3 Zodiac Signs Will Overcome Their Hardships The Week Of September 16 - 22 After The Partial Lunar Eclipse
The partial lunar eclipse in Pisces may rip off our rose-colored glasses, but three zodiac signs will overcome any challenges the universe sends.

The Pisces lunar eclipse (which also happens to be a Supermoon) on September 17 is the major astrological event of the week. This eclipse may rip off the rose-colored glasses for some, bringing a stark view of reality front and center — but three zodiac signs find the strength to overcome any hardships the universe sends their way.
Eclipses have a long shelf life, and most of the time, whatever events the eclipse brings occur either before or after the eclipse's peak. The energy will continue to play out for at least a month, bringing surprises and unexpected events. It's common to have vivid dreams, psychic experiences, or feelings of déjà vu during this time, especially with the eclipse occurring in dreamy Pisces.
The types of hardships each zodiac sign may experience depend on the astrological energy of each day this week.
For example, from September 17-18, Mercury opposes Saturn, which makes us prone to fatigue and a certain amount of negativity or harsh words. At best, this can be used to seriously analyze something or get a lot of work done, if nothing else interferes. On September 19, the Sun’s trine to Uranus means it’s time to try something new or take a new direction — be open!
On September 20, the Sun’s opposition to Neptune may be confusing and tiring. Make sure you understand exactly what you what you are getting into in terms of contracts and agreements. By Saturday, Mercury squares Jupiter, which is generally positive and relaxing.
Some zodiac signs will fare better than others this week, with those most challenged being Virgo, Aries, and Gemini.
But these three zodiac signs overcome hardships the partial lunar eclipse in Pisces causes during the week of September 16 - 22, 2024:
1. Virgo
Photo: Adrian Mag | Design: YourTango
The lunar eclipse opposes your Sun, setting the stage for issues with others, particularly partners including friends and business partners. Are you really seeing things clearly, Virgo? If you haven’t, expect this week to be a wake-up call.
On September 18, the possibility exists that you may have harsh or otherwise discouraging words with someone close to you. With the eclipse energy so powerful, don’t say something you can’t take back. Luckily, September 19 looks a little better, and you may feel as though you are over much of the emotional drama, although you may feel somewhat wounded. Remember that the past is the past — don’t make it the present!
If you start feeling confused about a certain relationship, let the feeling pass before coming to any conclusions. Take off the rose-colored glasses you have been wearing, Virgo, and let the sunlight in!
2. Aries
Photo: Adrian Mag | Design: YourTango
The powerful lunar eclipse falls in your 12th house, sometimes known as ‘the house of troubles.’ The 12th house is associated with endings of some sort, and the eclipse here can bring up any issues that lie in your subconscious mind. Full Moons in the 12th house bring new revelations, which can often feel shocking.
On September 18, don't be surprised if you feel on edge about something rooted in your subconscious. The potential exists for this to turn into an argument or harsh words either toward or from someone else, especially at or concerning work. By evening, your mood intensifies and you look as though you are positively seething. This appears to be connected to the home or a family member.
Luckily, September 19 brings some improvement as long as you're able to let go instead of dwell. Hold out for the weekend, as things turn a corner on Saturday — but don’t be surprised if you are presented with a shock of sorts that centers around a financial matter.
This eclipse week will surely stir you up, so the best advice is to keep your feet on the ground and stay in control of what comes out of your mouth, Aries.
3. Gemini
Photo: Adrian Mag | Design: YourTango
The Pisces supermoon eclipse falls in your 10th house, Gemini, which concerns work and your reputation and priorities. The eclipse will square your Sun, which may lead to a very stressful day at work on September 18. Lay low at work this week and try not to spend too much time focusing on old hurts and emotional wounds, especially those concerning friends.
Things begin to turn around by Saturday, and by Sunday, you'll finally have some breathing room. If receive some unexpected news this week, remain positive as the hurt will not last. The sooner you put this behind you, the better.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.