3 Zodiac Signs That Overcome Their Relationship Challenges During The Week Of August 19 - 25, 2024
Don’t sabotage the love that is meant for you.

The week of August 19 to 25 begins with Venus in Virgo opposite retrograde Saturn in Pisces. Venus in Virgo is already creating a tough relationship time as it often brings a perfectionist or codependent energy to romance. You may not be seeing matters clearly. Instead of talking through what comes up, you might push your partner away out of resistance to growth.
As the Leo Sun squares off with Uranus on Tuesday, August 20, you may choose to act in ways that aren’t aligned with the love you want. This may intensify the risk of self-sabotage, especially as Venus will be at odds with Mars in Gemini on Wednesday, August 21, a transit that not only could push you further apart from your partner — but also closer to someone else that would only end up hurting you in the ways you have been hurt in the past.
You can make a choice, though, and if uncertainty or confusion still plagues you, remember sometimes it’s better not to do anything than sabotage the love you genuinely want.
Three zodiac signs that overcome relationship challenges from August 19 - 25, 2024
1. Virgo
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No matter how confident you are that you’re seeing matters clearly, Virgo, it is likely that you are not. Venus in Virgo can help you love yourself and make decisions more authentically, but it does tend to create one-sidedness in your relationship.
At this time, you are more focused on what you want and need, which isn’t necessarily beneficial for your relationship, especially with the current focus on learning to work together more cohesively. As calm as you usually tend to be, even if you internalize a great deal, watch for sudden or erratic behavior, especially if it involves ghosting, distancing or even ending a relationship.
There may be a major wake-up call coming in which you realize you may need to take more responsibility for the state of your relationship. So, when that occurs, it’s better to just sit with it than make any sudden decisions you may later regret. On Monday, August 19, Venus in Virgo will oppose retrograde Saturn in Pisces, bringing in the possibility that you may try to run away from this problem rather than staying and working through it.
You should love yourself and prioritize your needs. However, in a relationship, it has to be less about who is right and more about finding a solution both people can live with. As much as this phase of wake-up calls and realizations may not be comfortable, it’s better to simply sit with it and try to absorb what the purpose is rather than just escape. If growth is chosen, then you may be able to finally create that healthy relationship you’ve longed for.
2. Scorpio
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It seems that there are a great deal of contradictions at play in your life right now, Scorpio. As much as you want change, you also are resisting it. It almost seems as if you are willing to embrace certain aspects of transformation as long as it is exactly as you want or have pictured.
Unfortunately, that isn’t how change works, especially as it seems you are still letting certain obligations hold you back from living life on your terms. At a certain point, you have to decide to surrender and trust the process, which also means letting go of control of how it all plays out.
On Tuesday, August 20, the Sun in Leo will square off with Uranus in Taurus creating a resistance to growth, change, and moving ahead in your life. You want what you want and aren’t making enough space for the universe to reveal a better option.
This may be especially in the context of feeling seen and valued in your romantic life, as well as the personal aspirations that you have for yourself. You can’t hang on to one facet of your life and set an intention for change in another.
The only way to truly make the progress you’re hoping for is to let it all go, get comfortable with the unknown, and realize you don’t need anything from your past in the new life you are dreaming of. Instead of thinking that it’s impossible or that you can’t do it, try holding space for what arises, and if changes do present themselves, try to receive them, knowing this is the path you are meant to take.
3. Sagittarius
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It seems that when you decide what you really want, Sagittarius, the universe tests you. You are in an incredibly beneficial period for romantic relationships, commitments, and even feeling that you’ve accomplished many of your life goals. However, with any wonderful opportunity for an upgrade always comes a divine test from the universe to see if you are ready for all you desire.
Mars is going through Gemini, ruler of your romantic sector. And while there is a great deal of motivation, you may be tested by another relationship possibility. Because a new connection initially seems great, don’t disillusion yourself. At a certain point, any new prospect will be asking for what your current partner is, especially in terms of consistency and commitment. So, you can’t escape this divine test and phase of growth with a new person because you will only end up exactly where you are now.
Venus in Virgo will square off with Mars in Gemini on Wednesday, August 21, creating a breaking point in your current romantic process and testing your dreams of commitment. You may feel that this new person in your life seems like they are everything you want, but how they look at you and make you feel will be the deciding factor.
But this feeling of validation isn’t necessarily the same as your current relationship simply because there is no history there. There are no disagreements, betrayals, or even heartbreak with a new lover, so it seems shiny and new, yet everything happens initially. How you treat it or someone once you have them makes the difference.
While you may be pulled into a new romantic direction, don’t go into it with any illusion that you won’t have to still grow and heal what has previously come up in this area of your life. You can either keep chasing the next best thing, or you can work to improve the relationship you already have – but you can’t do both.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.