Transformation Awaits These 3 Zodiac Signs On September 25, 2024
Life is for living — Let the transformation begin!

"It's about time" is one of the things we may find ourselves saying on September 25, 2024. The Moon trine Saturn will help us get there, and what awaits three zodiac signs is transformation. The universe gives them a chance to take a deep look into what has always held us back. We recognize the dire need for transformation, yet we've been stuck.
So, what makes this day any different, then? Why do we suddenly take it seriously? We take it seriously because transits like Moon trine Saturn tend to rub truth in our faces, and what that means is that we can no longer kid ourselves about the rut we've built for ourselves; this thing has to end.
And it's a positive thing, for sure. The Moon trine Saturn shows us that the rut we've built is purely defensive. It's only there to make us believe we can set personal boundaries that protect ourselves from experience. We believe experience leads to heartbreak, so we remove ourselves before it can happen. Yet, we know that this life is for living and that we must find a way out of the rut. Let the transformation begin!
Transformation awaits these three zodiac signs on September 25, 2024.
1. Cancer
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It's been a while now, but you've been working on a way to transform yourself, yet you haven't figured out exactly how that works just yet. It's all good because on September 25, you find a workable plan, and with the power of Moon trine Saturn behind you, you find a way in.
This day has a transformative vibe, and you, Cancer, will not be able to say no to that vibe. You are the one who wanted that vibe to come into your world, in fact, and so you'll strike while the iron is hot and do what you need to do to transform yourself.
The transit, Moon trine Saturn is very good at showing us what we could have if we DON'T act now, meaning this is a great time to understand that regret is not part of the plan. Transformation is all of the plan and you, Cancer, must heed that call. It's on, and the cosmic forces are at play.
2. Virgo
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What feels good about this Wednesday, September 25 is that what you've started is now beginning to show results. This could be a diet or an exercise routine, or it might result from a communication you started up a while back. All things seem to be falling into place at this time.
During Moon trine Saturn, you'll remember where you came from, and while that gives you strength, you've learned the hard way that the past may offer insight but that...this is not the past. You are living in the present, in the now, and now demands transformation.
Finally, you get it, and it feels good. This feeling of finality encourages you on this day; it's as if all the puzzle pieces suddenly fit into place, and you get it. You now know how to transform yourself and because of Moon trine Saturn, you aren't turning back. It's transformation time, Virgo, and you are ahead of the pack.
3. Capricorn
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With Moon trine Saturn as your guiding light on September 25, you'll find that what you're looking at is a choice; will you go back in time and do what you used to do, or will you believe in your present self enough to transform into the person you wish to be?
While that sounds heavy enough, it won't be all that weighty; what's going on is that you're in the process of shedding skins. Much like a snake, you are sloughing off all that you feel is dead in you so that you can make room for new life. You are going through metamorphosis, Capricorn, and it's a wonder to behold.
Once you put your mind to it, you go all the way. Now that you've come to trust in this transformation, you'll see it through to the end, knowing that you've finally taken yourself on a journey where the ending is a happy and healthy one. You are doing everything right, and we are happy for you.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.