The Universe Has A Specific Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On September 29, 2024
The old must make way for the new.

As the month winds down, the universe has a specific message for four zodiac signs by way of a Virgo Moon on September 29.
Because we've got a Virgo Moon, we feel rather receptive to the environment around us, so it is quite easy for four zodiac signs to pick up on what's going on out there. And what's going on 'out there' will eventually be what's going on in our minds.
We might want to know certain things for sure. As we wrap the month up, we don't want any loose ends or incomplete conversations and projects. The old must make way for the new, and we must work on making space for all that. The message of the day has much to do with clutter...and decluttering.
The universe has a specific message for four zodiac signs on September 29, 2024
1. Cancer
mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro
On September 29, you'll find it's time to wrap it all up and move on. You've had a busy September and that's good, but you don't want to start anew in October without completing what you began.
During the Virgo Moon, you'll feel as though you have an itch to scratch, which you'll get around to during the day. You'll spend time going over what needs a final touch and you'll make that happen. Whenever we have a Virgo Moon, we want to clean things up, and you'll take care of whatever it is that needs a last look.
It's all good, Cancer, and it will all feel right. This is how the universe appeals to you and shows you that it's best to leave no stone unturned.
2. Virgo
mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro
If there's one thing you don't want at this point in the year, it's anything resembling a loose end as you've got a vested interest in making sure everything you've started comes to its completion. On September 29, you'll see very clearly what needs to be done, and you'll make it your business to finish it off.
All of this brings about a sense of accomplishment and relief. But then again, during the Virgo Moon, it's hard for you to deny your Virgo nature. You have started a few projects this last month, and you don't want to enter October thinking that you're dragging these obligations with you. You are one with the universal message at this time.
You can focus your energy on seeing things through to their completion, and this makes you feel satisfied. Wrapping things up has a calming effect on you, Virgo, and in a way, this is what translates as victory in your Virgo world.
3. Libra
mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro
If the universe is trying to reach you via message and signs, then the one thing you'll pick up on during the Virgo Moon on September 29 is that things are starting to make total sense to you. This is very typical of a Virgo lunation.
You'll notice that you only have a tiny bit more to do before you can feel successful about your actions in September. You want to shut the month down properly, without regrets. To do so, you have to make a few last efforts.
There's a conversation you need to have with someone in your life, Libra. If you can approach this conversation with kindness and love in your heart, there is no doubt you'll feel complete and at ease with the situation. You know that you've been putting this off, but why wait another day? With the Virgo Moon on your side, you can take care of it all, successfully, on this day. This is the universe's message to you.
4. Capricorn
mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro
You're excited about ending the month of September, mainly because you feel you want to start getting your ideas together for October. To get a move on those ideas, you need to free yourself up from all your obligations. That's why you get into completing a few tasks on this day, September 29, 2024.
During the Virgo Moon, you'll feel very exacting in your focus. You know that you can't move forward until certain aspects of your life are in order, so you put so much of your attention on completing the tasks you couldn't get around to over the last month.
It's the Virgo Moon that lets you know that you won't feel satisfied until you 'just do it' for real. There's no procrastinating right now. You know you have to do the deed or you'll feel incomplete and foolish for not attempting to finish the work. That's OK, Capricorn, because you will do all the work you need to do on this day. The universe will be pleased.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.