Relationships Improve For 3 Zodiac Signs All Week From September 23 - 29, 2024
Share your heart.

Relationships going through difficult times have a chance to improve and heal the week of September 23 - 29, 2024. The Last Quarter Moon in Cancer will arrive on Tuesday, September 24, helping three zodiac signs release emotional hurt and feelings of neglect that may prevent emotional closeness.
This will be crucial once Mercury moves into Libra on Thursday, September 26. You will be directed to reflect more on the partnership components of your relationship and learn that the only way through a challenging time is together. Mercury in Libra helps you release the idea of there being a right or wrong and instead enables you to compromise more readily as you are more inclined to prioritize love rather than any past challenges.
While any drastic action should still be moderated until the next eclipse occurs on October 2, as long as you can talk through your feelings and share your heart, you may be able to have the reconciliation you desire on Sunday, September 29, once Mars in Gemini aligns with retrograde Saturn in Pisces.
This energy allows you to take action on what you most desire through continued effort, which means while improvements are in store for your relationship, this should only serve as the beginning of what you continue to invest energy into.
Five zodiac signs whose relationships improve during September 23 - 29, 2024.
1. Capricorn, Gabrielle Scarlett and D GraPX / Canva
Capricorn, no one can fault you for how you’ve been feeling, but you do need to take responsibility for your feelings. So much of what you’ve been contending with is because of past experiences, including fears about commitment. Rather than making you more mindful of your current relationship, it creates obstacles that don’t need to be there.
You are in an entirely new relationship, but your partner can only show that to you so much before it starts to feel like they are proving their love to you. To truly let this love be what it is meant to be, see your partner and all they bring to your life. This means it is time to let go of the fears and the remnants of past betrayals so that you can appreciate how amazing love can be when you give it your full heart.
The Last Quarter Moon in Cancer on Tuesday, September 24, will allow you to perform an emotional release, letting go of all that has been weighing you down and clouding your perspective of your current relationship.
While you will need to converse with your partner, you should also take some time beforehand to sort through your feelings about what is due to the current situation and what you’ve been carrying around for some time. Embrace love and your partner fully to see how right it has been.
2. Aries, Gabrielle Scarlett and D GraPX / Canva
Are you feeling tentative about a new love or how to take steps to reconnect with your partner? This week, reflect on how you feel about being in a relationship. This is a great time to work out some past issues that could make understanding your desires difficult.
Do you need time to heal your past? Before making any promises, focus on expressing yourself honestly, whether it’s your romantic feelings or needing more time. Honesty rarely destroys a romantic connection, but assumptions often do.
Once Mercury returns to Libra on Thursday, September 26, you will better be able to find the words you need to express yourself to your partner, and you will be able to do it in such a way that it fosters a return of hope and reconnection. Although speaking on how you genuinely feel is important at this time, you may also need to take accountability for what was still left undone.
Whether it was the time you had to devote to the connection or even lingering strings from a past connection you were trying to tie up, it’s not just a matter of love that needs to be expressed, but the process you have been entangled within.
Don’t assume your partner fully comprehends all that has been going on with you, even if they have been understanding. Instead, truly let them into your world and heart so that, moving forward, you can be confident you both are on the same page.
3. Virgo, Gabrielle Scarlett and D GraPX / Canva
You will be feeling on top of the world, dear Virgo, which will allow you to progress in your relationship and continue to build the life of your dreams. But there are a few things that you should be mindful of in the process, especially when it comes to the time you are devoting to your partner and your personal life.
With so much activity in your career, you may feel torn between working late, for instance, and being home on time to keep reservations with your partner for dinner. While you deserve the professional success you have been seeking, you must make sure you look at the situation with a lens of balance, instead of just one or the other. Have you approached your relationship with the same energy as you do in your career?
This would look like directing the relationship or feeling achievement if certain milestones were reached, such as an engagement or moving in together. Your partner needs to feel important to you, not for what they do or simply because they are always there, but because you value and need them in your life.
Mars in Gemini will align with retrograde Saturn in Pisces on Sunday, September 29, offering you a profound moment of reconciliation and reconnection if you choose to seize it. This energy will allow you to understand how your choices may have recently been out of balance, even if that wasn’t the truth of your heart, and how to work together in your relationship rather than just taking it all on yourself.
During this time, you must allow yourself to take action to show your partner what they mean to you; don’t take anything for granted or as if it's an assumption. Planning an afternoon or evening out can go a long way to re-establishing the connection you crave in your relationship, especially if it means putting your phone on silent mode and giving them your full attention.
4. Sagittarius, Gabrielle Scarlett and D GraPX / Canva
Although you may have almost lost hope of a certain dream coming true, Sagittarius, this week arrives to remind you that nothing is ever lost which is meant for you. You have been increasingly focusing on long-term commitment in your relationship, whether marriage or even purchasing a home together. Still, it seems you’ve become disheartened because events haven’t been progressing as you had hoped.
Recent challenges have surfaced to help you realize just how much you want what you have been working for and that you’ve made the choices you have not out of obligation or responsibility but because you genuinely feel it in your heart.
You want a life with the person you love, and you may even have decided that you want a home of your own and family. As much as this may have surprised your past self, this is what happens when you embark on the path of growth. Allow yourself to take this time to recharge, and to have faith that you are on the right track to making your romantic and life dreams finally come true.
On Sunday, September 29, Mars in Gemini will harmoniously align with retrograde Saturn in Pisces creating a strong bond and action between your home life and romantic relationship. This may also serve to be that turning point with the recent challenges you’ve been going through, and so moving in together, or even purchasing a home may finally happen around this time.
The energy of Mars and Saturn is even more crucial to your journey because it helps you realize that you can never give up or get lazy when it comes to love. Instead, you must remain consistent, because this is what fosters a long-term healthy connection and allows you to continue to feel fulfilled by this relationship.
While aspects of commitment, and living together are favored around this time, you may also want to sit down and make a plan with your partner for what you hope to achieve together. This won’t only help to improve your connection but will also remind you why life really is so much better with a true partner.
5. Gemini, Gabrielle Scarlett and D GraPX / Canva
Just because certain matters don’t go according to plan, Gemini, doesn’t mean it’s a negative. It seems you’ve become quite certain on what you’re looking for, and even how a particular relationship will continue to progress. While this certainty has allowed you to become more focused and committed, it doesn’t mean that it was meant to continue on that path.
Holding space for the unexpected, especially in a healthy relationship, is important as it allows you to also surrender to the divine plan instead of sticking rigidly to any plans you have made. This arises most often in terms of commitment, or even how you had planned to structure you, and your partner’s lives together.
You might have thought that you would never want to get married, or even that having separate residences was something that allowed you more freedom. But all of that may soon be changing. You may have felt that your partner was more distant recently, and even worried that it was because the end was coming, but as it turns out, it really is just part of a new beginning.
Mars will shift into Libra on Thursday, September 26 and will be responsible for bringing about declarations of love, romantic offers and even a proposal. While it may serve as unexpected, you also need to truly show up for this time in your life and weigh any decisions carefully before making one.
Your partner cares for you deeply and does want a life with you, even if you have felt that they’ve been more distracted recently. It was only because they’ve been thinking about how they want more, and while this does change the original relationship agreements that were made, it is also about love and continuing to grow in unexpected ways.
You should only make decisions that you truly resonate with, however, you may want to let your heart lead you on this particular one. You may find yourself wanting certain aspects of commitment that you had never thought you would. It can be an amazing turn of events when your plans don’t come to fruition, because it means that you are letting go of the past and standing ready to welcome in it the beautiful surprise of a future you have only secretly dreamed of.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.