4 Zodiac Signs Are Likely To Receive Unexpected Fortune On July 1, 2024

Welcome to the first day of July!

Zodiac Signs Experience Unexpected Fortune On July 1, 2024 Hiki App via Unsplash / sierra.pearls, Chikovnaya | Canva

Welcome to the first day of July and the unexpected fortune that comes with it. For four zodiac signs, our astrological charts tell us that the Moon, which conjuncts Mars, also aligns with the Sun, Venus, and Saturn. This brings us a turn of events, a positive and uplifting 'surprise.'

We may hear some very good news on this day. There's a good chance that with all of these planets lined up so neatly, those of us who experience this sudden and unexpected good fortune will find that it is both love-related and possibly financially beneficial. All good news here.


Four zodiac signs receive fortune on Monday, July 1 and all will definitely be well in our worlds.

1. Gemini

Gemini Zodiac Signs Experience Unexpected Fortune On July 1, 2024 Aleksse | Canva Pro

You are working with the force of Saturn and Mars on this day, July 1, 2024, and Gemini, consider yourself among the lucky ones as this day and its transits really come to your rescue. This is the kind of situation where you need money, and suddenly it comes through. You may have worried yourself into a state of depression, but hang tight, as this day is about to flip it all on its side.


You're not only going to receive good news, but that good news will alleviate many of your worries. Once you start thinking clearly again, miracles start taking place. All you really need is a clear mind without anxious thoughts, and after this Monday, you'll be free and clear.

Your unexpected fortune is semi-expected only because you've literally put in the hard work to get where you are on this day. However, you let your worry take over, and that set you back a spell. It's all OK now, as this Moon-Mars conjunction really saves the day and is just in time. Gratitude abides, Gemini!

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2. Leo

Leo Zodiac Signs Experience Unexpected Fortune On July 1, 2024 Aleksse | Canva Pro


July 1 opens the gates to good fortune for you, and the way you're going to hear about it is through an unexpected source. Still, the good news is good news, no matter how it gets to you. Because you've got a Sun-Moon alignment smiling down on you, this unexpected turn of events can't help but bring joy and happiness.

Solar energy helps you think and clears away the cobwebs that clouded your mind. This is part of what paves the way for you to be there for this sudden and most fortunate event to take place. Because you are ready, you are receptive, and your participation in this is crucial. Your attitude is receptive, and so you receive.

The universe sees you, Leo, and it knows that this is the right time to come to your aid, as it shows you that you are on the right track and that everything in your life will work out. So, stick with that positive thinking and continue to manifest life as you wish it to be. Apparently, you've got some pretty powerful friends 'up there.'

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3. Sagittarius

Sagittarius Zodiac Signs Experience Unexpected Fortune On July 1, 2024 Aleksse | Canva Pro

On your side this Monday are the celestial bodies of the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Saturn, and all are working hard in alignment with each other to make your life a better place to live. What you'll see taking place at this time is a sudden change of events. You may not be expecting this kind of change, but it may alter the way you think from now on.

What you aren't aware of is that by altering the path you've been on, you are being directed toward something entirely new and much, much better than anything you could have expected. You are not someone who craves surprise as you like your organization and predictability. The universe has a major change in mind for you, and it's going to work out so much better than you could imagine.


What you'll get to do is flow with it, Sagittarius, as you do. It may all look like a strange new country to you, but you're an explorer and an adventurer. So trying something new is what will lead you to more and more good fortune. When you trust the universe, you end up winning big. Victory is yours, Sagittarius!

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4. Pisces

Pisces Zodiac Signs Experience Unexpected Fortune On July 1, 2024 Aleksse | Canva Pro


Well, that's a sweet turn of events! That's what you'll be saying by the end of this day, July 1, as you really had no idea you were in for such good fortune. This unexpected twist has you smiling and feeling very happy that you have somehow been 'chosen' to be the receiver of such great news.

Because there is much Venus energy in your life, you'll more than likely find out this great news has something to do with your love life. This could be the day your partner tells you something you've wanted to hear or that you will make plans to do something that takes you to a place where you've always wanted to go.

Mars powers the Venus transit in such a way that 'good news' is inevitable for your zodiac sign, Pisces. It's not just good news. It's a great fortune, and even though it comes as a shock, it's most definitely something you can handle and handle well. This is a great day for you, Pisces, and much joy and happiness to you and yours!


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
