3 Zodiac Signs Find True Love On August 12, 2024
We may want to put that love to the test.

There's nothing like true love, but is there such a thing? On August 12, we're certainly going to find out, and not only that, but for three zodiac signs, the chances of finding our true love are great. Astrology tells us that we've got a Half Moon above us, leading the way.
What this lunar transit is going to show us is that the love we want is right in front of us. Will we take it, or will we leave it?
That's right. Nothing is easy, but that doesn't mean it isn't good or that it isn't here to teach us everything we need to know — especially about love. We may want to put that love to the test. We may not trust what is so apparently a good thing. We do it because we haven't quite decided whether this is the right person for us or not.
So, Monday, August 12, presents us with a conundrum. We will find our true love, but it will take us a while to adjust to the idea that we actually have such good fortune as we may not expect it to last. That one, my friends, is something three zodiac signs will just have to find out on our own.
Cancer, Libra and Aquarius may find their true love on August 12, 2024.
1. Cancer
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What's interesting about this day is that for you, Cancer, the love you think you want is the love you definitely should go for. In other words, this day allays your fears and sets aside your romantic doubts. This is a day for true love to make an appearance.
Half Moon energy is what has us making up our minds on topics that drive us up a wall with confusion. We need to be very grateful for this Half Moon transit, as this will be the day that you either make it or break it when it comes to the person you are in love with. However, things are looking on the positive side, so we might guess at 'make it.'
You're in good shape, too, as you feel mentally and emotionally prepared to accept true love into your life. Who knew? Certainly not you. You were ready to accept 'mediocre' love at one point, so why not say 'yes' to true love, which seems to be ever-present today?
2. Libra
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You may find that the expression 'true love' makes you laugh, as you find it hard to accept, but so much of your cynicism comes from the fact that you've been hurt by love before, so you are not all that keen on making yourself vulnerable by believing is such a thing as true love.
That is, until it happens, as it very well might on August 12. You've got this Half Moon up in the sky, and it's pushing to toast things from a positive perspective. You love the feeling of being positive, but you hold back on that, too, to protect yourself.
Then it hits you that if you keep on protecting yourself like this, you'll have no life, and you want a life. You want a life full of love, vulnerability, and, most of all, trust. When true love pays a visit to you this Monday, you won't be able to deny its existence. Now, this is different!
3. Aquarius
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If you thought you could escape true love, Aquarius, then guess again. On August 12, you will run right into it, and guess what? You're going to know it and love it. There's no turning away now. The energy that beams off the Half Moon shows you that, yes, you can have hope.
And ... yes, true love does exist, as it has swept you off your feet. You didn't think this could happen to you, as you like to think of yourself as reserved and well-balanced. Ah, if only love could respect such things as balance. Alas, it does not, which is why we fall so hard when we do, as you will today.
True love exists, and if you're smart and lucky, you'll make the best of it. There are definitely ways to do so. First and foremost, you want to speak the truth to this person and extract the truth from them in return. If this is to go all the way, as you both want it to, then make sure you start with honest intentions. That's what makes the love 'true.'
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.