling good about oneself. So let the good times roll, and know that today, the blessings are about to flow.
Four zodiac signs receive blessings from the universe on December 22, 2024:
1. Cancer
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You might find that you are surprisingly creative during this time, and while that's not exactly a shock, it's a change of pace for you, as you've been feeling a tad overwhelmed by this 'end of the year' procedural.
What's great is that so much comes to you due to Moon trine Uranus' presence in your astrological chart. This transit brings clarity and the idea that change is possible. You feel creative and driven. It feels like a true blessing, that's for sure.
And you, being as smart as you are, Cancer, will take full advantage of the blessings given to you by the universe, and you will make something amazing out of this day. You aren't up for the noise or the negativity. Instead, you'll rule your day with a positive attitude and a desire to create beauty.
2. Leo
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If there's one thing we have to hand you, Leo, it's your constant, successful ability to change and reinvent yourself. You get bored easily, but that doesn't mean you sit and stew over it; you change. When you need newness, you create it, and during Moon trine Uranus, you can do this like a boss.
And so, during this Winter season, that new idea of yours only takes minutes before you can figure out how to make it real. You feel blessed by the universe, and truly, you are. The cosmos always helps the ones who help themselves.
By showing good faith, you receive good news. You are being supported by a universe that only wants you to achieve your best dreams. The universe delivers what you need to your doorstep, and you translate this as an energetic message filled with blessings.
3. Libra
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Universal blessings surround you, and you'll get the support you've needed from the people with whom you've wanted that support. What this implies is that today, you'll get approved.
For the longest time, you've wanted to be accepted by someone ... or something, as in a job situation. Your particular talent is recognized by the universe, and the people you want to notice do so. If this is personal, expect a big hug from someone you love as they show you they approve of and accept you.
This day could be monumental in terms of blessings, Libra, because you feel as though you've been 'blessing-deprived' for far too long, and it's not that you're ungrateful for what you do have ... it's that you only want your people to see you as you are, and today, they do just that.
4. Pisces
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Because you tend to spend a lot of time alone, you sometimes forget how joyous being with people in social situations can be. While the world is about rage and dissatisfaction, things work out quite well for you.
You'll see that the blessings come to you vis the universe, and this event brings you an unexpected but well-deserved social life filled with friends and family. Things are definitely on the up and up.
The beauty about being you, Pisces, is that you're a survivor, and if you end up alone, so be it, no biggie; you're OK no matter how or who you are with. On December 22, during Moon trine Uranus, you'll find that you are with those who match your wit and temperament. Happy days are here, indeed.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.