Healing Energy Surrounds 3 Zodiac Signs On August 20, 2024
On this day, we feel enveloped by love and supportive, healing energy.

Whenever we have a cosmic influence like Moon square Jupiter, we know that we're on our way towards a healing of sorts, and three zodiac signs will come to know this as truth. What we can learn from astrology on this date is that whenever we have a squared transit, we're looking at overcoming something, and with Jupiter as the result, it's a good thing, indeed.
The circumstance that creates such a transit has a purpose; Moon square Jupiter exists in our lives to bring us through the rough times and into the gentler experience. We are surrounded by healing energy during this time, and for three zodiac signs, this could be the day we finally feel really good about everything.
What we'll notice taking place this Tuesday is a feeling of relief. We've come so far, and we've worked so hard to get to this place, and now that we're finally here and feel healed, there's a rush of relief that comes along with it. Can we relax now? Perhaps we can finally do so. Moon square Jupiter supports this kind of positive thinking.
Healing energy surrounds three zodiac signs on August 20, 2024.
1. Aries
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Only you know how hard it's been over the last few months, and while you always put on a brave face, you feel as though you're going to crumble sometimes. You might not even know what it is that you need to get past this phase, but one thing is for sure, you're on your way towards relief.
You take this kind of healing energy very seriously. What you'll notice happening during the transit of Moon square Jupiter is that you aren't letting the happy moments slip by; in fact, you're starting to see that the more you believe in them, the better your life becomes.
What you know is that something in the air makes you feel better and more hopeful about your life. You are starting to see that the trials and tribulations you've gone through are now ending, and this inspires and heals you.
2. Taurus
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
You've been building up this healing energy for a while now, but you feel as if things are starting to work out. You've got the transit of Moon square Jupiter above you, and what it's doing to help you along is putting your mind at ease; you can trust things again.
You aren't as jaded as you were only a month ago. It's as if something in your life has finally released its grip on you and your psyche, and you don't feel as compelled to overthink things as you've been doing. What feels like healing energy truly does act as such, and honestly, you feel healed on this day.
This feeling encourages you and makes you feel as though it's safe now to dream again. You've put your dreams aside simply because you didn't feel as though you were in a safe enough space, but now, with Moon square Jupiter, you feel as though everything around you is warm and welcoming.
3. Gemini
Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro
Ah, this is how it is, meaning you get to have great days, too. Just as soon as you thought the entire world was against you, you come into some good fortune, and on August 20, that fortune looks like an opportunity and someone who believes in you and your talent.
This is kind of what you've required: someone who believes in you. While you don't necessarily want to give another person that much power, the truth is, you need this kind of support to feel healed, and the healing energy surrounds you completely on this day, Gemini.
You can become dramatic and dark at times, but the reality behind you, Gemini, is that you're just like a little kid at times: you want to be loved. You'll feel enveloped on Wednesday by love and supportive, healing energy.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.